Jenna Petronglo

Graduate Student
Molecular Pathology & Immunology Graduate Program
Cassat Lab
1035 Light Hall
2215-B Garland Ave
(615) 936-8476

Originally from New Jersey, I moved to NYC to attend Fordham University to pursue a degree in Biological Sciences. At Fordham,  studied the ecology of the black-legged tick, the major vector of Lyme disease. After graduating with a B.S. in 2014, I worked as a research technician at The Albert Einstein College of Medicine in a lab that studies neurodegenerative diseases. In 2017, I joined the IGP and the Cassat Lab in 2018. 

Research Information

My project focuses on how osteoclasts, specialized skeletal cells that resorb bone, contribute to bone destruction in inflammatory diseases. I am specifically interested in how this process occurs in response to staph infection in the bone. 

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