David W. Haas, M.D.

Professor of Medicine
Professor of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Professor of Pharmacology
Vanderbilt Health - One Hundred Oaks
Suite 47183
719 Thompson Lane
(615) 936-2642

AIDS, HIV, pharmacogenomics, tuberculosis

Dr. Haas provides clinical expertise, a strong NIH-funded clinical trials background, and a long history at Vanderbilt.He serves as Associate CFAR Director at Vanderbilt, as well as the Director of the Clinical Sciences Core. He is directly involved in the administration of the Tennessee CFAR at Vanderbilt, as well as in the Nashville HIV/AIDS provider community. He has developed many important collaborations, particularly in areas of genomics and pharmacology. His enthusiasm and energy has already drawn many new investigators into HIV research. He has aso established connections between our campuses. He continues to foster interactions with colleagues at other academic institutions. He is directly involved in all Executive Committee and Advisory Board activities and helps monitor Scientific Working Group progress and oversees all Clinical Sciences Core activities.

Research Information

David Haas is an accomplished HIV clinical trialist and leader in human pharmacogenomic research relevant to HIV infection and its therapy. He has led the design and implementation of dozens of HIV clinical trials since 1994, both single site studies and multicenter projects. He established and has led the AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) Clinical Research Site at Vanderbilt since its inception. He previously chaired the Pharmacology Committee for the AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG), has led the ACTG's pharmacogenomics program since 2000, and in 2011 was elected to serve on the ACTG Executive Committee. He oversaw the establishment of the ACTG Human DNA Repository, and is now extending DNA banking to non-US ACTG sites in resource-limited countries in worldwide. His work with the ACTG led to the seminal observation that a frequent CYP2B6 polymorphism predicts delayed clearance of efavirenz, which largely explains increased plasma exposure among individuals of African descent, and may help predict CNS side effects and virologic response. He is PI of a substantial, collaborative, multidisciplinary R01 entitled "Pharmacogenomics of HIV Therapy." He is highly engaged in collaborative, multidisciplinary research with an emphasis on the importance of human genomics for antiretroviral disposition, efficacy, and toxicity. This is complemented on his extensive work on designing and implementing prospective clinical trials.

Publications on PubMed.gov