Find Funding: Resources for Postdocs and Students
A quick list of major sources of funding for fellows and students.
See also Office of Biomedical Research Education & Training (BRET)
The BRET office the primary resource at Vanderbilt for student and postdoc information. Check out the funding section for students and postdocs on the BRET office website. Information is availble for training grant support, internal funding, and grant writing help. BRET FUNDING
Also, check out the Office of Career Development page at BRET for job hunting advice, career counceling, and more. Career Development
Guidelines for Postdocs Submitting grants: General information regarding institutional policy and procedures. (Courtesy of Vanderbilt University)
American Cancer Society (ASC)
See the section for "Mentored Research Grants" and "International Fellowships" for information on fellowships and research funding opportunities for beginning researchers. Click here for the ASC Grant Types link for more information.
Link to proposalCENTRAL log-in: proposalCENTRAL
ASC grants are submitted to the organization through proposalCentral, pending Vanderbilt University approval. Please contact Karin Sack, 343-4880, or Alethea Kelly, 322-5217, if you are interested in applying.
American Heart Association Fellowships (AHA)
Link to the Early Career website, click here: Early Career
Link to fellowship and student funding opportunites are available here.
For application instructions for fellowships: Supporting Information
Page includes information on AHA Scholarships, AHA Mentoring Programs and Early Career Development Opportunities.
Link to Grant@Heart log-in: AHA Grant@Heart
AHA grants are submitted to the organization through Grant@Heart, pending Vanderbilt University approval. Please contact Karin Sack, 343-4880, or Alethea Kelly, 322-5217, if you are interested in applying.
National Institute of Health (NIH) Fellowships
This section provides information to assist with the submission of fellowship grant projects and the annual progress reports. You will find instructions, check lists and other electronic submissson information associated with these grants.
Grant Submissions
• Application Instructions for F30, F31 and F32, SF424 (R&R) Individual Fellowship Application Guide for NIH and AHRQ (December 29, 2017 version), click here for pdf.
Checklist F32
• Link to Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Individual Fellowship Application forms and instructions, click here.
• Checklist for (SF424 Application guide, November 25, 2014): For NIH Fellowships F30-F32
• Fellowship Biosketch instructions: blank form page for NIH Fellowship Biosketch
Instructions and Sample for Predoctoral Biosketches - Predoctoral Biosketch
Instructions and Sample for Postdoctoral Biosketches - Postdoctoral Biosketch
• PMI Contacts for processing fellowship applications: Karin Sack, 343-4880, and Alethea Kelly, 322-5217,
RPPR Progress Reports for Fellowships (NIH)
As of July 1, 2013, NIH requires that progress reports for fellowships be submitted through RPPR via ERACommons. Below are items and information you will need to complete your progress report.
Required Text: The document provided indicates which questions in the RPPR report require full text answers. PDF to required text
NCBI Accounts: Please make sure you have a NCBI account set up. You will need to be able to link your publications into the RPPR report through NCBI.
- PMI Contacts for processing fellowship applications:
- Karin Sack, 343-4880,
- Alethea Kelly: 322-5217,
Resources for Grant Writing Tips
BRET Office
Some good grant writing tools are located on on the BRET office's main funding page. Scroll down to the "Vanderbilt Resources for Writing Your Grant," "NIH Resources for Writing Your Grant" and "Other Resources for Writing Your Grant" toward the bottom of the page. Click here for more.
The Clinical and Translational Scientist Development website provides links to a variety of internal and external resources to help you write your proposal, including writing guides, tips and more.
Click here to enter the Edge for Scholars page.
Office of Research offers a wide variety of grant ready-text for shared resources and research centers.
Office of Research also dedicates a page for grant writing tools. Check it out here. This page includes login to a variety of grant ready-text for shared resources and research centers.
Log in to StarBrite and you'll find pre-submission resources, grant ready text and links to other writing resources. Click here for StarBrite's login.
Check out NIH's powerpoint, "Grant Writing for Success."
Grant Writing tips for new investigators from NIH's office of Extramural research website: NIH Grant Tips.
Other tips in creating an NIH proposal can be found here: Write your Application.

NIH Grant Tutorials from the U.S. National Library of Medicine: NIH Grant Tutorials