5 Ways to Boost Your Immune System

Our immune system serves as the first line of defense from illness and infections, an especially important concern in the age of novel coronaviruses such as COVID-19. Fortunately, there are ways we can strengthen its ability to fight off invaders. Here are five ways to begin bolstering immunity:

  1. Prioritize sleep. Sleep plays a critical role in the development of a strong immune system. While there are many benefits of a good night’s sleep, one main reason is that solid sleep provides your body a period of undisturbed rest. Breathing and muscle reactions slow down, freeing up energy for the immune system to perform critical tasks, such as reinforcing its ability to remember how to recognize and react to dangerous antigens. Studies have also shown that getting a sufficient amount of sleep (around 7-8 hours for an adult) improves the efficacy of vaccines. If sleeping is something you struggle with, explore ways you can improve your “sleep hygiene.”
  1. Seek out Vitamin D. Vitamin D is one of the best immune system-strengthening nutrients that can lessen the risks of catching colds and flu. Getting natural Vitamin D (the best kind, from the sun) will help support your mood, cardiovascular system and overall bone health.
  1. Eat a healthy diet. By consuming nutrient-rich foods, full of fruits and vegetables, we are priming our bodies to better fight any infections or illnesses that infiltrate our immune system.  MySouthernHealth offers healthy recipes to help keep your meals interesting while also steering you away from the convenient temptation of junk food.
  1. Get active. Regular physical exercise gives your body a distinct advantage in fighting off any infections or viruses. Experts suggest that 30 minutes of moderate exercise five times a week should be your starting goal. Need some inspiration? VUMC’s Health and Wellness team have compiled a list of online workouts that you can do from anywhere.
  1. Don’t let stress take over. It’s important to find ways to manage your stress wisely. Whether that’s completing an at-home workout, taking the time for some much-needed self-care or getting outside and staying active,reducing and coping better with ongoing stress is an important strategy for supporting your immune system.  
Regular physical exercise gives your body a distinct advantage in fighting off any infections or viruses.