Making Your Health & Fitness Comeback Plan

It’s not uncommon to find yourself in a rut when it comes to health and fitness. Health goals can ebb and flow depending on life situations, and the pandemic has certainly compounded feelings of uncertainty and inconsistency. But when you’re ready to get in a new health groove, the best place to start is with a comeback plan.

Consider these tips shared by a lifestyle coach in the VUMC June/July issue of Health & Wellness Connection newsletter:

  • Learn from the lapse. Acknowledge the reasons for the slip-ups and identify the old behaviors you reverted to. This will help you plan better for the next time you find yourself in a similar situation.
  • Resist negative thinking. When it comes to healthy eating and exercise, some days, weeks and months will be worse than others. Don’t let the inevitable dips get you down for long. You are not a failure; you are human.
  • Don’t put it off until tomorrow. It’s easy to say, “I’ll start again on Monday.” But why wait? Get back on track at the very next opportunity.
  • Remember this is a lifelong journey. Be kind to yourself and focus on the positive changes you have already made. A short lapse won’t erase all your progress.

A VUMC lifestyle coach can help you find the answers to questions such as “What high-risk situations tend to get me off track?” or “What two steps can I take immediately after a lapse?” To get started, complete the registration form here.