Message From David Posch: Starting Off Strong in 2021

The New Year is upon us, and there are signs of hope and progress all around. We know 2021 will still have its challenges, but the COVID-19 vaccines are bringing hope when it is sorely needed. It's been a year since VUMC researchers began their round-the-clock work to understand SARS-CoV-2 and develop means to test, treat and prevent it. It's been a year since cross-functional teams came together to ready our hospitals and clinics for the operational changes needed to manage through the pandemic's impact. And it's been almost a year since we've been side-by-side in the office.

This week, I have a personal ask of you. Call a colleague for the simple purpose of giving them a lift. We're all working very hard, but the personal interactions that brightened our days in the office are fewer and further between right now. It's important that everyone knows they are cared for. I know this will go a long way to making 2021 an even better year for us all.