VHAN Pharmacy Team Improves Lives With a Focus on Medication Management

Since 2015, the VHAN Pharmacy Team has worked with VHAN attributed lives through Vanderbilt Medical Group (VMG) and other VHAN providers to help patients improve the management of their medications. The eight-member Pharmacy Team focuses on helping patients increase medication adherence, reduce drug costs, manage chronic diseases and maintain coordinated medical care during transitions.

The team also assists VHAN care coordinators by optimizing medication therapy and solving problems with medication access.

“If a patient has trouble getting their medications—for example, if they need a prior authorization, can’t afford their prescriptions or need to transfer pharmacies—our technicians can step in to help navigate the situation for other VHAN teams,” explains Erin Neal, PharmD, director of medication management at VHAN.

Case Study in Diabetes Management

In FY21, diabetes management is an important goal for VHAN, with an executive aim and workstream in place to improve the control of diabetes among VHAN patients by 5%. The Pharmacy Team drives this work with help from  VHAN nursing and social work teams. Recently, pharmacist Gary Owen, PharmD, MPH, had the opportunity to influence this goal by working directly with a patient to improve his diabetes management and overall quality of life.

VMG patient Dean Beach struggled for years to manage his diabetes. Hoping to improve Beach’s medication regimen, his provider, Dr. Scott Parker, turned to Owen for help.

Beach’s uncontrolled blood sugar had resulted in persistent fatigue and a burdensome medication regimen, including six insulin injections per day along with finger stick blood sugar checks. Medication options were also limited due to poor insurance coverage. After reviewing medications, Owen and Parker optimized medications by changing to a twice daily insulin regimen, starting a continuous glucose monitor, and adding an additional once weekly medication to aid in weight loss and diabetes control. Owen has continued to help Beach with monitoring blood sugar patterns and making lifestyle interventions to improve his health.

After just a few months, Beach is enjoying controlled blood sugar levels, more energy and the freedom of a regimen that works with his lifestyle.

“The change in quality of life, mentally and physically, was remarkable,” Beach says. "When my blood sugar went down, all of a sudden, I had the physical stamina to work in the yard like I used to and be able to take walks and interact with my family without getting too tired.

“It’s amazing,” he adds. “Gary made me accountable and worked alongside me to help me reach my goals.”

Resources to Support Providers

In addition to working directly with patients, the Pharmacy Team also offers updates and support to providers related to current trends in pharmacy. Earlier this year, several drug makers announced list price increases for nearly 450 drugs. The increases made it even more difficult for patients to afford their medications, a struggle that undoubtedly reduces medication adherence—an important quality metric across several of VHAN’s payor contracts. To help decrease patient and health system medication costs, the team compiled a pocket guide for prescribers on therapeutic alternatives to high-cost medications, which is now available on the VHAN Hub. In the coming months, the team will issue monthly reports to highlight additional opportunities to lower drug costs.

Visit the VHAN Hub to find other pharmacy-related resources, including the Diabetes Medication Decision Aid and the Diabetes Care Path. You can also take the Diabetes Medication Quiz Time to earn CME credits. For more information on the Pharmacy Team or to request a consult, please reach out to info@vhan.com or through your network contact directly.