Message From David Posch: Advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

I hope everyone has stayed well this month despite spikes of COVID-19, cold and flu throughout the Nashville area. Please continue to stay up to date on your vaccinations and boosters to keep you, your family and the community safe.

As you are aware, tomorrow begins Black History Month, a fitting time to celebrate the achievements of African-Americans and learn more about their central role in U.S. history. In case you missed it on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a group of VUMC leaders engaged in an enlightening discussion titled, “Where Do We Go From Here?” Watch that Jan. 17 video from the VUMC Office of Diversity Affairs.

Thanks to those of you who are part of the VUMC Employee Resource Groups for advancing diversity, equity and inclusion for our institution. We look to you for insights and leadership as we all work to further these ideals.