Message From David Posch: Concentrate on Health Prevention

All of our Office of Population Health teams do an exemplary job of improving health and promoting prevention for our patients throughout the region. You’ll see in the story below that the Pop Health PMO is making great strides in reaching its quality care pillar goals for measures such as cancer screenings, immunization and disease management. Future goals include working with heath IT and marketing to build tools that put patients in the driver’s seat when it comes to preventive care.

Despite these great efforts—and even though we know precisely how preventive care reduces the risk of disease and disability—sometimes we can be guilty of neglecting health prevention in our own lives. I urge you to take some time in the next few weeks to schedule any overdue wellness checks and encourage your friends, family and fellow colleagues to do the same. You may find these health checklists for menwomen and children helpful as you make your appointments.