Message from David Posch: A Salute to Your Resiliency

The winter weather that recently blanketed our region was beautiful yet destructive, entertaining yet aggravating. The way the storm repeatedly layered on ice and snow reminded me of the last year and the multi-layered challenges we've faced personally and professionally. We have surprised ourselves many times over with how resilient we can be. We have shown others what patience and perseverance looks like. Inspired by our patients and our purpose, we keep brushing ourselves off to ensure that our mission-driven work continues undeterred.

Dr. Balser reminded us recently during Leadership Assembly that history proves that “resilient organizations can recover from setbacks, adapt to change and keep going in the face of adversity." Our Pop Health team is clearly resilient, and we can all do our part to strengthen this important muscle by caring for ourselves and supporting one another through the challenges we know and the unknown challenges ahead of us. I encourage you to review the Resilience Toolkit our colleagues in Health & Wellness have created to help. And please continue to celebrate great teamwork and personal accomplishments while also keeping up your radar for when your colleagues need a helping hand or an encouraging word.