VHAN Highlights Key Initiatives During Vanderbilt Symposium

Last week, Vanderbilt hosted the second annual Symposium on Implementation Research in the Learning Health System. Dr. Leona Horowitz from NYU Langone Medical Center was the keynote speaker for the event, delivering a virtual session on creating a learning health system and offering strategies for mitigating the challenges that come with this work. This year’s virtual event also included keynote and panel sessions featuring experts from VUMC discussing implementation research within the context of scale-up and spread, the COVID-19 response and tackling substance misuse.

On the last day of the symposium attendees participated in a virtual poster session and a live Q&A with poster presenters. Several VHAN team members had the opportunity to share their posters, including:

The last day of the symposium included time for Vanderbilt scholars and operational leaders to network via Zoom. Congratulations to our VHAN colleagues for their work on important topics during the posters session.