VHAN Organizes Project ECHO Session Aimed at Pediatric Depression

VHAN is coordinating its first Project ECHO session to equip pediatricians with the education and resources needed to better care for patients with pediatric depression. Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) is an educational outreach program that seeks to address health care disparities with low-cost, high-impact interventions. 

VHAN recently added psychologist Dr. Melissa Cyperski, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at VUMC, to the team. Dr. Cyperski will be leading Project ECHO this fall as well as lending time to VHAN pediatricians from a psychological lens. 

VHAN members can learn more about Project ECHO's weekly sessions by entering their information here. VHAN will send out more details on session dates/times and registration as the September program launch approaches.