Vanderbilt University Medical Center Radiation Safety Committee (VUMC RSC)

Meets: Quarterly

Radioactive Material Permit:

See the Principal Investigator (PI) Permit to Use Radioactive Material page for the permit application and information on how to apply. 


The Vanderbilt University Medical Center Radiation Safety Committee (VUMC RSC) will ensure that radioactive material, licensed under the broadscope radioactive material license, and ionizing radiation producing equipment (i.e. x-ray equipment, fluoroscopes, accelerators, etc.) are used safely, and in compliance with State of Tennessee and federal regulations, broadscope license conditions, and certified registrations. The RSC must also; (1) review and approve or disapprove users and uses of licensed material; (2) review recommendations on ways to maintain individual and collective doses as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA); (3) review quarterly, a summary of the occupational radiation dose records (ALARA report) of all personnel working with licensed material; (4) review quarterly all incidents involving licensed materials with respect to cause and subsequent actions taken; and (5) review annually the radiation safety program.

RSC Members

Robert Rodgers (chair)Radiation Oncology; LINAC Accelerator Representative
Andrew MarsalaRadiology
Michael FreemanRadiation Oncology Research; MCN Irradiator
Angela MuellerPathology
Kimberly HalliburtonVanderbilt Heart & Vascular Institute
Aaron HartleyVUMC/PET Nuclear Pharmacy
Pamela HodgesMonroe Carrell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt)
Philip SchererNuclear Medicine
Kenneth LewisRadiology/Cyclotron
Evan OsmundsonRadiation Oncology; LINAC expert physician
Todd PetersonVanderbilt Institute of Imaging Science
Dana WilsonHospital Administration & Nursing Representative
Administrative & Ex Officio
Marcus BalankyRadiation Safety Officer
Kevin WarrenOCRS Administration/Management Representative
Mark JenkinsOffice of Healthcare Compliance
Tamera MeansOccupational Health Clinic
Karen JacksonDivision of Animal Care

Human Studies Involving Radiation

The Human Subjects Radiation Committee (HSRC) and the Radioactive Drug Research Committee (RDRC) are radiation safety committees that come under the jurisdiction of the Institutional Review Board (IRB).  

The application forms for these two committees may be downloaded from the IRB's web site.  These forms must be submitted to the IRB.  Do not submit these forms to the Radiation Safety Officer.