Vanderbilt Bedford Hospital Radiation Safety Committee (VBH RSC)

Meets: Biannually.


The Vanderbilt Bedford Hospital Radiation Safety Committee (VBH RSC) will ensure that radioactive material, licensed under the specific radioactive material license, and ionizing radiation producing equipment (i.e. x-ray equipment, fluoroscopes, accelerators, etc.) are used safely, and in compliance with State of Tennessee and federal regulations, radioactive material license conditions, and certified registrations. The VBH RSC must also; (1) review and approve or disapprove users and uses of licensed material; (2) review recommendations on ways to maintain individual and collective doses as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA); (3) review biannually, a summary of the occupational radiation dose records (ALARA report) of all personnel working with licensed material; (4) review biannually all incidents involving licensed materials with respect to cause and subsequent actions taken; and (5) review annually the radiation safety program.

VBH RSC Members

Philip Scherer (Chair)VBH Radiology/Nuclear Medicine
Amanda FinleyVBH Nursing Representative
Administrative & Ex Officio
John SepulvedaRadiation Safety Officer
Angela CarterVBH Management Representative
Kristy WatkinsVBH Radiology
Kevin WarrenOCRS Administration
Kenneth LewisDiagnostic Medical Physicist