Laser Safety Training


This training is required for all faculty, staff and students who work with lasers.

Clinical Laser Safety

VUMC staff who perform or assist with clinical procedures that use lasers are assigned the "VUMC Laser Safety in Clinical Settings" course online in the VUMC Learning Exchange.  Staff may also self-assign this training in the Learning Exchange by searching for the course titled "Laser Safety in Clinical Settings."

VUMC healthcare providers who operate and use lasers during clinical procedures will be assigned the "Laser Safety in Clinical Settings for Providers" course in the Learning Exchange during the credentialing process.

Laboratory (non-clinical) Laser Safety

VUMC faculty, staff and students who use lasers in non-clinical settings, such as a teaching or research lab, can access this training in the University or Medical Center Learning Exchange.  Search for the course titled "Laser Safety in the Research Lab" to self-assign this training.  
