Caring for Radiation Therapy Patients

Staff who care for radiation therapy patients undergoing either sealed source implants (brachytherapy) or radioactive drug therapy must have appropriate radiation safety training.  This training course, titled "Caring for Radioactive  Therapy Patients" is available online in the VUMC Learning Exchange

Radiation Therapy Nursing Guidelines

In addition to the online training, Radiation Therapy Nursing Guidelines have been developed to provide further direction.  Copies of the guidelines should already be available in your department; if not, you can download copies here:

Radiation Worker Exposure Limits

Personnel radiation exposure limits mentioned in the training are also listed on the Radiation Dosimetry (Badging) page.

Additional Information

If you have unanswered radiation safety questions after completing this training, contact  If a radiation therapy patient is currently undergoing treatment on your unit, you can call the Office of Clinical and Research Safety emergency number. The emergency number is listed on the Caution, Radioactive Materials door sign and in the patient's chart.