Nursing Staff Councils
The Nursing Staff Councils at VUMC serve a distinct purpose as set forth in the Nursing Staff Bylaws:
- To serve in an advisory capacity to the Vanderbilt Medical Center Executive Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) and other hospital and clinic leadership to propose and evaluate systems designed to support clinical practice in the hospital and the physician office.
- To provide a forum for direct dialogue with the CNO on topics related to quality of work life, nurse wellness, clinical practice, patient/family care, clinical quality, and safety.
- To provide a network for information sharing.
- To serve in an advisory role for issues related to recruitment and retention strategies and programs.
- To provide a forum whereby other hospital groups can communicate.
- To provide support for orientation as well as continued professional development for members of the council.
- To develop and implement various recognition activities.
The VUMC Nursing Staff Council is comprised of four sub-councils:
- VUH Nursing Staff Council
- VPH Nursing Staff Council
- Monroe Carrell Nursing Staff Council
- VMG Nursing Staff Council
The Boards at VUMC are decision-making bodies that serve a direct purpose as set forth in the Nursing Staff Bylaws. In order to deliver quality, cost-effective patient centered care, the Boards:
- Increase the readiness and ability of Nursing Services to adapt to a rapidly changing environment.
- Improve the quality of work life.
- Support the continuous improvement of the delivery of patient/family care/services utilizing a quality improvement, evidence-based framework.
- Make decisions at the delivery level about patient care (Unit/Clinic Boards).
- Make decisions regarding delivery of care and services to specific populations that cross areas.
- Make decisions regarding operational issues crossing patient groups (Nursing Leadership Board(s)).
The Boards as stated in the Nursing Staff Bylaws are:
- Unit/Clinic Boards
- Entity Nursing Leadership Boards (ENLB)
- Nursing Executive Board (NEB)
Shared Governance Committee
The Shared Governance Committee is a standing Bylaws committee as well as a Be the Best, Keep the Best committee. Its purpose as set forth in the bylaws is to:
- Evaluate and monitor the establishment of purposeful shared decision-making structure within all nursing patient care areas; and,
- Promote and foster a dynamic staff-leader partnership that promotes collaboration, shared decision-making and accountability for improving the quality of care, safety, and enhancing work-life.
For more information on the Shared Governance Committee please email one of our current Chairs:
Corrie Berry, Past Chair,
Anderson Bottomy, Current Chair,
Ashley Ried, Chair Elect