
  • The following templates can be used to gather information for human subjects forms associated with NIH FORMS-F.


    For information about the human subjects form associated with the latest formsets, refer to our resource articles on the subject.

    FORMS-F and Data/Specimens

    With the release of the FORMS-F formset, one change has been more confusing to investigators and support personnel than any other. This post will attempt to explain NIH’s change to allow BOTH human subjects and data/specimens on a single proposal.

    To begin, NIH provides a helpful diagram for deciding whether an aspect of the proposed project is human subjects or data/specimens, available here.

    In the past, users who answered ‘Yes’ to the human subjects question in Coeus never saw a question about data/specimens because NIH rules forbid proposals from including both.

    Under the new FORMS-F rules, proposals must answer both questions, and submitters can answer ‘Yes’ to both questions. Here is the exact question wording:

    • Does the proposed project include human subjects?
    • Does the proposed research involve human specimens and/or data?

    The most common confusion about this change occurs when users are determining whether their project includes data. It should be understood that almost any project with human subjects or human biological specimens will generate data. Just because a human study generates data, does not mean both questions should be answered ‘Yes.’ For example, data collected from human subjects in a previous phase of the study, such as that reported on the Cumulative Inclusion report, would not be considered data/specimens for purposes of the second question.

    Proposals that answer ‘Yes’ to both questions should include human subjects and a separate set of data or specimens connected to a different group of people than those considered human subjects in the project. For example, a de-identified dataset purchased from a third party.

    In situations where the proposal answers ‘Yes’ to both questions, the submitter needs to provide the eCat details about human subjects AND upload a separate PDF narrative explaining the data/specimens. If the proposed data/specimens are fully explained in the human subjects eCat information, the answer to the data/specimens question should be “No.”

    Submitters can also answer ‘No’ to human subjects and ‘Yes’ to data/specimens if they determine – via the NIH diagram above – there will be no human subjects on the project. In such cases, only the PDF narrative explaining the data/specimens is allowed – no information will be permitted in eCat.

    As always, our goal is to help ensure successful proposal submissions to sponsors that garner favorable reviews. While sponsor rules and guidelines can be ambiguous and sometimes contradictory, OSP develops our interpretations based on all published guidance, extensive experience, audit reports, informal sponsor communication, and reviewer comments when available. We are also open to discussions of rules, guidelines, and interpretations with concerned investigators.

  • For the easiest way to determine which form to use for your subawards in your Coeus application, just remember this rule:

    Whichever budget form version is included in the application package for the main budget will be the same budget form version that should be uploaded for the subaward budget.

    For example, if your application package includes the RR Budget V1-3 budget form for the main budget on the tab…

    Main budget

    …then use the RR Budget V1-3 budget form to develop and upload your subaward budgets.

    Subaward budget

    For further clarification, and to download forms, please refer to the matrix below.


    If your application package includes
    this Subaward Budget Attachment Form...



    ...then use this budget form to develop
    and upload your subaward budgets in Coeus


    RR SubawardBudget 5 YR 10 ATT V3-0


    RR Budget V3-0


    RR SubawardBudget 5 YR 30 ATT V3-0


    RR Budget V3-0



    RR SubawardBudget 10 YR 10 ATT V3-0


    RR Budget10 V3-0


    RR SubawardBudget 10 YR 30 ATT V3-0


    RR Budget10 V3-0


    RR SubawardBudget 5 YR 10 ATT V2-0


    RR Budget V2-0


    RR SubawardBudget 5 YR 30 ATT V2-0


    RR Budget V2-0


    RR SubawardBudget 10 YR 10 ATT V2-0


    RR Budget10 V2-0


    RR SubawardBudget 10 YR 30 ATT V2-0


    RR Budget10 V2-0


    PHS398 Training Subaward Budget V3-0


    PHS398 Training Budget V2-0


    RR FedNonFed SubawardBudget 10 ATT V2-0


    RR FedNonFed Budget V2-0


    RR FedNonFed SubawardBudget 30 ATT V2-0


    RR FedNonFed Budget V2-0


    The following forms are older and no longer in use by NIH: 



    If your application package includes
    this Subaward Budget Attachment Form...



    ...then use this budget form to develop
    and upload your subaward budgets in Coeus



    RR SubawardBudget 5 YR 10 ATT V1-4

    RR SubawardBudget 5 YR 30 ATT V1-4


    RR Budget V1 - 4


    RR SubawardBudget 10 YR 10 ATT V1-4

    RR SubawardBudget 10 YR 30 ATT V1-4


    RR Budget10 V1 - 4


    RR FedNonFed SubawardBudget 10 ATT V1-3

    RR FedNonFed SubawardBudget 30 ATT V1-3


    RR FedNonFed Budget V1-2