Why should I join?
By participating in the SUNBEAM research study, you will have the opportunity to help researchers better understand the risk factors for food allergies and eczema.
Do I have to pay?
Not at all! All study-related activities are covered by the NIH, our sponsor. No charges to you or your insurance for study visits and testing. You get compensated for your time related to visits and home activities.
What am I compensated?
You will be compensated for both coming to office visits and completing the home activities. See the consent form for a breakdown of the payment schedule.
The timeline of the study, how much do you have to commit?
The study will continue until your child reaches 3 years of age.
Does the father have to participate?
While we would love to have the father also join, they are not required for mother and baby to participate.
Will I get individualized results?
Individual test results will be provided after the baby has allergy testing completed.
Contact us if you have any additional questions!