Chereta Brigman

Administrative Officer - Personnel
Medical Center North
Room / Suite
(615)- 322-8250

Chereta helps faculty and staff with all personnel matters including faculty offer letters, systems access, exempt staff PTO, Kronos, staff position approvals and promotions.  She also assists with payroll and Kronos time-keeping questions. 

  • Staff and Faculty changes: ePAC Job or Position change entry approvals and questions
  • Staff Positions: SOM Position Approval forms, help with Talent Central, new position numbers, conduct a salary equity review or reclassify a position
  • Security Manager: access to StarPanel, Epic, VPIMs, Secur-ID Tokens, various e-Biz administrative information
  • Faculty Recruitment: review draft offer letters, CVs, & proformas (with a CC to Bess).  Upon review routed to Drs. Beauchamp, Pinson and Raiford as appropriate for approval.