Heather Ewing presents MPH Thesis on TB and Stigma

Heather Ewing, MA(c), MPH(c), presented her MPH thesis on Friday, March 2, titled "Knowledge of Tuberculosis is Associated with Greater Expression of Stigma in Brazil". This project stemmed from a Vanderbilt Trans-Institutional Program grant (TIPs), which focused on healthcare in Brazil.

Heather and her MPH mentor, Mollie Cohen, PhD, created a survey using infrastructure from the Latin America Public Opinion Project (LAPOP), to assess knowledge of TB and latent TB in Brazil, and stigma associated with TB. They found that Brazilians had high knowledge of latent TB infection and high knowledge of TB symptomatology. They also found that knowledge of TB increases perceived stigma of TB. They are currently working on a manuscript for these findings.


Funding acknowledgements: Vanderbilt Trans-Institutional Program grant, Vanderbilt Center for Latin American Studies.

Heather Ewing (left) and Mollie Cohen (right).