Taylor J.L. Henninger N.A., Mailick M.R. Longitudinal patterns of employment and postsecondary education for adults with autism and average-range IQ. Autism: Special Issue on Adulthood. 19, 785-793.
This study examined correlates of participation in postsecondary education and employment over 12 years for 73 adults with autism spectrum disorders and average-range IQ whose families were part of a larger, longitudinal study. Correlates included demographic (sex, maternal education, paternal education), behavioral (activities of daily living, maladaptive behaviors, autism symptoms), and family (size of maternal social network; maternal depressive symptoms, anxiety, and pessimism) factors. Although two-thirds of adults with autism spectrum disorder participated in competitive employment/postsecondary education during the study, fewer than 25% maintained these activities over the study period. Behavioral characteristics distinguished those who never had competitive employment/postsecondary education from those who sometimes or consistently participated in these activities. Women were considerably less likely than men to maintain employment/postsecondary education over time.