Nursing Student Placement: Graduate and Non-Nursing Placements

Students in the following programs:

  • Doctorate
  • Master’s of Nursing students
    Excluding the following student programs
    • Nurse Practitioner (NP)
    • Physician's Assistant (PA)
    • Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP)
  • Sterile Processing 
  • Surgical Tech
  • Anesthesia Tech
  • Paramedic Students


  • Accredited program with a current affiliation agreement with VUMC
  • School Affiliation Agreement
  • Confirmed VUMC preceptor
  • Final clearance communication to start rotation by Student Placement Program
  • Requirements

    • Accredited program with a current affiliation agreement with VUMC
    • School Affiliation Agreement
    • Submit placement request form at least 8 weeks prior to the desired start date of the rotation
    • Final clearance communication to start rotation by Student Placement Program

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