One West, Vanderbilt Wilson County Hospital 2nd Floor

mgrHello and welcome to my unit!

I’m Shelby Isbell Brady, MSN, RN, Manager of the One West unit, also known as 1W.  We are located on the second floor of Vanderbilt Wilson County Hospital.

The environment on our unit consists of positive teamwork, encouraging others, and focused on providing the best quality of care to our patients.

We care for adult patients aged 18 and older who are being treated under an Observation status (stay <48 hours) and COVID+/ Rule-out COVID diagnosis. The unit is made up of 10 observation beds, 4 COVID beds and 2 flex beds depending on use. This floor was designed to meet the needs of the community that we serve.

One of the perks of working on my unit is the environment and attitude of the staff. While working with COVID patients, our staff has grown together as more than coworkers and have united under a common goal of care.

Our nurses are successful because they have advanced critical-thinking skills, in-depth knowledge of COVID, and a heart for care.

We orient new nurses to our unit by providing a 6-8 week preceptorship where they work directly with the patients under the observation and knowledge of a practiced preceptor. 

We encourage professional growth.

If your career goal is to grow in the profession of healthcare, be encouraged by those you work alongside, and engage in the community around you, One West can help with this through engagement, education, and encouragement.

If you have any questions about my unit, please email me at or visit Work at Vanderbilt University Medical Center to explore open nursing positions.

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