Our list of acronyms is as big as our medical center! If you need a translation, just use the search box.
If the title does not appear, let us know so we can add it. For additions and corrections, please email us!
Acronym or Abbreviation | Translation and Link |
10N | 10 North, Trauma Intensive Care unit |
10S | 10 South, Trauma Stepdown unit |
11N | Hematology/Oncology unit |
1-North | Post-Surgical/Medical unit at Vanderbilt Wilson County Hospital |
2-North | Medical/Cardiac unit at Vanderbilt Wilson County Hospital |
3R | 3 Rond Wing, Familiar Faces unit |
4MCE | 4 Medical East, Mother Baby Obstetrics unit |
4RW | 4 Round Wing, Adult Acute Medicine unit |
5N | 5 North, Cardiovascular Intensive Care unit |
5RW | 5 Round WIng, Palliative Care/Medicine |
5S | 5 South, Cardiovascular Progressive Care unit |
6CCT | 6 Critical Care Tower, Neurology/Neurosurgery Intensive Care unit |
6MCE | Transplant & Surgical Care unit |
6N | 6 North, Neurology/Epilepsy unit |
6RW | 6 Round Wing, Adult Acute Medicine unit |
6S | 6 South, Ortho/Spine |
7MCE | VAD & Heart Transplant unit |
7N | 7 North, Cardiac & Vascular Stepdown |
7RW | 7 Round Wing, Acute Care of the Elderly unit |
7S | 7 South, Medicine Observation unit |
7T3 | 7 Critical Care Tower, Orthopaedic/Orthopaedic Trauma unit |
Ortho/Ortho Trauma | Ortho/Ortho Trauma, 7 Critical Care Tower (7T3) |
8CCT | 8 Critical Care Tower, Medical Intensive Care Unit |
8MCE | 8 Medical Center East, Medicine Stepdown |
8N | 8 North, Adult Pulmonary Medicine Stepdown |
8S | 8 South, Cardiology Stepdown unit/a> |
9CCT | 9 Critical Care Tower, Surgical Intensive Care unit |
9N | 9 North, Surgical Stepdown unit/a> |
9S | 9 South, Surgical Specialties unit |
ABHS | Assoicate Behavioral Health Specialist |
ABN | Advanced Beneficiary Notice |
ACE | Acute Care of the Elderly |
ACLS | Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support |
AD | Administrative Director |
ADN | Associate Degree in Nursing |
AED | Automated External Defibrillator or Adult Emergency Department |
AENLB | Adult Enterprise Nursing Leadership Board |
ALB | Ambulatory Leadership Board |
ALDS | Advanced Lung Disease Service |
ANA | Advanced Nursing Assessment Program |
ANCC | American Nurses Credentialing Center |
ANM | Assistant Nurse Manager |
ANO | Associate Nursing Officer |
AONL | American Organization for Nursing Leadership (Website) |
APRN | Advanced Practice Registered Nurse |
AQSC | Ambulatory Quality and Safety Committee |
AY | Academic Year |
BA | Basic Arrhythmia |
Barista | VUMC's Content Management System for building websites |
BCA | Business Continuity Application (in regards to downtime BCA computer) |
bCAM | Brief Confusion Assessment Method |
BCMA | Barcode Medication Administration |
BCS | Bedside Commode |
BG | Blood Glucose |
BHS | Behavioral Health Specialist- different than MHS |
BLS | Basic Life Support |
BMS | Bowel Management System |
BON | Board of Nursing |
BSN | Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
C2HR | Connect to Human Resources; website with personal HR information (Website) |
CATS | Credentials Application Tracking System |
CAUTI | Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection |
CCRN | Critical Care Registered Nurse |
CCT | Critical Care Tower |
CELA | Center for Experiential Learning and Assessment |
CH | Contact Hours |
CHG | Chlorhexidine Gluconate |
CHIM | Center for Health Information Management |
CHOC | Children's Hospital Outpatient Center |
CLABSI | Catheter Associated Blood Stream Infection |
CME | Continuing Medical Education |
CMS | Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services |
CNE | Continuing Nursing Education |
CNO | Chief Nursing Officer |
CO | Clinical Orientation |
CO | Cardiac Output |
COI | Conflict of Interest |
CP | Care Partner |
CPC | Clinical Practice Committee |
CPU | Care Provider Unit |
CRC | Clinical Research Center |
CRE | Carbepenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae |
CRNA | Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist |
CRRT | Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy |
CSC | Clinical Staff Council |
CSL | Clinical Staff Leader |
CST | Certified Surgical Technician |
CVAD | Central Venous Access Device |
CVICU | Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit |
CY | Calendar Year |
DAISY Award | (Diseases Attacking the Immune System) Prestigious Honor |
DCC | Discharge Care CenterDesignated Care Contact |
DDC | Digestive Disease Center |
DEU | Designated Education Unit |
DNAP | Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Practice |
DNP | Doctor of Nursing Practice |
DOT | Doctors Office Towers |
EAP | Employee Assistance Program |
EBNP | Evidence-Based Nursing Practice |
EBP | Evidence-Based Practice |
D-3300 | VUMC Executive Suite |
ECMO | Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation |
ED | Emergency Department, Adult |
EDVWCH | Emergency Department at Vanderbilt Wilson County Hospital |
EKG or ECG | electrocardiogram |
EMT | Emergency Medical Technician |
EPIC | Computer-based charting system, also refered to as eStar |
ERAS | Enhanced Recovery After Surgery |
eStar | Computer-based charting system, also refered to as EPIC |
EUPA | End User Proficiency Assessment |
FMLA | Family Medical Leave Act |
FSC | Fluoroscopy Safety Committee |
FY | Fiscal year |
HFNC | High Flow Nasal Canula |
HR | Human Resources |
HR | Holding Room/PACU unit |
HRA | Health Risk Assessment |
HWC | Handle with Care |
I&O | Intake and Output |
ICE | Intensive Care Education |
IPEC | Infection Prevention Executive Committee |
IPSEC | Information Privacy & Security Executive Committee |
IS | Incentive Spirometer |
ITK | VUMC In the Know e-Newsletter from NEPD |
L&D | Labor & Delivery or Learning & Development |
LH | Light Hall |
LMS | Learning Management System, also referred to as Learning Exchange (Website) |
LPN | Licensed Practical Nurse |
MA | Medical Assistant |
MBO | Mother Baby Obstetrics unit |
MCE | Medical Center East |
MCJCHV | INCORRECT term per Marketing for Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at VanderbiltTo abbreviate, use Monroe Carell (not MC) |
MCMB | Medical Center Medical Board |
MCN | Medical Center North |
MCNLC | Medical Center Nursing Leadership Council |
MHA | Masters of Health Administration |
MHB | Mobile Heartbeat |
MHS | Mental Health Specialist |
MHT | Mental Health Technician |
MICU | Medical Intensive Care Unit |
MMHC | Master of Management in Health Care |
MR | Medical Receptionist |
MRB | Medical Research Building |
MRSA | Methicillin-Resistnat Staphylococcus Aureus |
MSN | Master of Science in Nursing |
MUSIC | Medication Use Safety Improvement Committee |
MyVUMC | Twice Weekly Electronic Newsletter from VUMC News and Communications |
NA | Nurse Alerts |
NEA-BC | Nurse Executive Advanced- Board Certified |
NEB | Nurse Executive Board |
NE-BC | Nurse Executive- Board Certified |
NEC | Nursing Education Council |
NEPD | Nursing Education & Professional Development |
NES | Nursing Education Specialist |
NG | Nasogastric |
NIC | Neurology/Neurosurgery Intensive Care unit |
NICU | Neonatal Intensive Care unit |
NLB | Nursing Leadership Board |
NLC | Nursing Leadership Council |
NNP | Neonatal Nurse Practicioner |
NOHO | North Primary Care @ One Hundred Oaks |
NP | Nurse Practicioner |
NR | Nursing Research, Nurse Resident, Nurse Residency |
NRC | Nursing Research Committee |
NRP | Neonatal Resuscitation Program |
NRP | Nurse Residency Program (Website) |
NSC | Nursing Staff Council |
NSP | Nursing Strategic Plan |
NTAB | Nursing Tuition Assistance Benefit |
OAP | Office of Advanced Practice (Website) |
OG | Orogastric |
OHO | One Hundred Oaks |
One West | Vanderbilt Wilson County Hospital unit |
ORT | OR Technician |
PAC | Pre-Appointment Coordinator |
PACU | Post-Anesthesia Care Unit or Post Anesthesia Recovery Unit |
PALS | Pediatric Advanced Life Support |
PAS | Psychiatric Assessment Services unit |
PCA | Patient-Controlled Analgesia or Patient Care Attendant |
P-Card | Procurement Card |
PCARD | Pediatric Cardiology unit |
P-Card | VUMC's Procurement Card Nickname |
PCC | Patient Care Center |
PCCN | Progressive Care Certified Nurse |
PCICU | Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit |
PCN | Penicillin |
PCT | Patient Care Technician or Patient Care Tech |
PD | Peritoneal Dialysis |
PEARS | Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition and Stabilization |
PED | Pediatric Emergency Department |
PET | Patient Engagement Technology Group |
PFN | Patient Flow Nurse |
PHO | Pediatric Hematology & Oncology unit |
PI | Pressure Injury |
PICC | Peripherally inserted central catheter |
PICU | Pediatric Intensive Care unit |
PIP | Pressure Injury Prevention |
PIV | peripheral intravenous catheter |
PM&I | Performance Management & Improvement |
PMAC | Pediatric Medicine Acute Care Unit |
POC | Point of Care or Plan of Care |
POCT | Point of Care Testing |
PPE | Personal Protective Equipment |
PPID | Positive Patient Identification |
PPM | Professional Practice Model |
PRB | Preston Research Building |
PRT | Primary Restraint Technique |
PSR | Patient Service Representative |
PSTAM | Pediatric Surgery, Trauma & Adolescent Medicine Unit |
PT&D | Pharmacy, Therapeutics & Diagnostics Committee |
PTAP | Practice Transition Accreditation Program |
PTO | Paid Time-Off |
QIA | Quality Improvement Analyst |
QSA | Quality & Safety Advisor |
QSRP | Quality, Safety & Risk Prevention |
RLH | (Robert) Light Hall |
RN | Registered Nurse |
ROC | Residency Oversight Committee |
ROI | Return on Investment |
ROSC | Return of Spontaneous Circulation |
RRT | Rapid Response Team or Registered Respiratory Therapist |
RW | Round Wing |
SBHS | Senior Behavioral Health Specialist |
SCD | Sequential Compression Device |
SD | Stepdown |
SG | Shared Governance |
SICU | Surgical Intensive Care Unit |
SOC | Scope of Care |
SOE | Sources of Evidence |
SOHO | South Primary Care @ One Hundred Oaks |
SON | State of Nursing, School of Nursing |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SP | Student Placement |
SS | Surgery Scheduler |
SSE | Serious Safety Event |
SSS | System Support Services |
ST | Surgical Technician |
STAT | Requesting emergency medical response; also referred to as "Code Blue" |
STEMI | ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction |
TAH | Total Artifical Heart |
TB | Tuberculosis |
TBI | Traumatic Brain Injury |
TCRN | Trauma Certified Registered Nurse |
TCU | Transitional Care unit |
TF | Tube feed |
THA | Tennessee Hospital Association |
TICU | Trauma Intensive Care unit |
TMO | Transition Management Office |
TNCC | Trauma Nursing Core Course |
TPN | Total Parenteral Nutrition |
TSAM | Tiered Skills Aquisition Model |
TVC | The Vanderbilt Clinic |
UCB | Unconscious Bias |
UM | Utilization Management |
USGIV or USGPIV | Ultrasound guided peripheral IV |
VAD | Ventricular Assist Device or Vascular Access Device |
VASC | Vascular Access Safety Committee |
VBCH | Vanderbilt Bedford County Hospital |
VBH | Vanderbilt Behavioral Health (Website) |
VBM | Visual Management Board |
VCH | INCORRECT term per Marketing for Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at VanderbiltTo abbreviate, use Monroe Carell (not MC) |
VCPA | Vanderbilt Care Partner Academy |
VCSC | Vanderbilt Children's Surgery Center |
VDAT | Vanderbilt Discharge and Transitions |
VEI | Vanderbilt Eye Institute |
VESNIP | Vanderbilt Experience: Student Nurse Internship Program (outdated program) |
VHVI | Vanderbilt Heart & Vascular unit |
VICC | Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center (Website) |
VLI | Vanderbilt Lung Institute |
VMG | Vanderbilt Medical Group (Incorrect Term: Change to Vanderbilt Adult Ambulatory Operations) |
VNIC | Vanderbilt Nursing Informatics Committee |
VNIS | Vanderbilt Nursing Informatics Services |
VOI | Vanderbilt Orthopaedic Institute |
VPH | Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital |
VPH1 | a Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital unit |
VPH2 | a Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital unit |
VPH3 | a Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital unit |
VPH4 | a Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital unit |
VPARE (formerly VPNPP) | Vanderbilt Professional Advancement and Recognition of Excellence (VPARE) |
VRE | Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus |
VTHH | Vanderbilt Tullahoma-Harton Hospital (Website) |
VUAH (Incorrect Term) | Vanderbilt University Adult Hospital; Incorrect Term. VUH or Vanderbilt University Hospital is correct |
VUH | Vanderbilt University Hospital Outdated term. Now use Vanderbilt University Adult Hospital (VUAH) |
VUMC | Vanderbilt University Medical Center |
VUPD | Vanderbilt University Police Department (Website) |
VUSM | Vanderbilt University School of Medicine |
VUSN | Vanderbilt University School of Nursing |
VWCH | Vanderbilt Wilson County Hospital (Website) |
WIC | Walk-in Clinic |
WPVP | Workplace Violence Prevention |
PAC | Pediatric Acute Care Unit |
C-POD | Adult Emergency Department Stepdown Unit: C-Pod, 1st Floor VUH |
Adult Ed Stepdown | Adult Emergency Department Stepdown Unit: C-Pod, 1st Floor VUH |
Adult ED | Adult Emergency Department (ED), 1st Floor VUH |
11S | 11 South, VUMC Regional Burn Center |
11S | Burn Unit |
10CCT | 10 Critical Care Tower, Myelosuppression/Stem Cell Transplant unit |
ERG | Employee Resource Group |