
Vantage offers nucleic DNA and RNA extractions from samples such as whole blood, Buccal swabs, Saliva samples, cells, various tissues as well as Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) samples. In addition, Vantage offers long term storage for DNA. This service is bundled into the price of extractions and includes sample logging and tracking through a user accessible database, sample storage and one DNA requisition. 

Vantage utilizes the Qiasymphony and FlexSTAR+ instruments for high quality DNA and RNA extractions from whole blood, cells, tissues and saliva (DNA only) and the Covaris LE220 for DNA and RNA extractions from FFPE samples. Special extractions utilizing manual protocols are available as well.

Vantage Biobank is in room T0102 at the basement level of Medical Center North. We are open M-F between 8-4:30. For sample submission, please follow the relevant sample submission instructions, and contact lab personnel via email at  to coordinate a drop-off time. 

  • In order to submit samples for extractions and banking, please submit a request via iLAB under Extractions and Biobanking”. Please make sure to fill out all the required information as that will speed up our response and processing time.

    To request banked DNA samples, authorized users should initiate a sample request via and submit a service request via iLAB under “DNA Core (BioBank) Requisition (BioBank Requests)”.

    DNA From Blood

    • Submission form 

    • Blood should be drawn into Vacutainer EDTA tubes and submitted within 5 days, samples should be stored in a fridge between 2-8 until submitted to Vantage. If that is not possible, please keep samples in -80c until submission is possible. If you are submitting frozen blood, please seek a lab member to hand off directly.

    • The minimum volume required for DNA extraction is 200μl

    Saliva and Buccal Swabs

    • Submission form + instructions for collection/storage

    • Oragene samples are stable for a long time, please make sure to follow the collection instruction. ORG-500 tubes should contain 4ml of sample and ORG-575 tubes should contain 2ml. Lower level could indicate suboptimal collection. Minimum volume required for extraction is 1.7ml.


    • Submission form + PDF instructions for collection/storage

    • Blood should be drawn into PAXgene Blood RNA tubes. Intracellular RNA is stabilized for up to three days at room temperature or five days at 2-8°C. PAXgene Tubes can be frozen at temperatures of -20°C to -70°C for long-term storage.

    • Tissue should be preserved in RNA later or flash froze immediately and submitted to a staff member on dry ice.

    • Cells should be flash frozen and submitted to a staff member on dry ice.

    • FFPE: How to collect/store (slide, scrolls) 

  • Lab contact email

    Shipping Address

    Shipping forms:  domestic/international

  • DNA- NonBioVU

    Add in BioVU link

    Sample destruction form



    Azenta BioStore II

    Azenta SE+1



    Link how to sample submissions/project setup


    A variation on traditional microarray technology, the nanoString's nCounter system uses molecular barcodes and microscopic imaging to detect and quantify up to several hundred unique targets. Common applications include gene expression, miRNA expression and CNV analysis.


    Common Gene Expression panels (human and mouse) include:

    • Immunology (human or mouse)

    • Inflammation (human or mouse)

    • PanCancer (human)


    Additional CodeSets and custom design available:

    • miRNA Expression – predesigned CodeSets for human, mouse or rat

    • Copy Number Variation – predesigned CodeSets for human


    Sample Requirements:

    • Gene expression analysis – 100 ng total RNA or lysate from ~10k cells

    • miRNA analysis – 100 ng total RNA

    • CNV analysis – 300 ng gDNA


    Pictures of Nanostring room 

    Data access for Nanostring projects

    Link/PDF for project set in iLab for Nanostring


    Sample requirements for cells, tissues, and FFPE (how many million cells, how many um FFPE, what size tissue (mg))



    Covaris Sonicator 

    Dry Pulverizer


    iLab links to project setup/sample submission forms