Welcome to the Vanderbilt Vascular Biology Center (VVBC) Website
Vascular biology is an inclusive discipline that involves study of vascular function, structure, growth and development. This field encompasses research at virtually all levels, including studies of molecules, cells, organs and intact organisms. Perturbations of vascular function are involved in numerous pathophysiological states, including neoplasia, inflammation, aging, neurological diseases, metabolic disorders (diabetes, atherosclerosis) pulmonary diseases and hypertension.
Vascular Biology at Vanderbilt represents a vibrant community of investigators, students, post-doctoral fellows and clinicians. The VVBC has members in several departments of the School of Medicine including Pathology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Radiology, Surgery, Pediatrics and Internal Medicine. Investigators in Biomedical Engineering are also important contributors to the Vanderbilt Vascular Biology Center. We also welcome participation from neighbor institutions, including Meharry Medical College. Please click this link to view members of the Vanderbilt Vascular Biology Center. Our center is meant to be inclusive. Please notify Mrs. Jozee Schnitker if you wish to be included as a member of the VVBC and to be on the mailing list for future events in this center.
Activities of the VVBC:
The mission of the VVBC is to foster innovative research, promote education and training of scientists and clinicians and optimize vascular health and care for patients with vascular diseases. In an effort to accomplish these goals, we have instituted a monthly VVBC seminar series, which includes both internal speakers and internationally recognized guest speakers from other institutions.
VVBC will establish and incorporate existing working groups that will promote collaboration, scientific exchange and training, and funding opportunities. These include a vascular inflammation group, which meets monthly in the MRB4 Penthouse conference room, a vascular matrix group, held in conjunction with members of the Matrix Biology Center, and an oxygen radical/free radical working group. Please click on the contact information link if you wish to be included in any of these working groups.
As part of the VVBC, we have established the FRIMCORE (Free Radical in Medicine Core), which is directed by Dr. Sergey Dikalov. This core facility can assist with measurements of reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide, and assist in measurements of vascular reactivity for investigators in the Vanderbilt community. The FRIMCORE employs state of the art methods, including electron spin resonance, fluorescent techniques and HPLC (High-Performance Liquid Chromatography) for measurement of reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide in cells and tissues. Another useful core for the VVBC is the Eicosanoid Core Laboratory, which is directed by Dr. Ginger Milne. This core facility employs mass spectrometry to quantify lipid oxidation products produced in a variety of vascular (and other) disorders including prostaglandins, leukotrienes, isoprostanes, and their urinary metabolites. The VVBC also works closely with the Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Center and has expanded telemetry measurements of hemodynamics and mouse activity in this facility. We are eager to establish additional core facilities as deemed necessary by the Vanderbilt vascular biology community when justification exists.
As part of our educational mission, we co-sponsored the 2013 Vasculata Conference with the University of Kentucky and Meharry Medical School. This three day workshop was held under the auspices of the North American Vascular Biology Organization (NAVBO) and was designed to update investigators, clinicians, students and other trainees in Vascular Biology. It had 135 attendees from throughout the United States and abroad. A working précis of each presentation was created and ultimately will be published on line. It is anticipated that this will be updated, and added to yearly to create unique resource for vascular biologists and trainees.
We also post announcements of recent publications, funding opportunities, recent awards and other accomplishments of VVBC members.