Research Interests: Understanding the basic mechanisms regulating cellular longevity in health and metabolic disease
Research Interests: Characterization of the molecular mechanism of action of Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and determination of the structure-function relationships of the PGE2 receptors
Marcela Brissova, Ph.D.
MedicineDirectorVDRC Islet Procurement and Analysis CoreResearch Interests: Development of pancreatic islet vasculature and innervation; regulation of islet cell gene expression in processes controlling normal pancreatic beta cell function
Lab website: https://www.powersbrissovaresearch.org/
Research Interests: The sodium iodide symporter (NIS): structure, transport mechanism, regulation, and roles in physiology, pathophysiology and public health
Wenbiao Chen, Ph.D.
Molecular Physiology and BiophysicsAssociate DirectorVDRC Metabolic Physiology Shared Resource (MPSR)Research Interests: Molecular mechanisms controlling islet endocrine cell adaptation to insulin resistance
Research Interests: Understanding how nutritional and other environmental factors affect pancreatic islet cell function and proliferation
Research Information
Lab Website -
Kathleen DelGiorno, Ph.D.
Assistant ProfessorCell & Developmental BiologyResearch Interests: Cancer biology and cell signaling
Research Information
Research Interests: Genetics of cardiometabolic diseases, with a particular focus on functional genomics and clinical translation
Lab website: https://medsites.vumc.org/fergusonlab/welcome
Maureen Gannon, Ph.D.
MedicineMolecular Physiology and BiophysicsCell and Developmental BiologyResearch Interests: Genes that regulate beta cell differentiation, proliferation, and survival
Research Information
Research Interests: Molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying beta cell production, function, and maintenance in the vertebrate pancreas
Research Interests: Determining how mechanisms that modulate islet calcium handling can be targeted to treat diabetes
Research Interests: Regulation of islet beta cell metabolism, function and cell architecture by microtubules
Lab website: https://lab.vanderbilt.edu/kaverina-lab/
Mark Magnuson, M.D.
Molecular Physiology and BiophysicsCell and Developmental BiologyDirectorVanderbilt Center for Stem Cell BiologyResearch Interests: Calcium signaling and pancreatic beta-cell failure
Anna Means, PhD
Research ProfessorSurgeryResearch ProfessorCell & Developmental BiologyResearch Interests: Cell-cell signaling in pancreatic development and pancreatic cancer
Richard O'Brien, Ph.D.
Molecular Physiology and BiophysicsDirectorMolecular Endocrinology Training Program (METP)Research Interests: The regulation of insulin secretion with a focus on two proteins, G6PC2 and ZnT8
Alvin Powers, M.D.
MedicineMolecular Physiology and BiophysicsDirectorVanderbilt Diabetes CenterDirectorVanderbilt Diabetes Research Center (VDRC)Research interests: Pancreatic islet biology: studies on development vascularization, and imaging and the potential for regeneration as a cure for type 1 diabetes
Lab website: https://www.powersbrissovaresearch.org/
Research Interests: Small RNA-mediated gene regulation in lipid and lipoprotein metabolism; microRNA communication and systemic homeostasis
Research Interests: Molecular mechanisms responsible for the coordinated development of complex organ systems