October 23, 2014 - This week, the National Academies announced the election of the Vanderbilt Vaccine Center's own Doctor Crowe to the Institute of Medicine (IOM). The now over 1900 members of the IOM serve as an advising council to the United States on health policy, practice, and research. Dr. Nancy Brown, chair and physician-in-chief of the Vanderbilt Medical Center, was inducted into the IOM alongside Dr. Crowe, bringing the total number of current Vanderbilt faculty who are members of the IOM to 29.
"It is with great enthusiasm that we welcome our esteemed colleagues to the Institute of Medicine," said IOM President Victor J. Dzau. "These leaders' tremendous achievements have contributed significantly to advancing health and medicine. The expertise and knowledge they bring to the IOM will encourage and enhance its success."
Dr. Jeff Balser, dean of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, congratulated Doctors Brown and Crowe on their achievement, stating, "Both are exemplary physician scientists who have already made profoundly important contributions to their respective fields and will no doubt continue along this trajectory."
Currently, Dr. Crowe's research focuses on understanding and developing vaccines for adult and childhood infectious and viral diseases. He responded to his election, stating, “I am humbled to be included (in the IOM), and excited that the work of so many researchers at Vanderbilt in the field of vaccine and immunology research is recognized is this way. [Vanderbilt] is one of the very top venues for impacting national and international vaccine policy.”
Congratulations to Dr. Crowe for all of his great efforts and achievements!
Dr. Crowe is currently developing immunotherapies against Ebola virus, among other diseases. For more information on Dr. Crowe and his work, visit his biography page.
Please send requests for more information or inquiries to vvcenter@vanderbilt.org