Advancing the Science of Community Engaged Research 2016 Conference Poster Sessions


Pipeline to Proposal Program: Strengthening the Research Enterprise by Building a PCOR Community

Poster #1

Courtney Clyatt, Melania Thompson, Suzanne Schrandt

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The PCORnet Bariatric Study -- Engaging Patients and Other Stakeholders Across the US to Improve Bariatric Care

Poster #2

Neely Williams, Karen J. Coleman, David Arterburn, Jane Anau, Anita Courcoulas, Cheri Janning, Joseph Nadglowski, Kathleen McTigue, PCORnet Bariatric Study Collaborative

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Using a Tailored Report to Stimulate Capacity-Appropriate Evidence-Based Cancer Education in African American Churches

Poster #3

Cheryl L. Holt, Erin K. Tagai, Sherri Lou Z. Santos, Jimmie Slade, Roxanne Carter, Mary Ann Scheirer, Muhiuddin Haider

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Practical Tools for Facilitating Engagement

Poster #4

M. Suzanne Schrandt, Chineye Anyanwu, Lisa Stewart, Michelle Johnston-Fleece, Sunbo Igho-Osagie

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Vanderbilt-Miami-Meharry Center of Excellence in Precision Medicine and Population Health: Engaging Community in Planning and Execution of the Implementation Core

Poster #5

Niral J. Patel, Jessica R. Williams, Carolyn T. Szetela, Marino A. Bruce, Consuelo H. Wilkins, Kathryn Goggins, Sunil Kripalani

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Formulating the Framework for Active Involvement of Older Adults in Technology Research and Development (OA-INVOLVE project, AGE-WELL)

Poster #6

Izabela Panek, Lupin Battersby, Kieran O'Doherty Pia Kontos, Judith Sixsmith, Susan Kirkland

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Path to Sustainability Project: Minority Academic Industrial Partnerships for Community Engagement

Poster #7

Darold L. Hamlin, Georgia Dunston, George Redmond, Annette Owens-Scarboro

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Specialized Community Disease Management to Reduce Substance Use and Hospital Readmissions - Patient and Community Stakeholder Engagement

Poster #8

Adam C. Brooks, Mary F. Morrison, Jaclyn E. Chambers, Carolyn M. Carpenedo, James R. McKay, David R. Gastfriend

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Patient and Stakeholder Engagement in PCORI-Funded Research: Initiating and Fostering Partnerships

Poster #9

Rachel Hemphill, Laura Forsythe, Lori Frank, Mary Jon Barrineau, Susan Sheridan, Suzanne Schrandt

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​Examining Environmental Exposures to Address Respiratory Health Disparities in an East Nashville Community

Poster #10

David A. Padgett, Kimberly Jackson, James Ekundayo

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Teaching "The Wire": A Novel Approach to Understanding Social Determinants of Health and Community-Based Programs

Poster #12

Toby Gordon

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Methods and Practices for Engaging Older Adults in Technology Research, Design and Development: Scoping Review Findings

Poster #13

Ellen T. Crumley, Izabela Panek, Judith Sixsmith, Pia Kontos, Kieran O'Doherty, Susan Kirkland

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Colorado Immersion Training in Community Engagement: Charting the Course Toward More Meaningful Community Engagement

Poster #14

Elaine Belansky, Charlene Barrientos Ortiz, Lorenzo Ramirez, Reginaldo Garcia, Montelle Taméz, Sara Miller, Kathryn Nearing

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Evaluating the Impact of Community-Engaged Research Partnerships on Communities

Poster #15

Deborah Hendricks, Ellen Wolter, Bernard Harlow, Sheila Riggs, Milton Eder

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The PRIME (Partnership in Research Integration, Mentoring and Education) Collective: A Fresh Approach to Community Engagement Strategies

Poster #16

Melvin Jackson, Mysha Wynn, William Kearney, Virginia Lewis, Melissa Green, Alexandra Lightfoot, Tamara Coyne-Beasley

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Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Teenage Youth in San Francisco

Poster #17

Sukhdip K. Purewal, Tiffani Johnson, Eduardo Aguayo, Jordan Brooks, Estefany Juarez, Sheana Soriano, Alasia Allah, Jaquez Donaldson

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Results of Voice Your Vision Listening Sessions: Strengths, Solutions, Concerns and Community Collaboration for Health in New York State

Poster #18

Elizabeth Cohn

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Intervention Mapping: Academia and Community Partnership for the Chronic Diseases Self Management in a Low-Income Community

Poster #19

Enid J. Garcia-Rivera, Princess Pacheco-Martinez, Mariellis Colón-Ramos, Verónica Munet-Díaz, Irene Pizarro-Quiñones, Gloria I. Romero-Santiago, Esther Cruzado, Héctor Pérez, Carmen París, Milagros Quiñones, Dàmasa Cruz, Samarys Lugo, Iriselis Ortiz, Oscar Carrasco

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A Strategic Planning Process Approach Approach and Experience by the Indiana CTSI Community Health Engagement Program

Poster #20

Helen Sanematsu, Sarah Wiehe

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Lifting All Boats: Increasing Community Organizational Research Capacity and Community Engaged Scholarship through a Community/Academic Research Partnership Program

Poster #21

Jeri Jewett-Tennant, Cyleste Collins, Jacqueline Matloud, Mona Shediac Rizkallah, Kim Foreman, Elaine Boraski

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Advancing Community Engaged Research through Partnership Development: The Scope and Impact of a Mini-Grant Pilot Program

Poster #22

Margaret Hargreaves, Celia Larson, Leah Alexander, Erica Mitchell, Susie Adams, Paulette Coleman, Derek M. Griffith, Lexie Lipham, Clare D. Sullivan, Yvonne Joosten

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When Communities Speak: The Promise of Health Advisory Boards in Collaborative Health Research

Poster #23

Berkeley Franz, Daniel Skinner, Chantelle Shaw, Keilah Ketron

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Diabetes Self Management Education: A Family Model for Pacific Islanders

Poster #24

Pearl McElfish, Melissa Bridges, Peter Goulden, Jonell Hudson, Jelleson Rubon-Chutaro

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The Indiana CTSI's Patient Engagement Core

Poster #25

Sarah Wiehe, Gina Claxton, Courtney Moore, Dustin Lynch, Brandon Cockrum, Kelli Jenkins, Lisa Parks

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How Can Clinical Trials Be More Community Engaged?: Community Perspectives on Engagement in Clinical Research Design, Education and Promotion with Diverse Communities

Poster #26

Maryann Mason, Marcus Murray, Cathy Samatas, Ashley Sipocz, Gina Curry, Jen Brown

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A Pilot Project Testing a Two-Phase Community Engagement Self-Assessment PRocess: Analysis and Results from the Multi-Institutional Collaboration

Poster #27

Gail L. Newton, Karen Vitale, Ana F. Abraido-Lanza, Syed Ahmed, Laurene Tumiel-Berhalter, Sarah L. Esmond, Jill Evans, Sherrill B. Gelmon, Deborah Hendricks, Pearl McElfish, Al Richmond, M. Kathryn Stewart

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Stakeholder Engagement to Understand the Use of Evidence-Based Programs for Older Adults in Under-Resourced Communities in Los Angeles County

Poster #28

Arleen Brown, Katherine Ward, Tony Kuo, Karina Ramirez, Lynn Phan Vo, Stefanie Vassar, Ibrahima Sankare, Arturo Martinez, Teresa Seeman

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Project STRONG: Engaging Southeastern Community Substance Use Treatment Organizations in Grant Writing

Poster #29

Teri Browne, Aidyn Iachini, Stephanie Clone, Dana DeHart, Kristen D. Seay, Caroline Pantridge

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Intensifying Efforts to Incorporate Community Voice in Research: The Value Added of a Community-Engaged Research Consultation Service

Poster #30

Lee Bone, Roger Clark, Crystal Evans, Christine Weston, Inez Robb, Patricia Tracey, Barbara Bates-Hopkins

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Defining Essential Supporting Infrastructure in Engagement Research

Poster #31

Donald Nease, Jr., Montelle Taméz, Alex Krist, Bart Laws, Dee Barton, Amandeep Sandhu, Lauren Edmundson, Laura Esmail

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Health Beliefs of Pacific Islanders Regarding Type 2 Diabetes

Poster #32

Pearl McElfish

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The Effect of Health Literacy and Numeracy on Interest in Research Participation

Poster #33

Nirai J. Patel, Natalie Jackson, Lauren Duke, Consuelo H. Wilkins, William J. Heerman, Sunil Kripalani

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There Is No Shortcut to Community Engaged Research (CEnR): Ground-Up Best Practices in a Patient-Caregiver Intervention for Latina Breast Cancer Survivors

Poster #34

Claudia Campos Galván, Kristi D. Graves

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The Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute Community Health Engagement Program (CTSI CHEP) and Purdue Cooperative Extension Partnership in Indiana (PCEPI): An Innovative and Generalizable Model to Change the Culture of Health

Poster #35

Dennis Savaiano, Krystal Lynch, Donna Vandergraff, Sarah Wiehe, Lisa Staten, Douglas Miller

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Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) to Inform Alcohol and Sugary Beverage Policy Action in San Francisco (SF)

Poster #36

Paula Fleisher, Kevin Grumbach, Wylie Liu, J. Rouse Iñiguez, Laura Schmidt, Roberto A. Vargas

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The Tennessee Sickle Cell Disease Network

Poster #37

Velma McBride Mrry, Michael DeBaun, Nabiah Lair, Trevor Thompson (representative)

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Collective Capacity Building Tool (CCBT): A Unique Resource for Supporting the Application and Evaluation of Community-Based Participatory Research Principles in Practice

Poster #38

Kathryn Nearing, Dee Smyth, Martha Tenney, Elizabeth Sweitzer, Montelle Taméz, Donald Nease, Jr.

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Decisions Important to Hip and Knee Arthoplasty PAtients and Their Motivations for Engaging Research Partners

Poster #39

W. Benjamin Nowell, Shilpa Venkatachalam, Erik Harden, Thomas Concannon

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Engaging Local Populations in American Children's Hospitals

Poster #40

Daniel Skinner, Berkeley Franz, Kelley Kelleher, Matthew Taylor, Chantelle Shaw

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