Advancing the Science of Community Engaged Research 2017 Conference Learning Labs


Maximizing Value of Stakeholder Engagement: Tips and Tools from Stakeholder Engagement Consulting on Nine PCORI-Funded Studies


Gay Thomas (University of Wisconsin-Madison, WINRS)

Betty Kaiser (University of Wisconsin-Madison, WINRS)

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify orientation activities that prepare stakeholders to effectively participate in the project.
  2. Recognize elements of a stakeholder meeting agenda that can yield constructive feedback for the research team.
  3. Describe key strategies to sustain stakeholder engagement across the project lifespan.

Click here to download the abstract from this Learning Lab.

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Mile High Community Engagement: Developing a Training Pipeline for Community Based Participatory Researchers in Colorado


Victoria Francies (University of Colorado Denver, Colorado CTSI)

Mary Fisher (University of Colorado Denver, Colorado CTSI)

Montelle Tamez (University of Colorado Denver, Colorado CTSI)

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe how the pipeline within community engagement for researchers and community members can enhance CBPR research practice, and increase community participation and capacity.
  2. Learn how to incorporate the roles of Community Research Liasions and create Immersion Programs for Community Engagement

Click here to download the abstract from this Learning Lab.

Click here to download the complete transcription from this Learning Lab.


Helping Community Members Claim Their Power: Building Capacity to Partner with Research Institutions


Yvonne Joosten (Vanderbilt University Medical Center, CERC)

Tiffany Israel (Vanderbilt University Medical Center, CERC)

Alexis Gorden (Sickle Cell Foundation of Tennessee)

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify potential roles for patients and other community stakeholders as active partners with research institutions.
  2. Develop knowledge of essential elements for increasing community capacity to take on meaningful roles with research institutions.
  3. Identify strategies to address institutional barriers to meaningful community engagement.

Click hear to download the abstract from this Learning Lab.

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Promotores (Community Health Workers) as Partners in Research: Lessons Learned and Recommendations


Katrina Kubicek (University of Southern California)

Alma Garcia (University of Southern California)

Learning Objective

Participants will identify ways in which Promotores (lay community workers) can form part of the research team.

Click here to download the abstract from this Learning Lab.

Click here to download the complete transcription from this Learning Lab.


Strategies for Engaging the Community in Creating Patient-Centered Research Questions


Shivonne Laird (Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute)

Courtney Clyatt (Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute)

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand what makes a good patient-centered research question.
  2. Learn what type of information can be used to inform a patient-centered research question, and how anyone (including patient and community groups) can collect this information.
  3. Learn how researchers can use data to make their research questions patient-centered or community-relevant.
  4. Discuss ways patients and community members can engage with researchers, and vice versa, to ensure research questions are relevant.

Click here to download the abstract from this Learning Lab.

Click here to download the complete transcription from this Learning Lab.


Engaging Diverse Communities to Understand How Precision Health Research Can Address Disparities


Lisa Goldman-Rosas (Stanford University)

Rhonda McClinton-Brown (Stanford University)

Jill Evans (Stanford University)

Learning Objectives

  1. Discuss the barriers and facilitators of developing and implementing precision health research in diverse racial/ethnic communities.
  2. Identify best practices for developing community-university partnerships for precision health research.
  3. Understand how to develop and implement research to engage diverse communities in precision health research.
  4. Identify best practices for working with researchers from diverse disciplines to incorporate community engagement in their research.
  5. Become familiar with existing resources for increasing communities' capacity for engaging in precision health research.
  6. Discuss diverse communities' understanding and perception of precision health research and related best practices for implementation of precision health research.

Click here to download the abstract from this Learning Lab.

Click here to download the complete transcription from this Learning Lab.


Implementing a Community / Patient Scientist Academy to Engage Underrepresented Populations in Research


Kate Stewart (Translational Research Institute, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences)

Anna Davis (Translational Research Institute, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences)

Learning Objectives

  1. List the two main objectives of the community / patient scientist academy.
  2. Articulate at least three key concepts covered in the academy.
  3. Describe at least two interactive exercises used to engage participants in the academy.

Click here to download the abstract from this Learning Lab.

Click here to download the complete transcription from this Learning Lab.


Sharing Research Results with Those Who Need Them: Engaging with Community Partners to Plan Effective Disseminations


Rachel Hemphil (Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute)

Lisa Stewart (Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute)

Vanessa Ramirez-Zohfeld (Northwestern University)

Learning Objectives

  1. Learn about a variety of methods for working with community partners to plan and prepare for effective dissemination of study results to end-users.
  2. Generate ideas for a dissemination plan for a research case study.
  3. Identify challenges for getting study results to end-users and share potential solutions and lessons learned.

Click here to download the abstract from this Learning Lab.

Click here to download the complete transcription from this Learning Lab.


Best Practice Strategies for Engaging Community Stakeholders and Patients as Partners in Research


Tilicia Mayo-Gamble (Georgia Southern University)

Velma McBride Murry (Vanderbilt University Medical Center, CERC)

Overall Learning Objective

Participants will be able to identify effective strategies for engaging community stakeholders and patients as partners in research with an emphasis on expectations for challenges and strengths.

Click here to download the abstract from this Learning Lab.

Click here to download the complete transcription from this Learning Lab.


The Forgotten Stakeholder: Partnering with University Administrators to Create Compensation and Recognition Mechanisms that Support Efficiency, Fairness and Sustainability in Community Engagement


Lori Carter-Edwards (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)

Ginny Lewis (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)

Learning Objectives

  1. Define efficiency, fairness and sustainability in CEnR stakeholder engagement from the perspectives of:
    1. health providing/seeking communities
    2. academic researchers
    3. research grant administrators
    4. university administrators
  2. Discuss categories of university mechanisms for recognition and compensation of non-employee stakeholders in health research, as well as other non-financial compensation benefits for stakeholders.
  3. Develop strategic plans to build and strengthen efficiency, fairness and sustainability in stakeholder engagement initiatives that utilize one or more of the university mechanisms for recognition and compensation of non-employee stakeholders in health research.

Click here to download the abstract from this Learning Lab.

Click here to download the complete transcription from this Learning Lab.


Development, Implementation and Evaluation of a Community Engaged Board: Best Practices for Strategies for Maximizing Success


Alicia Matthews (University of Illinois at Chicago)

Amparo Castillo (University of Illinois at Chicago)

Emily Anderson (University of Illinois at Chicago)

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe the role of community engagement advisory boards in clinical and translational research.
  2. Describe five contributions of community engaged advisory boards to improving research outcomes.
  3. Discuss best practices in the formation and development of community engaged advisory boards.
  4. Identify strategies for building skills and capacity among community engaged advisory board members.
  5. Develop methods for evaluating the contributions of community engaged advisory boards to research teams.

Click here to download the abstract from this Learning Lab.

Click here to download the complete transcription from this Learning Lab.