AEE Call for Awards 2025

It's AEE Awards Season! 

In support of its mission to promote and celebrate educational excellence, the Academy for Excellence in Education is pleased to offer two awards this year to recognize outstanding educators. A description of each award is below. The awards will be presented at the Chapman Dinner on April 28, 2025, at 5PM. Additional information and past winners can be found here

Academy for Excellence in Education Early Impact Award  

This annual award was established in 2024 to recognize an early career faculty member for positively impacting medical education at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and/or Vanderbilt University Medical Center. The awardee will have demonstrated excellence in at least one aspect of education (teaching, educational leadership, course/curricula/program design, assessment, educational scholarship, or mentorship/coaching) with evidence of a positive impact on learners as well as a commitment to the field of medical education. Nominees should be at a level no higher than assistant professor at nomination. Nominees do not need to be AEE members. 

The Geoffrey David Chazen Award for "Innovation in Medical Education” for Faculty  

This annual award was established to recognize a faculty member who has distinguished themselves in innovation in education. Awardees must have made special contributions to the educational programs at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine (VUSM)/Vanderbilt University Medical Center through the development and implementation of effective educational innovation with enduring impact on learners. Nominees do not need to be AEE members.