Professors Emeriti

In Memoriam:  Professors Emeriti

In gratitude for their many years of distinguished service to our Department and the Medical Center, we honor the memory of these former Vanderbilt University School of Medicine emeritus faculty, now deceased.

M. Lawrence Berman, PhD, MD
Dr. Berman received a Ph.D. degree from the University of Washington in 1956. In 1964, he received his M.D. degree from the University of North Carolina. Berman began his career at Vanderbilt in 1974 as a professor in the Department of Anesthesiology, with a secondary appointment as an associate professor of Pharmacology.

John J. Franks, MD
Dr. Franks received his M.D. degree from the University of Colorado in 1954. In 1964, he became involved with Thomas Starzl's landmark liver transplantation research there. After Starzl left Colorado, Franks came to Vanderbilt to train in anesthesiology, with the aim of providing anesthesia support for a hepatic transplantation program.

Joanne L. Linn, MD
Alumna and Professor Emerita Dr. Joanne Lovell Linn, an active Anesthesiology Department faculty member from 1955 until 1993, died on January 27, 2012.

Bradley E. Smith, MD
Dr. Smith came to Vanderbilt in 1969 as chair of the department of Anesthesiology. At the time he left the post in 1993, he was the longest-serving anesthesiology chair at a United States medical school. Smiths research includes some of the initial work in the arena of obstetric anesthesiology and the teratogenic effects of anesthetic agents. During his tenure, he presided over the expansion of Vanderbilts Department of Anesthesiology from seven to 42 full-time faculty. Smiths national service includes appointments to committees of the National Research Council and the Food and Drug Administration and three terms on the National Anesthesiology Residency Review Committee. He served as chairman of the American Society of Anesthesiologists Committee on Scientific Affairs.

To reach our Emeritus Medical Faculty Office, please call 615-936-1862 or by fax, 615-936-3027.