Bedside Matters On-Demand


On-Demand Contact Hour Opportunities


  • originally presented August 21, 2024
    On-Demand Contact Hour opportunity = 0.91

    In this session the panel will accomplish several things: give an introduction to grief, share grief examples of several different categories, provide education of how grief impacts emotional and physical well-being and how this commonly shows up in our professional and personal lives, and provide education and examples of ways to address "grief cues" when they show up.  

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  • originally presented July 17, 2024
    On-Demand Contact Hour opportunity = 1.0

    A patient with a very difficult situation will be presented. His cancer had been treated extensively, and all therapeutic options were exhausted. The interactions with his family were especially trying and difficult for all concerned.  Communication with the family will be emphasized in the discussion, and the presentation will also cover the emotional burden to the team and others who cared for him.

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  • originally presented June 19, 2024
    On-Demand Contact Hour opportunity = 1.08

    It has been shown that early detection of lung cancer leads to improved outcomes. VUMC has a multidisciplinary team that focuses on early detection of lung cancer and early treatment options. Several of these will be highlighted during the presentation. 

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  • originally presented May 15, 2024
    On-Demand Contact Hour opportunity = 1.0

    This session reviews a patient care situation to show the legal and ethical complexities that can arise in health care decisions with patients who are incarcerated. Common misunderstandings and barriers in health care decision-making will be identified for this population. Strategies for addressing these misunderstandings and removing these barriers will be offered.

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  • originally presented April 17, 2024
    On-Demand Contact Hour opportunity = 0.91

    This session presents and discusses the case of a 75-year old male with advanced renal cell carcinoma with new paralysis due to spinal metastases resulting in spinal cord compression. The goals for timing of inpatient rehabilitation will be considered along with education about cancer rehabilitation goals and services available at VUMC.

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  • originally presented March 20, 2024
    On-Demand Contact Hour opportunity = 0.91

    This interdisciplinary panel discusses navigating barriers and identifying resources for pediatric and adolescent patients with complex medical needs, with a focus on children who have immigrated to the United States. Navigating the US system can be overwhelming, and available resources vary depending on documentation status and individual situation. 

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  • originally presented February 21, 2024
    On-Demand Contact Hour opportunity = 1

    This session will discuss narrative medicine as a recognized and examined area of medical practice and education. Over the past 30 years narrative medicine has become an increasingly well-recognized and examined area of medical practice and education.  It encourages a humane and interactive approach to caring for patients and educating learners. This formal approach to reading, reflection, and storytelling allows us to identify and study the ways in which the acquisition and use of these skills are beneficial in the clinical setting. However, we often tell our stories in less formal ways that may enhance how we care for ourselves and our patients.

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  • originally presented January 17, 2024
    On-Demand Contact Hour opportunity = 1

    Shared Decision Making (SDM) is a key component of person-centered health care. It is the process in which clinicians and patients work together to make decisions.  SDM is not a “one time” or “one size fits all” event. Patients vary considerably in how they want to engage in a shared decision-making process, and these preferences change with time and individual circumstances. Shared decision-making occurs at multiple critical moments during the illness experience. It can involve choosing tests or treatment options, deciding on whether to enter a clinical trial, dealing with chronic illness, developing a survivorship plan, discussing palliative care or end-of-life issues, and identifying and connecting patients and caregivers to resources. But it doesn’t happen without the right conversations.

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  • originally presented December 20, 2023
    On-Demand Contact Hour opportunity = 1.0

    A look back at two medically complex patients who were admitted to the Burn Unit during the same period, their families even befriending one another and supporting each other throughout their journeys. One patient, despite the best efforts of the multidisciplinary team ultimately discharged home with hospice after multiple failed attempts at autografting and complications including septic shock, delirium, and respiratory failure. The other patient also faced multiple complications and setbacks successfully discharged home and flourished, finding a new normal. The multidisciplinary team will discuss barriers they faced throughout both patients' stays and how they overcame them, the role of the family in medical decision-making, and discuss how two seemingly similar patient encounters can end so differently.

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  • originally presented November 15, 2023
    On-Demand Contact Hour opportunity = 0.75

    We will discuss the holistic, multidisciplinary, patient- and family-centered care of a critically ill teenaged patient now primed to thrive after surviving septic shock requiring ECMO and four-extremity amputation. 

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  • originally presented October 18, 2023
    On-Demand Contact Hour opportunity = 1.0

    VUMC Kate Adamson, LMSW, Author of Paralyzed but not Powerless, leads a panel discussion focused on how medical professionals can make a critical difference in critical care.  
    Joining her is Amy Madnick, LCSW at UCLA and VUMC Associate Professor of Neurology, Dr. Riebau. 
    At the age of 33, Kate experienced a deadly double pontine brainstem stroke – locked in syndrome – with a one in a million chance of any reasonable, functional recovery.  
    Dr Riebau will address several questions: What is a stroke? What is locked in syndrome? Who can fall victim to a stroke? Do strokes ever affect young people?  
    Amy Madnick, LCSW at UCLA and who was at Kate’s bedside, will talk about how she helped Kate through the painful isolation of “locked in” and how the emotional support of friends, family, and caring medical professionals and staff, can supplement medical expertise to bring about unexpected positive results in patient care – otherwise known as “miracles.”  
    Be sure and tune in on this unique edition of Bedside Matters.  

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  • originally presented August 16, 2023
    On-Demand Contact Hour opportunity = 1.0

    This talk will harness the power of real patients’ stories (permission obtained) to explore the importance of using clinical trial data applied at the bedside to help our patients re-find their “why” to live and optimize survivorship.

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  • originally presented July 19, 2023
    On-Demand Contact Hour opportunity = 0.83

    In this presentation, the misuse of over-the-counter medications which could have multiple effects was discussed.  The importance of careful evaluation of these patients presenting with overuse of the medication and its effects was emphasized, as was a team-based approach to helping the patients become free of their addiction.

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  • originally presented June 21, 2023
    On-Demand Contact Hour opportunity = 1.0

    This Bedside Matters sessions is a panel discussion which covers the definition of ECMO, ECMO duration, failing oxygenators and/or ECMO circuits, and patient care follow up.

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  • originally presented March 15, 2023
    On-Demand Contact Hour opportunity = 0.83

    Gender-affirming care encompasses a range of social, psychological, behavioral, and medical interventions designed to support and affirm an individual’s gender identity when it conflicts with the sex they were assigned at birth. The interventions help transgender people align various aspects of their lives — emotional, interpersonal, and biological — with their gender identity.  In this session, you will learn not only about different aspects of care from VUMC’s multi-disciplinary team, but also about some of the systemic challenges and successes our transgender patients' experience along their individual journey.

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  • originally presented February 15, 2023
    On-Demand Contact Hour opportunity = 1.0

    Two pediatric behavioral health patients became physically, verbally and emotionally abusive to our team of nurses, bedside safety staff, VUPD and providers. We hope to highlight the need to protect/care for ourselves while protecting/caring for the patients and families we serve. We will explore important principles such as race, gender/sexuality, workplace violence, and mental health.

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  • originally presented January 18, 2023
    On-Demand Contact Hour opportunity = 0

    This talk will discuss end-of-life care in a patient with 2 terminal diagnoses (heart failure and amyloid) whose family felt that if we all believed, she would ultimately get her miracle and survive.  The heart failure team will discuss how they negotiated end-of-life decisions including changing code status and discontinuing dialysis.  Our chaplain will highlight how the patient and her family’s faith shaped their decisions.  Palliative care will discuss how this patient was supported and end-of-life decisions were made as she declined and ultimately died in our hospital while honoring the family’s faith.

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