
Statistical Computing Series: Cloud, StatComp3, and ACCRE computation

The Department of Biostatistics' Statistical Computing Series focuses on the implementation of statistical models and methods, statistical computation and graphics. These informal meetings allow experienced statisticians and developers to share their expertise on computing topics with practitioners across Vanderbilt. On Thursday, May 23, at 2:30 p.m., principal application developer Zhouwen Liu (MS, computer science, MTSU; MA, biology and biochemistry, Binghamton University), will present "Cloud, StatComp3, and ACCRE computation":


Cloud computing enables users to access computing resources such as servers, storage, databases, and software applications via the internet, offering scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. Users can easily adjust resources based on demand, avoiding upfront costs and infrastructure management.

The StatComp3 system caters to statistical analysis needs, handling large-scale tasks unsuitable for local workstations due to high memory or runtime requirements. In this way, our StatComp3 system functions as a CQS cloud.

Vanderbilt University's ACCRE provides computational resources and support, including high-performance clusters and storage systems, for research in bioinformatics, engineering, physics, and social sciences. These resources facilitate complex tasks and data analysis, accelerating research discovery.

This presentation introduces the ACCRE system and provides guidance on setting up and running parallel processing jobs.

For access to this Teams presentation, contact Ryan Moore