Bryan E. Shepherd
PhD, Biostatistics, University of Washington
Research interests include: causal inference, observational data analysis, ordinal data analysis, applications in HIV and other infectious diseases, measurement error, global health
Affiliate appointments include: Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health; Vanderbilt Tuberculosis Center; Vanderbilt University Medical Center Department of Biomedical Informatics; Department of Mathematical Sciences, Bayero University Kano, Nigeria (adjunct professor since 2024)
Honors and service include: NIH/NIAID MERIT Award (2023–2028); Best Paper Award, Biometrics (2023), for "Multiwave validation sampling for error-prone electronic health records"; Fellow, American Statistical Association (elected 2018); associate editor, American Journal of Epidemiology (since 2016); associate editor, Biometrics (since 2018); director of the Data Science Core of TN-CFAR (since 2015)
Dr. Shepherd's research involves developing and applying novel statistical methods to studies of HIV/AIDS and other diseases of global health importance. His statistical research has focused on developing methods for causal inference, ordinal data analysis, and measurement error.