Primary Faculty

  • Gustavo Amorim

    Assistant Professor of Biostatistics

    PhD, Statistics, University of Auckland, New Zealand

    Research interests include: missing data, measurement error, sampling design, statistical education, global health


  • Amir Asiaee

    Assistant Professor of Biostatistics and Biomedical Informatics

    PhD, Computer Science, University of Minnesota

    Research interests include: bioinformatics, causal inference, cancer genomics, computational biology, data science, high-dimensional statistics, machine learning

    More information:

  • Lynne Berry

    Director, Data Management and Tool Development Units
    Vanderbilt Biostatistics Data Coordinating Center (VBDCC)
    Deputy Director, Center for Quantitative Sciences
    Research Assistant Professor of Biostatistics
    Vice Chair of Informatics
    Department of Biostatistics

    PhD, Cell Biology, Vanderbilt University



  • Bryan Blette

    Assistant Professor of Biostatistics

    PhD, Biostatistics, University of North Carolina

    Affiliations include: Vanderbilt Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (VICTR)

    Research interests include: causal inference and clinical trials; application areas include HIV/AIDS, pediatrics, critical care, and pulmonary medicine

    More information:

  • Heidi Chen

    Research Associate Professor of Biostatistics

    PhD, Biomathematics, North Carolina State University

    Research interests include: survival analysis, mixed model and longitudinal data analysis, two-stage adaptive design for phase II clinical trials, model/process validation for high-dimensional data


  • Qingxia "Cindy" Chen

    Vice Chair of Education
    Department of Biostatistics
    Director, Biostatistics Post-Graduate Studies and Distance Learning
    Director, Executive Data Science Program
    Departments of Biostatistics and Biomedical Informatics
    Professor of Biostatistics, Biomedical Informatics, and Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences

    PhD, Biostatistics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    Research interests include: missing data, survival analysis (especially time-varying effect and treatment switching), Bayesian methods in big data, penalized approach for 1<n/p<10, developing statistical methods for using electronic health records (EHRs) and genetics information in precision medicine, cancer, ophthalmology, infection disease, cardiovascular diseases, suicide

    Honors and service include: co-chair, 2024 International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA) Applied Statistics Symposium; Academy for Excellence in Education (elected 2023); chair, 2022 all-department retreat; James E. Grizzle Distinguished Alumna Award, University of North Carolina (2015); Department Methods Publication Award (2014); numerous committees, including Faculty Search (2005 - present); associate editor, Statistics and Its Interface (2016 - present) 


  • Sheau-Chiann Chen

    Research Assistant Professor of Biostatistics

    PhD, Biostatistics, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)

    Research interests include: methodology development in phase I clinical trials, pattern recognition and robust estimation; statistics with applications in clinical trials, industrial statistics, cancer biology

  • Leena Choi

    Vice Chair of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
    Department of Biostatistics
    Professor of Biostatistics and Biomedical Informatics

    PhD, Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University

    Research interests include: constructing a system for pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacogenomics studies using electronic health records (EHRs), which would provide the foundation for dose-optimization support system for precision medicine; developing medication dosing extraction algorithms from EHRs, which would also benefit medication-related studies in pharmacoepidemiology

    More information: The Choi Lab


  • Mario Davidson

    Associate Vice Chair of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
    Department of Biostatistics
    Associate Professor of Biostatistics
    Statistical Collaboration in Health Science Course Director
    Department of Biostatistics
    Director for Classroom Peer Reviews, Educator Development Program (EDP)
    PLAN Course Director
    School of Medicine

    PhD, Statistics/Mathematics Education, The Ohio State University

    Research interests include: medical education assessment; research and statistical collaboration; questionnaire design; regression modeling; statistical consulting; statistics and mathematics education; mixed methodology; the statistics and mathematics achievement gap

    Honors include: 2022 Geoffrey David Chazen Award for Innovation in Medical Education; Academy for Excellence in Education (elected 2015; mentoring committee chair; board of directors, 2022–2030: member-at-large, 2022–2024; director-elect, 2024–2026; director, 2026–2028; immediate past director, 2028–2030)


  • Liping Du

    Research Assistant Professor of Biostatistics

    PhD, Chemical Engineering, Vanderbilt University

    Responsibilities include: collaborating with basic science and clinical research scientists in different fields, focusing on writing statistical analysis plan for grant applications and helping them with experimental designs, analyzing statistical data, interpreting results, and preparing manuscripts. Du also works on clinical trial reporting at for Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center (VICC), performs data analysis for epidemiology studies and high-dimensional proteomic/genomic/metabolomics research, and collaborates with Peabody at Vanderbilt on education-related statistical data analysis.

  • William D. Dupont

    Professor of Biostatistics and Health Policy
    Director, Nashville Breast Cohort Study

    PhD, Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University

    Research interests include: epidemiology, breast disease, cancer, genetics, hormonal replacement therapy, screening, power and sample calculations, data management, data quality assurance, clinical trials, stopping rules, foundations of statistical inference, likelihood methods

    Selected honors: Fellow, American Statistical Association (elected 2009); Ernest W. Goodpasture Award for Groundbreaking Research, 2003; Academy for Excellence in Education (elected 2021)


  • Svetlana Eden

    Research Assistant Professor of Biostatistics

    PhD, Biostatistics, Vanderbilt University

    Research interests include: developing semi- and nonparametric methods of estimating correlation in survival data; causal inference methods (specifically Mendelian Randomization analysis); risk factors in veterans; survival analysis; rank association measures; Bayesian modeling 


  • Benjamin French

    Professor of Biostatistics
    Biostatistics Graduate Program

    PhD, Biostatistics, University of Washington

    Research interests include: statistical analysis methods for longitudinal and survival data, with scientific focus on estimation of exposure-outcome associations or evaluation of prediction accuracy; cardiovascular disease; cancer epidemiology; health economics

    Service and honors include: statistical editor, JAMA Pediatrics; elected member, National Council for Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), 2024–2030

    Google Scholar page

  • Shawn Garbett

    Director, Informatics Software Development
    Assistant in Biostatistics

    MS, Statistics, Pennsylvania State University

    Research interests include: applying computational and numerical skills to modeling complex data, Rational Integration of Genomic Healthcare Testing (RIGHT), reproducible manuscripts

    Honors include: contributor to three of the most significant publications in genomics, 2021–2023


  • Tebeb Gebretsadik

    Senior Associate in Biostatistics

    MPH, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of California, Berkeley

    Research interests include: clinical asthma research (adult and pediatric), infectious disease/global health, rheumatology/immunology, statistical methods in epidemiology, predictive modeling, analysis of electronic health records, multidimensional data, observational studies, causal inference studies, maternal and environmental influences on pediatric respiratory health, teaching biostatistics, clinical pharmacology, HIV and AIDS, cancer, clinical trials, diabetes


  • Robert Alan Greevy, Jr.

    Director of Biostatistics, Center for Health Services Research
    Professor of Biostatistics

    PhD, Statistics, University of Pennsylvania

    Research interests include: clinical trial design, causal inference, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, and any investigation "that has a chance to improve people's lives."

    Honors include: Patrick G. Arbogast Collaborative Publication Award (2019); Outstanding Faculty Mentor (2018); Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching (2015)


  • Amber J. Hackstadt

    Assistant Professor of Biostatistics

    PhD, Statistics, Colorado State University

    Faculty affiliate, Center for Health Services Research

    Research interests include: health service research, public health research, diabetes, environmental biostatistics, causal inference, Bayesian inference, regression splines, semi parametric estimation

    Honors and service include: Data safety and monitoring board member, Preliminary Investigation of optimaL Oxygen Targets (PILOT) trial; graduate program and staff promotions committees (chair); useR!2022 organizing committee; faculty search committee; inaugural Fleming Society cohort (2021–2023); American Statistical Association Middle Tennessee Chapter treasurer (2022−2024)


  • Frank E. Harrell, Jr.

    Professor of Biostatistics

    PhD, Biostatistics, University of North Carolina

    Research interests include: development of accurate prognostic and diagnostic models, model validation, clinical trials, observational clinical research, cardiovascular research, technology evaluation, pharmaceutical safety, Bayesian methods, quantifying predictive accuracy, missing data imputation, statistical graphics and reporting

    Honors and service include: founding department chair, 2003–2017; fellow, American Statistical Association (ASA; elected 2005); associate editor, Statistics in Medicine; W. J. Dixon for Excellence in Statistical Computing (ASA, 2014); senior biostatistics advisor, Office of the Center Director, FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER, 2022–present); expert statistical advisor, Office of Biostatistics, CDER (2016–2020); scientific advisory board member, Science Translational Medicine; policy advisory board member, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology

    More information:

  • Chih-Yuan Hsu

    Research Assistant Professor of Biostatistics

    PhD, Statistics, National Cheng Kung University

    Research interests include: functional data analysis; estimation of density partial derivatives; mode estimation; survival analysis; clinical trials; quantile regression with longitudinal data; single-cell RNA-seq normalization and clustering

    Winner of the 2022 Methods Publication Award.

  • Li-Ching Huang

    Research Assistant Professor of Biostatistics

    PhD, Statistics, National Cheng Kung University

  • Shi Huang

    Research Assistant Professor of Biostatistics and Radiology & Radiological Sciences

    PhD, Epidemiology, University of Miami

    Research interests include: latent variable modeling, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), structural equation modeling (SEM), mediation analysis, application of advanced statistical methodology for prevention research on substance use and HIV risk behavior.


  • Robert (Bob) E. Johnson

    Associate Professor of Biostatistics

    PhD, Biostatistics, University of North Carolina

    American Statistical Association service includes: Middle Tennessee chapter secretary (2022–2024); Middle Tennessee representative to the Council of Chapters (2019–2022); Vice Chair, District 2 (2015–2017)


  • Hakmook Kang

    Associate Professor of Biostatistics
    Director, Data Science Core
    Vanderbilt Kennedy Center
    Associate Director for Graduate Studies
    Data Science institute

    PhD, Biostatistics, Brown University

    Research interests include: spatio-temporal modeling; multiple testing problems and their applications to imaging data; multi-modal imaging data analysis (e.g., fMRI and DTI)

    Honors include: Jacek Hawiger Award for Excellence in Teaching Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows in the Classroom, Lecture, or Small Group Setting (2022); election to the Academy for Excellence in Education (2022); Golden Apple Awards for Excellence in Teaching (2020 and 2016); Vanderbilt Center for Quantitative Sciences High Impact Research Award (2016)


  • Tatsuki Koyama

    Professor of Biostatistics

    PhD, Statistics, University of Pittsburgh

    Research interests include: group sequential methods; two-stage adaptive procedures (phase II / phase III); noninferiority / superiority / equivalence trials; statistics in basic science; statistical graphics; p value, confidence interval, unbiased estimate from a Simon's two-stage procedure

    Honors and service include: Patrick G. Arbogast Collaborative Publication Awards (2014 and 2017); treasurer, American Statistical Association, Middle Tennessee Chapter (2022)


  • Dandan Liu

    Associate Professor of Biostatistics
    Executive director
    Vanderbilt Biostatistics Data Coordinating Center (VBDCC)
    Vanderbilt Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (VICTR) Methods Program

    PhD, Biostatistics, University of Michigan

    Research interests include: biomarker evaluation, event history data analysis with application to cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, risk prediction modeling, disease progression modeling, electronic health records 

    Honors include: Outstanding Faculty Mentor (2022); Department Method Publication Award (2015) 

    Service includes: president-elect, Association of Clinical and Translational Statisticians (2024–2026; president, 2026–2028; past president, 2028–2030); co-chair, 2024 International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA) Applied Statistics Symposium; Steering Committee Member of Executive Committee: Design and Data Analytics (DaDA) Professional Interests Area (PIA) of the Alzheimer’s Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment (ISTAART) (2022–present); Department of Biostatistics Graduate Admissions (2014–2023), Faculty Search Committee (2017–present), and Biostatistics Resource Allocation Committee (chair, 2020–2024) 

    Member of: International Biometric Society (IBS); East North American Region (ENAR); American Statistical Association (ASA); Association for Clinical and Translational Science (ACTStat); Alzheimer’s Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment (ISTAART); International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA) 





  • Jinyuan Liu

    Assistant Professor of Biostatistics and Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences

    PhD, Biostatistics, University of California, San Diego

    Research interests include: behavior sciences, psychiatry, psychology, causal inference, and longitudinal data analysis

    More information:

  • Qi Liu

    Professor of Biostatistics and Biomedical Informatics
    Technical Director, VANGARD
    Director, CQS Omics Coordinating Center

    PhD, Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

    Research interests include: omics, single-cell transcriptomics, single-cell multimomics integration, genomics, epigenomics, transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation, enhancer-mediated regulation


  • Siyuan Ma

    Assistant Professor of Biostatistics

    PhD, Biostatistics, Harvard University

    Research interests include: epidemiology, study design, assay tech, omics

    Service includes: Member Engagement Committee co-chair, ASA Section on Statistics in Genomics and Genetics (2024); faculty coordinator, Vanderbilt Biostatistics seminars (2025); VBSIUU planning committee and mentor (2024 - present); ICSA student paper competition chair (2023 - 2024); graduate program admissions committee and curriculum committee 

    More information:

  • Hui Nian

    Research Assistant Professor in Biostatistics and Orthopaedic Surgery

    PhD, Biochemistry, Oregon State University

    Research interests include: causal inference for multilevel treatments, Bayesian adaptive design for clinical trials, provider profiling

    Collaborations include: VUMC Spine Outcomes Lab

    Service includes: Chair, Patrick K. Arbogast Collarative Publication Award Committee (2024); VICTR Studio expert (2011–2020); MS Staff Recruitment Committee (2011–2016) 


  • Rameela Raman

    Associate Professor of Biostatistics, Health Policy, and Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

    PhD, Biostatistics, State University of New York, Buffalo

    Research interests include: health disparities, geocoding, critical care, child welfare, influenza, statistical education

    Honors and service include: Chair, All-Department Retreat (2024); American Statistical Association Council of Chapters representative (2022–2024); Academy for Excellence in Education (elected 2019); Outstanding Faculty Mentor (2019); Patrick G. Arbogast Awards for best collaborative publication (2016, 2019); Delta Omega (National Honor Society in Public Health, inducted 2021); Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching (2024)


  • Lauren R. Samuels

    Research Associate Professor of Biostatistics

    PhD, Biostatistics, Vanderbilt University

    Research interests include: appropriate collection and analysis of data related to race/ethnicity, sex, and gender; causal inference in observational studies and clinical trials; Bayesian methods; data visualization


  • Jonathan S. Schildcrout

    Vice Chair for Research, Department of Biostatistics
    Professor of Biostatistics and Anesthesiology

    PhD, Biostatistics, University of Washington

    Research interests include: longitudinal data studies, epidemiological study designs, health services research, diabetes and obesity prevention interventions, pharamcogenetics, resource preserving genetic testing programs for indvidualized medicine, epidemiology, predictive modeling and evaluation of predictive models, topics in pain and anesthesiology research

    Honors include: Fellow, American Statistical Association (elected 2019); Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching (2015 and 2018); Methods Publication Award (2016); Outstanding Faculty Mentor (2024)  


  • Quanhu "Tiger" Sheng

    Associate Professor of Biostatistics
    Deputy Technical Director

    PhD, Bioinformatics, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences

    Research interests include: next generation sequencing data analysis (especially for RNAseq, DNAseq and miRNAseq data); bioinformatics in proteomics, glycomics and metabolimics (including algorithm development, data analysis and software implementation).

    2018 spotlight

  • Bryan E. Shepherd

    Vice Chair of Faculty Affairs, Department of Biostatistics
    Professor of Biostatistics and Biomedical Informatics

    PhD, Biostatistics, University of Washington

    Research interests include: causal inference, observational data analysis, ordinal data analysis, applications in HIV and other infectious diseases, measurement error, global health

    Affiliate appointments include: Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health; Vanderbilt Tuberculosis Center; Vanderbilt University Medical Center Department of Biomedical Informatics; Department of Mathematical Sciences, Bayero University Kano, Nigeria (adjunct professor since 2024)

    Honors and service include: NIH/NIAID MERIT Award (2023–2028); Best Paper Award, Biometrics (2023), for "Multiwave validation sampling for error-prone electronic health records"; Fellow, American Statistical Association (elected 2018); associate editor, American Journal of Epidemiology (since 2016); associate editor, Biometrics (since 2018); director of the Data Science Core of TN-CFAR (since 2015)


  • Matt Shotwell

    Associate Professor of Biostatistics and Anesthesiology
    Director, Design & Analysis Unit
    Vanderbilt Biostatistics Data Coordinating Center (VBDCC)

    PhD, Biostatistics, Medical University of South Carolina

    Collaborations include: topics in anesthesiology, geriatrics and quality aging, drug repurposing

    Research interests include: optimal design and statistical treatment of biomedical experiments

    For more information:

  • Yu Shyr

    Chair, Department of Biostatistics
    Harold L. Moses Chair in Cancer Research
    Director, Vanderbilt Center for Quantitative Sciences (CQS)
    Director, Vanderbilt Technologies for Advanced Genomics Analysis and Research Design (VANGARD)
    Professor of Biostatistics, Biomedical Informatics, and Health Policy

    PhD, Biostatistics, University of Michigan

    Research interests include: statistical and bioinformatic methodology, next-generation sequencing data, adaptive clinical trials, longitudinal binary data; cancer biology, epidemiology, genetics, and bioinformatics; proteomics; survival analysis; teaching biostatistics

    Honors and service include: Fellow, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR; elected 2022); Fellow, American Statistical Association (ASA; elected 2010); fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS; elected 2016); associate editor for statistics, JAMA Oncology (since 2015); honorary doctorate, National Cheng Kung University (2018)


  • James Christopher (Chris) Slaughter

    Associate Professor of Biostatistics

    DrPH, Biostatistics, University of North Carolina

    Research interests include: longitudinal data analysis for observational studies, latent variable methods, Bayesian statistics, reproductive health applications

    Areas of collaboration include: gastroenterology, pediatrics, neonatology

    Winner of the 2023 Epidemiology PhD Teaching Award.


  • Derek K. Smith

    Assistant Professor of Biostatistics
    Co-Chair of Research and Mentoring, Pain and Symptom Management Program
    Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center

    DDS, Indiana University; PhD, Biostatistics, Vanderbilt University; MPH, Dental Public Health, A. T. Still University of Health Sciences

    Research interests include: long-term oral side-effects of cancer therapy; models of care for oral health across the cancer care trajectory; novel methods for assessing risk and predicting the likely course of survivorship-related outcomes

    Service and honors include: MASCC Outstanding Young Investigator Award (2019); International Society of Oral Oncology board of directors (2023–2025)


  • Andrew Spieker

    Associate Professor of Biostatistics

    PhD, Biostatistics, University of Washington

    Research interests include: causal inference, diagnostic tests and accuracy, health policy, longitudinal data analysis, nonparametric statistics, sensitivity analyses, teaching biostatistics

    Awards and service include: Academy for Excellence in Education (2024); Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching (2021); Outstanding Faculty Mentor (2023 and 2020)

    More information:


  • Ran Tao

    Associate Professor of Biostatistics

    PhD, Biostatistics, University of North Carolina

    Affiliations include: Vanderbilt Genetics Institute

    Research interests include: two-phase designs, missing data, measurement error, rare-variant analysis, trans-ethnic genetic association analysis, genetic risk prediction. Winner of the 2022 Faculty Development Award for "Efficient Efficient Estimation in Two-Phase Studies with Error-Prone Time-to-Event Outcome and Covariates."

    Service includes: ASA Council of Sections representative for Statistics in Epidemiology (2023–2025)

    More information:

  • Simon Vandekar

    Director of Graduate Recruitment
    Associate Professor of Biostatistics

    PhD, Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania

    Research interests include: effect sizes, semiparametric (robust) inference, psychiatry, psychology, neuroimaging, immunofluorescence imaging

    Service includes: American Statistical Association Middle Tennessee Chapter president (2022–2024); conference chair, 2022 Statistical Methods in Imaging Conference

  • Jing Wang

    Research Assistant Professor of Biostatistics

    PhD, Bioinformatics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

    Research interests include: single-cell transcriptomics; epigenomics

    Honors include: Faculty Development Award (2024); Patrick G. Arbogast Collaborative Publication Award (2022)

  • Qingyan Xiang

    Assistant Professor of Biostatistics

    PhD, Biostatistics, Boston University

    Research interests include: causal inference, mediation analysis, longitudinal data analysis, clinical trials, infectious diseases (TB and HIV), longevity, chronic pain

    Service includes: associate editor, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease (2024–present)

  • Yaomin Xu

    Assistant Professor of Biostatistics and Biomedical Informatics
    PI, Translational Bioinformatics & Biostatistics Lab

    PhD, Statistics, Case Western Reserve University

    Research interests include: translation bioinformatics, multivariate data analysis and visualization, unsupervised learning, cloud computing and big data analytics, biobanks and EHRs

    For more information:

  • Jing Yang

    Research Assistant Professor of Biostatistics

    PhD, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, East China University of Science and Technology & Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences of Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Jing Yang’s research work is focused on revealing the relationships between genotype and immunophenotype and identifying the determinates of immunogenicity for immunotherapy in melanoma. Dr. Yang also studies the TGFβ signaling pathway that functions through SMAD4 in inflammation-associated cancer.

    VUMC Reporter feature: Vanderbilt biostatisticians launch Cancer-Immu data portal for predicting response to immune checkpoint blockade immunotherapy

  • Fei Ye

    Professor of Biostatistics and Medicine
    Vice Chair of Collaborative Studies
    Department of Biostatistics

    PhD, Biostatistics, University of South Carolina

    Research interests include: multi-omics data analysis and biomarker discovery; clinical trial design; cancer research; prediction model development and validation

    Honors and service include: ASA Fellow (elected 2024); program chair (2024) and program chair–elect (2023), ASA Statistics in Epidemiology Section; assistant editor for statistics, JAMA Oncology (2020–present); president, Mid-Tennessee chapter, American Statistical Association (2019–2020); Biostatistics Faculty Development Award (2018)


  • Panpan Zhang

    Assistant Professor of Biostatistics
    Assistant Professor
    Vanderbilt Memory and Alzheimer's Center (VMAC)

    PhD, Statistics, George Washington University

    Research interests include: network data analysis, applied probability, longitudinal data analysis, missing data, applications in Alzheimer's disease and neurodegenerative disorders

    More information:

  • Zhiguo (Alex) Zhao

    Assistant in Biostatistics

    MS, Biostatistics, University of Iowa

    MS, Applied Mathematics, University of Toledo

    Expertise includes: prediction modeling, linear regression, generalized linear regression, categorical data analyses, repeated measures, mixed-effects models, survival analysis, clinical trials, power and sample size justification, statistical computing, microarray data analysis, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) data analysis, machine learning, and data mining. In addition, he is proficient in the use of R and SAS and has considerable experience in conducting and analyzing data from molecular and genetic epidemiology studies of cancer.

    Projects include: genetic studies from large consortia, including the Breast Cancer Association Consortium, Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium, and Prostate Cancer Association Group to Investigate Cancer Associated Alterations in the Genome.


  • Shilin Zhao

    Assistant Professor of Biostatistics

    PhD, Bioinformatics, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences

    Research interests include: developing tools with statistical methods to solve problems in next generation sequencing data analysis; high-dimensional data; transcriptomics; genomics; proteomics data analysis and integration


    Co-investigator, Translational Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Lab

  • Yuwei Zhu

    Senior Associate in Biostatistics

    MD, Shanghai Medical University; MS, Biometry, University of Texas Health Science Center

    Research interests include: influenza vaccine effectiveness, disease burden analysis, studies with EHR-based prognostic decision support