Tools & Support


Bridge equips clinicians with tools to ensure high-quality services are accurately documented and reported:

  • The Bridge Quality Dashboard, built in Tableau, shows up-to-date snapshots of quality performance and targets. From this Dashboard, users can see performance on the quality measures according to area, clinic, or by individual clinician. If you need access to the dashboard, contact Mark Rhodes at 
  • The Health Maintenance functionality is used to evaluate and update care gaps by managing your patients' preventive care and ensuring that patients adhere to your facility's recommended preventive care schedules. You can also tailor preventive care plans for individual patients by changing recommended frequencies and adding Health Maintenance modifiers to patients' charts. Click here to access the latest Health Maintenance tip sheet. *Please note, you will be prompted to enter your VUNetID to access the tip sheet.


VUMC's Quality, Safety, and Risk Prevention team supports clinicians by:

  • Informing clinicians and staff about upcoming milestones and goals
  • Providing training, demos, and documentation on Bridge tools
  • Helping integrate Bridge tools into existing workflow with minimal disruption

If you have questions or support needs, please contact the Quality Safety Advisor responsible for your focus clinic area. 

The team behind Bridge is committed to making this evolution as seamless as possible for clinicians. Your feedback will help make this initiative a success for your colleagues across the Medical Center.