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EHC Core Projects
Since 2014, the EHC Core has consulted on a variety of internal, external, and community-based projects. Examples include:
Sickle Cell Disease Guidelines
- Converted clinical sickle cell disease guidelines into clearly articulated, patient-facing text and actionable items
- Collaborated with the IRB and VICTR to improve the language used in electronic informed consent documents
All of Us (Precision Medicine Initiative)
- Improved readability and understandability of public-facing materials and informed consent documents
- Assisted with the development of the survey to be completed by all participants
Organizational Health Literacy (OHL)
- Conducted a literature review to identifying and evaluate tools that assess OHL.
Surgical Outcomes
- Assessed the relationship between health literacy and health outcomes after major surgery (length of stay, complications, readmissions, ED visits)
- Created a glossary of commonly used research terms to improve understanding for patients who want to sign up for research studies
Biomedical Informatics
- Assessed the association between health literacy and inpatient use of the MyHealthAtVanderbilt (MHAV) patient portal.