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Example: "Development and Evaluation" or "Interventions"
Member Name | Institution | Department(s) | Theories Developed or Applied | Methods Expertise | Health Behaviors Studied |
Sarah Jaser, PhD | VUMC | Pediatrics | Positive Psychology, CBT | Family-based interventions, Sleep measures (actigraphy, diaries, Qs), Parent-child communication, Performance-based and Q measures | Stress and Coping, Sleep, Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Management, Executive Function |
Lindsay Mayberry, MS, PhD | VUMC | Medicine, Biomedical | Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills, Family Systems Theory | Structural Equation Modeling, Dyadic Interventions, Mediation, Interventions to improve health behavior, Measure development and validation | Medication Adherence, Diabetes Self-care Behaviors, Use of Continuous Glucose Monitors |
Emily Morrow, MS, CCC-SLP | VUMC | Brain Injury Patient Registry, Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences | Chronic Care Model | Mediation, Measurement and Intervention Development using ecological momentary assessment | Memory and Word Learning in Adults with Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury |
Lyndsay Nelson, PhD | VUMC | Medicine | Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills | Development and evaluation of behavior change interventions, Design and usability testing, mHealth engagement, Implementation science | Diabetes Self-care Behaviors, Medication Adherence |
Hilary Tindle, MD, MPH | VUMC | Medicine | Health Belief Model, Theory of Planned Behavior | Randomized controlled trials, Longitudinal observational cohorts, Electronic Health Record (EHR) and real world data | Nicotine Dependence - Smoking Cessation, Addiction Medicine, Optimism, Pessimism, and Attitudes |
Cristian Chandler, MPH, PhD | VUMC | Medicine, Infectious Diseases | Syndemic Production (syndemics), Minority Stress Theory (MST), Intersectionality | Syndemic Construction | Behavioral HIV Prevention, Community Engagement, LGBTQ Health Decision-making, Sex Work |
McKenzie Roddy, PhD | VUMC | Medicine | Dyadic Interventions, Structural Equation Modeling, Moderation, Intervention Optimization, Longitudinal Data | Diabetes Self-care Behaviors | |
Tom A. Elasy, MD | VUMC | Medicine, Center for Diabetes Translation Research | Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills | Randomized Clinical Trials, Intervention development and evaluation, Questionnaire development | Medication adherence & management, Diabetes self-care management |
Jacquelyn Pennings, MS, PhD | VUMC | Orthopaedic Surgery, Medicine, Health, and Society, Center for Musculoskeletal Research | Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, Structural Equation Modeling, Measure development and validation, Multivariable regression, Mixed effects models (hierarchical models) | Physical Activity, Prescription Opioid Intake | |
Kelly L. Haws, MBA, PhD | Vanderbilt University | Anne Marie and Thomas B. Walker, Jr. Professor of Marketing, Owen Graduate School of Management | Healthy = Expensive Intuition, Regulatory Focus Theory | Measurement Issues, Consumer Choice Behavior, Measurement Development and Validation | Food & Consumer Decision Making, Financial Decision Making, Self-Control in Consumption |
Marianna LaNoue, PhD, MS | VUMC | School of Nursing | Health Belief Model, Transtheoretical Model, Health Action Process Approach (HAPA), Health Locus of Control | Group Concept Mapping (GCM), Stakeholder Engagement, Latent Variable Measurement Modeling, Measure Development, Measurement Equivalence | Type 2 Diabetes Self Management, Primary & Acute Care Access/Use, Weight Management/Obesity |
Jennifer Erves, PhD, MPH, MAED, MS, CHES | Meharry Medical College | Internal Medicine, Adjunct Geriatrics | Health Belief Model, Theory of Reasoned Action, Theory of Planned Behavior, Kreuter's cultural targeting/tailoring strategies, Community Engaged Research Dissemination Framework | Intervention development and validation, Development and application of community engagement, Survey development, Development of clinical trial recruitment strategies, Cultural targeting/tailoring, Development of dissemination framework and strategies | HPV vaccine hesitancy, Covid vaccine hesitancy |
Rachel Fissell, MD, MS | VUMC | Nephrology & Hypertension | Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills | Application of Regression Methods, including competing risks models, Measure development and validation, Qualitative interviewing | Peritoneal Dialysis, Mindset (Growth vs. Fixed), Motivation, Health Self-Efficacy, Resilience |
William J. Heerman, MD, MPH | VUMC | Pediatrics | Self-Determination Theory, Social Cognitive Theory, RE-AIM, FRAME | Clinical Trials, Implementation Science, Mixed Methods Research, Intervention Design | Healthy Diet, Physical Activity, Media Use, Sleep, Parenting Behaviors |
Jourdan Holder, AuD, PhD | VUMC | Hearing and Speech Sciences | Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills | Randomized Clinical Trials, Intervention Development and Evaluation, Questionnaire Development | Device (cochlear implant) use adherence |
Shelagh Mulvaney, MS, PhD | VUMC | Nursing, Biomedical Informatics | Self-Determination Theory, Social Cognitive Theory, CBT | mHealth, Ecological Momentary Assessment, Patient Engagement, Intervention design and evaluation, Socila Learning and Media in Health, Technology Use in Diabetes, Stories to improve health behaviors | Adherence and Self-Management, Problem Solving and Coping, Personalized Feedback for Behavioral Insights, Technology and Personal Data Use |
Devika Nair, MD, MSCI | VUMC, Tennessee Valley Veterans Affairs Healthcare System | Medicine, Nephrology | Capability Opportunity Motivation Behavior framework, Biopsychosocial conceptual model | Qualitative and mixed-methods research, Patient-reported measure development and validation, Geriatric assessments (including cognition,mood, mobility, physical performance), Behavioral intervention development, Implementation science, Patient and community engagement | Mobility, Physical activity |
Jessica Perkins, MS, PhD | Vanderbilt University | Human and Organizational Development, Vanderbilt Institute of Global Health | Theory of Planned Behavior, Social Norms Theory, Theory of Normative Social Behavior, Social Identity Theory | Social networks, Survey development, Community-based field work, Multilevel modeling, Multivariable models, Norms-based interventions | HIV prevention and treatment behaviors, Substance abuse, Violence |
Jennifer Richmond, PhD, MSPH | VUMC | Medicine | Health Belief Model, Andersen’s Behavioral Model of Health Services Use | Measure development and validation, Structural Equation Modeling, Qualitative and Mixed Methods, Community-engagement Research | Cancer Screening and Treatment, Health Services Use, Medical Decision Making, Impact of Psychosocial Factors on Health Behaviors and Outcomes |
Ebele M. Umeukeje, MD, MPH | VUMC | Medicine | Self determination theory, Health belief model | Motivational interviewing, Cultural tailoring of motivational interviewing, Behavioral intervention development and evaluation, Qualitative analyses, Community deliberations | Kidney disease self-care behaviors, Medication adherence, Dialysis treatment adherence, Motivation-related behaviors, Provider attitudes |
McKenzie Roddy, PhD | VUMC | Medicine | Family systems theory | Dyadic analyses, structural equation modeling, mediation analyses, multilevel modeling, quality improvement | Relationship effects on health and mental health, Diabetes self-care behaviors |
Calandra Whitted, MSPH, DrPH | Meharry Vanderbilt Alliance | Health Belief Model, Communal Coping, Community Engagement Framework for Genomics | Program Evaluation, Quality improvement, Culturally Tailoring Interventions and Programs, Quality improvement, Implementation Science, Public Health Genomics, Community Engagement | Health communication, Family health history, health literacy, cancer prevention, social support, tools for facilitating family health history uptake | |
Elisa Gordon, PhD, MPH | VUMC | Surgery and Ethics | Social Cognitive Theory, Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research, RE-AIM, Diffusion of Innovations Theory, Kleinman's Explanatory Models, Leventhal's Self-Regulation Theory | Qualitative and mixed methods, Culturally targeted intervention development, Survey development, Cognitive interviews | Informed consent & Treatment Decision Making, Engagement with e-Health (chatbot, app, website), Chronic kidney disease self-care behaviors |
Stephanie Doupnik, MD, MSHP | VUMC | Pediatrics | Healthcare Quality Frameworks, Behavioral Models of Healthcare Utilization | Observational Methods, Implementation and Dissemination Science, Mixed Qualitative & Quantitative Methods | Suicide prevention, Healthcare access & utilization, Pediatric Hospital Care |