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Member Name Institution Department(s) Theories Developed or Applied Methods Expertise Health Behaviors Studied
Sarah Jaser, PhD VUMC Pediatrics Positive Psychology, CBT Family-based interventions, Sleep measures (actigraphy, diaries, Qs), Parent-child communication, Performance-based and Q measures Stress and Coping, Sleep, Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Management, Executive Function
Lindsay Mayberry, MS, PhD VUMC Medicine, Biomedical Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills, Family Systems Theory Structural Equation Modeling, Dyadic Interventions, Mediation, Interventions to improve health behavior, Measure development and validation Medication Adherence, Diabetes Self-care Behaviors, Use of Continuous Glucose Monitors
Emily Morrow, MS, CCC-SLP VUMC Brain Injury Patient Registry, Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences Chronic Care Model Mediation, Measurement and Intervention Development using ecological momentary assessment Memory and Word Learning in Adults with Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury
Lyndsay Nelson, PhD VUMC Medicine Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Development and evaluation of behavior change interventions, Design and usability testing, mHealth engagement, Implementation science Diabetes Self-care Behaviors, Medication Adherence
Hilary Tindle, MD, MPH VUMC Medicine Health Belief Model, Theory of Planned Behavior Randomized controlled trials, Longitudinal observational cohorts, Electronic Health Record (EHR) and real world data Nicotine Dependence - Smoking Cessation, Addiction Medicine, Optimism, Pessimism, and Attitudes
Cristian Chandler, MPH, PhD VUMC Medicine, Infectious Diseases Syndemic Production (syndemics), Minority Stress Theory (MST), Intersectionality Syndemic Construction Behavioral HIV Prevention, Community Engagement, LGBTQ Health Decision-making, Sex Work
McKenzie Roddy, PhD VUMC Medicine Dyadic Interventions, Structural Equation Modeling, Moderation, Intervention Optimization, Longitudinal Data Diabetes Self-care Behaviors
Tom A. Elasy, MD VUMC Medicine, Center for Diabetes Translation Research Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Randomized Clinical Trials, Intervention development and evaluation, Questionnaire development Medication adherence & management, Diabetes self-care management
Jacquelyn Pennings, MS, PhD VUMC Orthopaedic Surgery, Medicine, Health, and Society, Center for Musculoskeletal Research Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, Structural Equation Modeling, Measure development and validation, Multivariable regression, Mixed effects models (hierarchical models) Physical Activity, Prescription Opioid Intake
Kelly L. Haws, MBA, PhD Vanderbilt University Anne Marie and Thomas B. Walker, Jr. Professor of Marketing, Owen Graduate School of Management Healthy = Expensive Intuition, Regulatory Focus Theory Measurement Issues, Consumer Choice Behavior, Measurement Development and Validation Food & Consumer Decision Making, Financial Decision Making, Self-Control in Consumption
Marianna LaNoue, PhD, MS VUMC School of Nursing Health Belief Model, Transtheoretical Model, Health Action Process Approach (HAPA), Health Locus of Control Group Concept Mapping (GCM), Stakeholder Engagement, Latent Variable Measurement Modeling, Measure Development, Measurement Equivalence Type 2 Diabetes Self Management, Primary & Acute Care Access/Use, Weight Management/Obesity
Jennifer Erves, PhD, MPH, MAED, MS, CHES Meharry Medical College Internal Medicine, Adjunct Geriatrics Health Belief Model, Theory of Reasoned Action, Theory of Planned Behavior, Kreuter's cultural targeting/tailoring strategies, Community Engaged Research Dissemination Framework Intervention development and validation, Development and application of community engagement, Survey development, Development of clinical trial recruitment strategies, Cultural targeting/tailoring, Development of dissemination framework and strategies HPV vaccine hesitancy, Covid vaccine hesitancy
Rachel Fissell, MD, MS VUMC Nephrology & Hypertension Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Application of Regression Methods, including competing risks models, Measure development and validation, Qualitative interviewing Peritoneal Dialysis, Mindset (Growth vs. Fixed), Motivation, Health Self-Efficacy, Resilience
William J. Heerman, MD, MPH VUMC Pediatrics Self-Determination Theory, Social Cognitive Theory, RE-AIM, FRAME Clinical Trials, Implementation Science, Mixed Methods Research, Intervention Design Healthy Diet, Physical Activity, Media Use, Sleep, Parenting Behaviors
Jourdan Holder, AuD, PhD VUMC Hearing and Speech Sciences Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Randomized Clinical Trials, Intervention Development and Evaluation, Questionnaire Development Device (cochlear implant) use adherence
Shelagh Mulvaney, MS, PhD VUMC Nursing, Biomedical Informatics Self-Determination Theory, Social Cognitive Theory, CBT mHealth, Ecological Momentary Assessment, Patient Engagement, Intervention design and evaluation, Socila Learning and Media in Health, Technology Use in Diabetes, Stories to improve health behaviors Adherence and Self-Management, Problem Solving and Coping, Personalized Feedback for Behavioral Insights, Technology and Personal Data Use
Devika Nair, MD, MSCI VUMC, Tennessee Valley Veterans Affairs Healthcare System Medicine, Nephrology Capability Opportunity Motivation Behavior framework, Biopsychosocial conceptual model Qualitative and mixed-methods research, Patient-reported measure development and validation, Geriatric assessments (including cognition,mood, mobility, physical performance), Behavioral intervention development, Implementation science, Patient and community engagement Mobility, Physical activity
Jessica Perkins, MS, PhD Vanderbilt University Human and Organizational Development, Vanderbilt Institute of Global Health Theory of Planned Behavior, Social Norms Theory, Theory of Normative Social Behavior, Social Identity Theory Social networks, Survey development, Community-based field work, Multilevel modeling, Multivariable models, Norms-based interventions HIV prevention and treatment behaviors, Substance abuse, Violence
Jennifer Richmond, PhD, MSPH VUMC Medicine Health Belief Model, Andersen’s Behavioral Model of Health Services Use Measure development and validation, Structural Equation Modeling, Qualitative and Mixed Methods, Community-engagement Research Cancer Screening and Treatment, Health Services Use, Medical Decision Making, Impact of Psychosocial Factors on Health Behaviors and Outcomes
Ebele M. Umeukeje, MD, MPH VUMC Medicine Self determination theory, Health belief model Motivational interviewing, Cultural tailoring of motivational interviewing, Behavioral intervention development and evaluation, Qualitative analyses, Community deliberations Kidney disease self-care behaviors, Medication adherence, Dialysis treatment adherence, Motivation-related behaviors, Provider attitudes
McKenzie Roddy, PhD VUMC Medicine Family systems theory Dyadic analyses, structural equation modeling, mediation analyses, multilevel modeling, quality improvement Relationship effects on health and mental health, Diabetes self-care behaviors
Calandra Whitted, MSPH, DrPH Meharry Vanderbilt Alliance Health Belief Model, Communal Coping, Community Engagement Framework for Genomics Program Evaluation, Quality improvement, Culturally Tailoring Interventions and Programs, Quality improvement, Implementation Science, Public Health Genomics, Community Engagement Health communication, Family health history, health literacy, cancer prevention, social support, tools for facilitating family health history uptake
Elisa Gordon, PhD, MPH VUMC Surgery and Ethics Social Cognitive Theory, Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research, RE-AIM, Diffusion of Innovations Theory, Kleinman's Explanatory Models, Leventhal's Self-Regulation Theory Qualitative and mixed methods, Culturally targeted intervention development, Survey development, Cognitive interviews Informed consent & Treatment Decision Making, Engagement with e-Health (chatbot, app, website), Chronic kidney disease self-care behaviors
Stephanie Doupnik, MD, MSHP VUMC Pediatrics Healthcare Quality Frameworks, Behavioral Models of Healthcare Utilization Observational Methods, Implementation and Dissemination Science, Mixed Qualitative & Quantitative Methods Suicide prevention, Healthcare access & utilization, Pediatric Hospital Care