Contact Us
Thank you for visiting the Child Language and Literacy Lab website.
PARENTS: If you are interested in having your child participate in lab research projects, please email us and provide your child(ren)'s age(s). We will contact you if we have any studies that we think your child is eligible to participate in. Some of our research studies provide compensation to children who participate.
UNDERGRADUATES: If you are an undergraduate who is looking to work in the lab, please email us with a copy of your resume and how your interests intersect with our lab. Undergraduates participate in the lab as research assistants (volunteer, paid, part of Immersion experience) or for course credit. Preference is given to undergraduates who can commit to more than one semester in the lab. We require a minimum commitment of five hours per week in the lab.
MS-SLP STUDENTS: For graduate students in the speech-language pathology master's program, there are opportunities to work in the lab as paid research assistants, as a master's thesis student, as a volunteer, or as a clinical practicum placement. Prior to matriculation in the master's program, you should send an email to the lab email below expressing your interest and attaching a copy of your resume.
POTENTIAL PhD STUDENTS: We are recruiting PhD students to matriculate in Fall 2024. Students will be funded on one of two training grants (a) Project INTERSECT focuses on school SLP practices, and (b) Project PAL focuses on children with complex communication needs. Email to learn more:
Contact Information
Email Address:
Telephone Number: (615) 936-5256
Mailing Address:
8310 South Tower, MCE
1215 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37232-8242
Finding the Lab
Where is the Child Language And Literacy Lab located?
We are located on the 10th floor of Medical Center East, South Tower. Medical Center East has two towers – North Tower and South Tower. The towers are connected. Once you are in the building, you can easily access either tower. The Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson Center occupies floors 6 through 10 of Medical Center East, South Tower.
There are two sets of elevators in Medical Center East. One set accesses all parking floors and only office floors 2 through 8. The other set (located near the Pharmacy and the restrooms) accesses all parking floors and office floors 2 through 10. You want this set of elevators.
Where do I park?
It is easiest to use the VALET PARKING option that is accessible from 21st AVENUE. The valet parking is located in the parking floors that are directly UNDER Medical Center East. The entrance to valet parking is between Medical Center Drive and Dixie Place, on the west side of 21st Avenue. If you use a GPS device, the address for Medical Center East is 1215 21st Avenue South. Once you leave your car with the valet parking folks, the elevators located adjacent to the drop off will take you to the 10th floor.
If your appointment with us is on the weekend, see the alternate directions below.
How do I find the Child language and Literacy Lab playroom?
Take the elevators to the 10th floor. When you exit the elevators, look for the sign for the waiting area - a bank of chairs in the hallway near the elevator. Wait there for a lab member.
What if I get lost?
Monday through Friday, you will find a receptionist on the 2nd floor of Medical Center East. You will also find a receptionist in the Pediatric Speech-Language Clinic on the 6th floor. Either person can help you find the waiting room on the 10th floor. Alternatively, you can call the cell phone number listed above. On the weekend, please call the cell phone above.
Where do I park on the weekend?
Valet parking is closed on the weekend. There are two options for parking on the weekends. You can park under the building on the second floor, accessible from the driveway on Dixie Place. Or you can park on the green or yellow levels of the East Garage, accessible from Medical Center East Dr.
Driving Directions to the Center
Click here for directions and a map to the Child Language and Literacy Lab, located on the 10th floor of Medical Center East, South Tower (Bill Wilkerson Center).