Silander K, Scott LJ, Valle TT, Mohlke KL, Stringham HM, Wiles KR, Duren WL, Doheny KF, Pugh EW, Chines P, Narisu N, White PP, Fingerlin TE, Jackson AU, Li C, Ghosh S, Magnuson VL, Colby K, Erdos MR, Hill JE, Hollstein P, Humphreys KM, Kasad RA, Lambert J, Lazaridis KN, Lin G, Morales-Mena A, Patzkowski K, Pfahl C, Porter R, Rha D, Segal L, Suh YD, Tovar J, Unni A, Welch C, Douglas JA, Epstein MP, Hauser ER, Hagopian W, Buchanan TA, Watanabe RM, Bergman RN, Tuomilehto J, Collins FS, Boehnke M. A large set of Finnish affected sibling pair families with type 2 diabetes suggests susceptibility loci on chromosomes 6, 11, and 14. Diabetes. 2004 Mar;53(53). 821-9.
The aim of the Finland-United States Investigation of NIDDM Genetics (FUSION) study is to identify genes that predispose to type 2 diabetes or are responsible for variability in diabetes-related traits via a positional cloning and positional candidate gene approach. In a previously published genome-wide scan of 478 Finnish affected sibling pair (ASP) families (FUSION 1), the strongest linkage results were on chromosomes 20 and 11. We now report a second genome-wide scan using an independent set of 242 Finnish ASP families (FUSION 2), a detailed analysis of the combined set of 737 FUSION 1 + 2 families (495 updated FUSION 1 families), and fine mapping of the regions of chromosomes 11 and 20. The strongest FUSION 2 linkage results were on chromosomes 6 (maximum logarithm of odds score [MLS] = 2.30 at 95 cM) and 14 (MLS = 1.80 at 57 cM). For the combined FUSION 1 + 2 families, three results were particularly notable: chromosome 11 (MLS = 2.98 at 82 cM), chromosome 14 (MLS = 2.74 at 58 cM), and chromosome 6 (MLS = 2.66 at 96 cM). We obtained smaller FUSION 1 + 2 MLSs on chromosomes X (MLS = 1.27 at 152 cM) and 20p (MLS = 1.21 at 20 cM). Among the 10 regions that showed nominally significant evidence for linkage in FUSION 1, four (on chromosomes 6, 11, 14, and X) also showed evidence for linkage in FUSION 2 and stronger evidence for linkage in the combined FUSION 1 + 2 sample.