Winfree RL, Nolan E, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Gifford KA, Pechman KR, Schneider J, Bennett DA, Petyuk VA, Jefferson AL, Hohman TJ. Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 (FLT1) interactions with amyloid-beta in Alzheimer's disease: A putative biomarker of amyloid-induced vascular damage. Neurobiology of aging. 2024 Dec 25;147(147). 141-149.
Wu Y, Libby JB, Dumitrescu LC, De Jager PL, Menon V, Schneider JA, Bennett DA, Hohman TJ. Association of ten VEGF family genes with Alzheimer's disease endophenotypes at single cell resolution. Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 2024 Dec 6.
Phillips JM, Winfree RL, Seto M, Schneider JA, Bennett DA, Dumitrescu LC, Hohman TJ. Pathologic and clinical correlates of region-specific brain GFAP in Alzheimer's disease. Acta neuropathologica. 2024 Nov 24;148(148). 69 p.
Bolton CJ, Khan OA, Liu D, Wilhoite S, Dumitrescu L, Peterson A, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Hohman TJ, Jefferson AL, Gifford KA. Cognitive status and demographics modify the association between subjective cognition and amyloid. Annals of clinical and translational neurology. 2024 Nov;11(11). 2977-2986.
Shade LMP, Katsumata Y, Abner EL, Aung KZ, Claas SA, Qiao Q, Heberle BA, Brandon JA, Page ML, Hohman TJ, Mukherjee S, Mayeux RP, Farrer LA, Schellenberg GD, Haines JL, Kukull WA, Nho K, Saykin AJ, Bennett DA, Schneider JA, Ebbert MTW, Nelson PT, Fardo DW. GWAS of multiple neuropathology endophenotypes identifies new risk loci and provides insights into the genetic risk of dementia. Nature genetics. 2024 Nov;56(56). 2407-2421.
Nho K, Risacher SL, Apostolova LG, Bice PJ, Brosch JR, Deardorff R, Faber K, Farlow MR, Foroud T, Gao S, Rosewood T, Kim JP, Nudelman K, Yu M, Aisen P, Sperling R, Hooli B, Shcherbinin S, Svaldi D, Jack CR, Jagust WJ, Landau S, Vasanthakumar A, Waring JF, Doré V, Laws SM, Masters CL, Porter T, Rowe CC, Villemagne VL, Dumitrescu L, Hohman TJ, Libby JB, Mormino E, Buckley RF, Johnson K, Yang HS, Petersen RC, Ramanan VK, Ertekin-Taner N, Vemuri P, Cohen AD, Fan KH, Kamboh MI, Lopez OL, Bennett DA, Ali M, Benzinger T, Cruchaga C, Hobbs D, De Jager PL, Fujita M, Jadhav V, Lamb BT, Tsai AP, Castanho I, Mill J, Weiner MW, Saykin AJ. CYP1B1-RMDN2 Alzheimer's disease endophenotype locus identified for cerebral tau PET. Nature communications. 2024 Sep 20;15(15). 8251 p.
Sathe A, Yang Y, Schilling KG, Shashikumar N, Moore E, Dumitrescu L, Pechman KR, Landman BA, Gifford KA, Hohman TJ, Jefferson AL, Archer DB. Free-water: A promising structural biomarker for cognitive decline in aging and mild cognitive impairment. Imaging neuroscience (Cambridge, Mass.). 2024 Sep 1;2(2). 1-16.
Duggan MR, Yang Z, Cui Y, Dark HE, Wen J, Erus G, Hohman TJ, Chen J, Lewis A, Moghekar A, Coresh J, Resnick SM, Davatzikos C, Walker KA. Proteomic analyses reveal plasma EFEMP1 and CXCL12 as biomarkers and determinants of neurodegeneration. Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 2024 Sep;20(20). 6486-6505.
Duggan MR, Peng Z, Sipilä PN, Lindbohm JV, Chen J, Lu Y, Davatzikos C, Erus G, Hohman TJ, Andrews SJ, Candia J, Tanaka T, Joynes CM, Alvarado CX, Nalls MA, Cordon J, Daya GN, An Y, Lewis A, Moghekar A, Palta P, Coresh J, Ferrucci L, Kivimäki M, Walker KA. Proteomics identifies potential immunological drivers of postinfection brain atrophy and cognitive decline. Nature aging. 2024 Sep;4(4). 1263-1278. NIHMSID: NIHMS2021124.
Arenaza-Urquijo EM, Boyle R, Casaletto K, Anstey KJ, Vila-Castelar C, Colverson A, Palpatzis E, Eissman JM, Kheng Siang Ng T, Raghavan S, Akinci M, Vonk JMJ, Machado LS, Zanwar PP, Shrestha HL, Wagner M, Tamburin S, Sohrabi HR, Loi S, Bartrés-Faz D, Dubal DB, Vemuri P, Okonkwo O, Hohman TJ, Ewers M, Buckley RF. Sex and gender differences in cognitive resilience to aging and Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 2024 Aug;20(20). 5695-5719.
Winfree RL, Erreger K, Phillips J, Seto M, Wang Y, Schneider JA, Bennett DA, Schrag MS, Hohman TJ, Hamm HE. Elevated protease-activated receptor 4 (PAR4) gene expression in Alzheimer's disease predicts cognitive decline. Neurobiology of aging. 2024 Aug;140(140). 93-101. NIHMSID: NIHMS2027501.
Duggan MR, Gomez GT, Joynes CM, Bilgel M, Chen J, Fattorelli N, Hohman TJ, Mancuso R, Cordon J, Castellano T, Koran MEI, Candia J, Lewis A, Moghekar A, Ashton NJ, Kac PR, Karikari TK, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Martinez-Muriana A, De Strooper B, Thambisetty M, Ferrucci L, Gottesman RF, Coresh J, Resnick SM, Walker KA. Proteome-wide analysis identifies plasma immune regulators of amyloid-beta progression. Brain, behavior, and immunity. 2024 Aug;120(120). 604-619. NIHMSID: NIHMS2010393.
Boyle R, Townsend DL, Klinger HM, Scanlon CE, Yuan Z, Coughlan GT, Seto M, Shirzadi Z, Yau WW, Jutten RJ, Schneider C, Farrell ME, Hanseeuw BJ, Mormino EC, Yang HS, Papp KV, Amariglio RE, Jacobs HIL, Price JC, Chhatwal JP, Schultz AP, Properzi MJ, Rentz DM, Johnson KA, Sperling RA, Hohman TJ, Donohue MC, Buckley RF. Identifying longitudinal cognitive resilience from cross-sectional amyloid, tau, and neurodegeneration. Alzheimer's research & therapy. 2024 Jul 3;16(16). 148 p.
Gao C, Bao S, Kim ME, Newlin NR, Kanakaraj P, Yao T, Rudravaram G, Huo Y, Moyer D, Schilling K, Kukull WA, Toga AW, Archer DB, Hohman TJ, Landman BA, Li Z. Field-of-view extension for brain diffusion MRI via deep generative models. Journal of medical imaging (Bellingham, Wash.). 2024 Jul;11(11). 044008 p.
Zhukovsky P, Tio ES, Coughlan G, Bennett DA, Wang Y, Hohman TJ, Pizzagalli DA, Mulsant BH, Voineskos AN, Felsky D. Genetic influences on brain and cognitive health and their interactions with cardiovascular conditions and depression. Nature communications. 2024 Jun 18;15(15). 5207 p.
Yang HS, Yau WW, Carlyle BC, Trombetta BA, Zhang C, Shirzadi Z, Schultz AP, Pruzin JJ, Fitzpatrick CD, Kirn DR, Rabin JS, Buckley RF, Hohman TJ, Rentz DM, Tanzi RE, Johnson KA, Sperling RA, Arnold SE, Chhatwal JP. Plasma VEGFA and PGF impact longitudinal tau and cognition in preclinical Alzheimer's disease. Brain : a journal of neurology. 2024 Jun 3;147(147). 2158-2168.
Yan D, Hu B, Darst BF, Mukherjee S, Kunkle BW, Deming Y, Dumitrescu L, Wang Y, Naj A, Kuzma A, Zhao Y, Kang H, Johnson SC, Carlos C, Hohman TJ, Crane PK, Engelman CD, Lu Q. Biobank-wide association scan identifies risk factors for late-onset Alzheimer's disease and endophenotypes. ELife. 2024 May 24;12(12).
Winfree RL, Nolan E, Dumitrescu L, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Gifford KA, Pechman KR, Seto M, Petyuk VA, Wang Y, Schneider J, Bennett DA, Jefferson AL, Hohman TJ. Variants in the MS4A cluster interact with soluble TREM2 expression on biomarkers of neuropathology. Molecular neurodegeneration. 2024 May 18;19(19). 41 p.
Katsumata Y, Fardo DW, Shade LMP, Wu X, Karanth SD, Hohman TJ, Schneider JA, Bennett DA, Farfel JM, Gauthreaux K, Mock C, Kukull WA, Abner EL, Nelson PT. Genetic associations with dementia-related proteinopathy: Application of item response theory. Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 2024 Apr;20(20). 2906-2921.
Gogniat MA, Khan OA, Bown CW, Liu D, Pechman KR, Taylor Davis L, Gifford KA, Landman BA, Hohman TJ, Jefferson AL. Perivascular space burden interacts with APOE-ε4 status on cognition in older adults. Neurobiology of aging. 2024 Apr;136(136). 1-8. NIHMSID: NIHMS1973947.
Kim ME, Gao C, Cai LY, Yang Q, Newlin NR, Ramadass K, Jefferson A, Archer D, Shashikumar N, Pechman KR, Gifford KA, Hohman TJ, Beason-Held LL, Resnick SM, Winzeck S, Schilling KG, Zhang P, Moyer D, Landman BA. Empirical assessment of the assumptions of ComBat with diffusion tensor imaging. Journal of medical imaging (Bellingham, Wash.). 2024 Mar;11(11). 024011 p.
Rybnicek J, Chen Y, Milic M, Tio ES, McLaurin J, Hohman TJ, De Jager PL, Schneider JA, Wang Y, Bennett DA, Tripathy S, Felsky D, Lambe EK. CHRNA5 links chandelier cells to severity of amyloid pathology in aging and Alzheimer's disease. Translational psychiatry. 2024 Feb 8;14(14). 83 p.
Eissman JM, Archer DB, Mukherjee S, Lee ML, Choi SE, Scollard P, Trittschuh EH, Mez JB, Bush WS, Kunkle BW, Naj AC, Gifford KA, Cuccaro ML, Cruchaga C, Pericak-Vance MA, Farrer LA, Wang LS, Schellenberg GD, Mayeux RP, Haines JL, Jefferson AL, Kukull WA, Keene CD, Saykin AJ, Thompson PM, Martin ER, Bennett DA, Barnes LL, Schneider JA, Crane PK, Hohman TJ, Dumitrescu L. Sex-specific genetic architecture of late-life memory performance. Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 2024 Feb;20(20). 1250-1267. NIHMSID: NIHMS1934893.
Archer DB, Eissman JM, Mukherjee S, Lee ML, Choi SE, Scollard P, Trittschuh EH, Mez JB, Bush WS, Kunkle BW, Naj AC, Gifford KA, Cuccaro ML, Pericak-Vance MA, Farrer LA, Wang LS, Schellenberg GD, Mayeux RP, Haines JL, Jefferson AL, Kukull WA, Keene CD, Saykin AJ, Thompson PM, Martin ER, Bennett DA, Barnes LL, Schneider JA, Crane PK, Dumitrescu L, Hohman TJ. Longitudinal change in memory performance as a strong endophenotype for Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 2024 Feb;20(20). 1268-1283. NIHMSID: NIHMS1949070.
Ray NR, Kumar A, Zaman A, Del Rosario P, Mena PR, Manoochehri M, Stein C, De Vito AN, Sweet RA, Hohman TJ, Cuccaro ML, Beecham GW, Huey ED, Reitz C. Disentangling the genetic underpinnings of neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer's disease in the Alzheimer's Disease Sequencing Project: Study design and methodology. Alzheimer's & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 16(16). e70000.
Bishay S, Robb WH, Schwartz TM, Smith DS, Lee LH, Lynn CJ, Clark TL, Jefferson AL, Warner JL, Rosenthal EL, Murphy BA, Hohman TJ, Koran MEI. Frontal and anterior temporal hypometabolism post chemoradiation in head and neck cancer: A real-world PET study. Journal of neuroimaging : official journal of the American Society of Neuroimaging. 34(34). 211-216.
Westrick AC, Avila-Rieger J, Gross AL, Hohman T, Vonk JMJ, Zahodne LB, Kobayashi LC. Does education moderate gender disparities in later-life memory function? A cross-national comparison of harmonized cognitive assessment protocols in the United States and India. Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 2024 Jan;20(20). 16-24. NIHMSID: NIHMS1930769.
Walters S, Contreras AG, Eissman JM, Mukherjee S, Lee ML, Choi SE, Scollard P, Trittschuh EH, Mez JB, Bush WS, Kunkle BW, Naj AC, Peterson A, Gifford KA, Cuccaro ML, Cruchaga C, Pericak-Vance MA, Farrer LA, Wang LS, Haines JL, Jefferson AL, Kukull WA, Keene CD, Saykin AJ, Thompson PM, Martin ER, Bennett DA, Barnes LL, Schneider JA, Crane PK, Hohman TJ, Dumitrescu L. Associations of Sex, Race, and Apolipoprotein E Alleles With Multiple Domains of Cognition Among Older Adults. JAMA neurology. 2023 Sep 1;80(80). 929-939.
Newlin NR, Kim ME, Kanakaraj P, Yao T, Hohman T, Pechman KR, Beason-Held LL, Resnick SM, Archer D, Jefferson A, Landman BA, Moyer D. MidRISH: Unbiased harmonization of rotationally invariant harmonics of the diffusion signal. BioRxiv : the preprint server for biology. 2023 Aug 15.
Yang HS, Teng L, Kang D, Menon V, Ge T, Finucane HK, Schultz AP, Properzi M, Klein HU, Chibnik LB, Schneider JA, Bennett DA, Hohman TJ, Mayeux RP, Johnson KA, De Jager PL, Sperling RA. Cell-type-specific Alzheimer's disease polygenic risk scores are associated with distinct disease processes in Alzheimer's disease. MedRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences. 2023 Jun 5.
Seto M, Dumitrescu L, Mahoney ER, Sclafani AM, De Jager PL, Menon V, Koran MEI, Robinson RA, Ruderfer DM, Cox NJ, Seyfried NT, Jefferson AL, Schneider JA, Bennett DA, Petyuk VA, Hohman TJ. Multi-omic characterization of brain changes in the vascular endothelial growth factor family during aging and Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of aging. 2023 Jun;126(126). 25-33. NIHMSID: NIHMS1872235.
Ali M, Archer DB, Gorijala P, Western D, Timsina J, Fernández MV, Wang TC, Satizabal CL, Yang Q, Beiser AS, Wang R, Chen G, Gordon B, Benzinger TLS, Xiong C, Morris JC, Bateman RJ, Karch CM, McDade E, Goate A, Seshadri S, Mayeux RP, Sperling RA, Buckley RF, Johnson KA, Won HH, Jung SH, Kim HR, Seo SW, Kim HJ, Mormino E, Laws SM, Fan KH, Kamboh MI, Vemuri P, Ramanan VK, Yang HS, Wenzel A, Rajula HSR, Mishra A, Dufouil C, Debette S, Lopez OL, DeKosky ST, Tao F, Nagle MW, Hohman TJ, Sung YJ, Dumitrescu L, Cruchaga C. Large multi-ethnic genetic analyses of amyloid imaging identify new genes for Alzheimer disease. Acta neuropathologica communications. 2023 Apr 26;11(11). 68 p.
Bai H, Naj AC, Benchek P, Dumitrescu L, Hohman T, Hamilton-Nelson K, Kallianpur AR, Griswold AJ, Vardarajan B, Martin ER, Beecham GW, Below JE, Schellenberg G, Mayeux R, Farrer L, Pericak-Vance MA, Haines JL, Bush WS. A haptoglobin (HP) structural variant alters the effect of APOE alleles on Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 2023 Apr 12.
Libby JB, Seto M, Khan OA, Liu D, Petyuk V, Oliver NC, Choi MJ, Whitaker M, Patterson KL, Arul AB, Gifford KA, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Dumitrescu L, Robinson RA, Jefferson AL, Hohman TJ. Whole blood transcript and protein abundance of the vascular endothelial growth factor family relate to cognitive performance. Neurobiology of aging. 2023 Apr;124(124). 11-17. NIHMSID: NIHMS1870676.
Bartosch AMW, Youth EHH, Hansen S, Kaufman ME, Xiao H, Koo SY, Ashok A, Sivakumar S, Soni RK, Dumitrescu LC, Lam TG, Ropri AS, Lee AJ, Klein HU, Vardarajan BN, Bennett DA, Young-Pearse TL, De Jager PL, Hohman TJ, Sproul AA, Teich AF. ZCCHC17 modulates neuronal RNA splicing and supports cognitive resilience in Alzheimer's disease. BioRxiv : the preprint server for biology. 2023 Mar 21.
Eissman JM, Wells G, Khan OA, Liu D, Petyuk VA, Gifford KA, Dumitrescu L, Jefferson AL, Hohman TJ. Polygenic resilience score may be sensitive to preclinical Alzheimer's disease changes. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. 28(28). 449-460. NIHMSID: NIHMS1853023.
Gustavson DE, Archer DB, Elman JA, Puckett OK, Fennema-Notestine C, Panizzon MS, Shashikumar N, Hohman TJ, Jefferson AL, Eyler LT, McEvoy LK, Lyons MJ, Franz CE, Kremen WS. Associations among executive function Abilities, free Water, and white matter microstructure in early old age. NeuroImage. Clinical. 37(37). 103279 p.
Eissman JM, Dumitrescu L, Mahoney ER, Smith AN, Mukherjee S, Lee ML, Scollard P, Choi SE, Bush WS, Engelman CD, Lu Q, Fardo DW, Trittschuh EH, Mez J, Kaczorowski CC, Hernandez Saucedo H, Widaman KF, Buckley RF, Properzi MJ, Mormino EC, Yang HS, Harrison TM, Hedden T, Nho K, Andrews SJ, Tommet D, Hadad N, Sanders RE, Ruderfer DM, Gifford KA, Zhong X, Raghavan NS, Vardarajan BN, Pericak-Vance MA, Farrer LA, Wang LS, Cruchaga C, Schellenberg GD, Cox NJ, Haines JL, Keene CD, Saykin AJ, Larson EB, Sperling RA, Mayeux R, Cuccaro ML, Bennett DA, Schneider JA, Crane PK, Jefferson AL, Hohman TJ. Sex differences in the genetic architecture of cognitive resilience to Alzheimer's disease. Brain : a journal of neurology. 2022 Dec 29;145(145). 2541-2554.
Dugan AJ, Nelson PT, Katsumata Y, Shade LMP, Teylan MA, Boehme KL, Mukherjee S, Kauwe JSK, Hohman TJ, Schneider JA, Fardo DW. Association between WWOX/MAF variants and dementia-related neuropathologic endophenotypes. Neurobiology of aging. 2022 Dec;111(111). 95-106. NIHMSID: NIHMS1752831.
Moore EE, Khan OA, Shashikumar N, Pechman KR, Liu D, Bell SP, Nair S, Terry JG, Gifford KA, Anderson AW, Landman BA, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Hohman TJ, Carr JJ, Jefferson AL. Axonal Injury Partially Mediates Associations Between Increased Left Ventricular Mass Index and White Matter Damage. Stroke. 2022 Dec;53(53). 808-816. NIHMSID: NIHMS1745390.
Winfree RL, Dumitrescu L, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Gifford KA, Pechman KR, Jefferson AL, Hohman TJ. Biological correlates of elevated soluble TREM2 in cerebrospinal fluid. Neurobiology of aging. 2022 Oct;118(118). 88-98. NIHMSID: NIHMS1848758.
Seto M, Weiner RL, Dumitrescu L, Mahoney ER, Hansen SL, Janve V, Khan OA, Liu D, Wang Y, Menon V, De Jager PL, Schneider JA, Bennett DA, Gifford KA, Jefferson AL, Hohman TJ. RNASE6 is a novel modifier of APOE-ε4 effects on cognition. Neurobiology of aging. 2022 Oct;118(118). 66-76. NIHMSID: NIHMS1846589.
Mukherjee S, Choi SE, Lee ML, Scollard P, Trittschuh EH, Mez J, Saykin AJ, Gibbons LE, Sanders RE, Zaman AF, Teylan MA, Kukull WA, Barnes LL, Bennett DA, Lacroix AZ, Larson EB, Cuccaro M, Mercado S, Dumitrescu L, Hohman TJ, Crane PK. Cognitive domain harmonization and cocalibration in studies of older adults. Neuropsychology. 2022 Aug 4. NIHMSID: NIHMS1846521.
Shade LM, Katsumata Y, Hohman TJ, Nho K, Saykin AJ, Mukherjee S, Boehme KL, Kauwe JS, Farrer LA, Schellenberg GD, Haines JL, Mayeux RP, Schneider JA, Nelson PT, Fardo DW. Genome-wide association study of brain arteriolosclerosis. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 2022 Aug;42(42). 1437-1450.
Hampton OL, Mukherjee S, Properzi MJ, Schultz AP, Crane PK, Gibbons LE, Hohman TJ, Maruff P, Lim YY, Amariglio RE, Papp KV, Johnson KA, Rentz DM, Sperling RA, Buckley RF. Harmonizing the preclinical Alzheimer cognitive composite for multicohort studies. Neuropsychology. 2022 Jul 21. NIHMSID: NIHMS1846494.
Schilling KG, Archer D, Yeh FC, Rheault F, Cai LY, Hansen C, Yang Q, Ramdass K, Shafer AT, Resnick SM, Pechman KR, Gifford KA, Hohman TJ, Jefferson A, Anderson AW, Kang H, Landman BA. Aging and white matter microstructure and macrostructure: a longitudinal multi-site diffusion MRI study of 1218 participants. Brain structure & function. 2022 Jul;227(227). 2111-2125. NIHMSID: NIHMS1844823.
Neuner SM, Telpoukhovskaia M, Menon V, O'Connell KMS, Hohman TJ, Kaczorowski CC. Translational approaches to understanding resilience to Alzheimer's disease. Trends in neurosciences. 2022 May;45(45). 369-383. NIHMSID: NIHMS1785241.
Robb WH, Khan OA, Ahmed HA, Li J, Moore EE, Cambronero FE, Pechman KR, Liu D, Gifford KA, Landman BA, Donahue MJ, Hohman TJ, Jefferson AL. Lower cerebral oxygen utilization is associated with Alzheimer's disease-related neurodegeneration and poorer cognitive performance among apolipoprotein E ε4 carriers. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 2022 Apr;42(42). 642-655.
Khan MJ, Chung NA, Hansen S, Dumitrescu L, Hohman TJ, Kamboh MI, Lopez OL, Robinson RAS. Targeted Lipidomics To Measure Phospholipids and Sphingomyelins in Plasma: A Pilot Study To Understand the Impact of Race/Ethnicity in Alzheimer's Disease. Analytical chemistry. 2022 Mar 15;94(94). 4165-4174.
Gustavson DE, Reynolds CA, Hohman TJ, Jefferson AL, Elman JA, Panizzon MS, Neale MC, Logue MW, Lyons MJ, Franz CE, Kremen WS. Alzheimer's Disease Polygenic Scores Predict Changes in Episodic Memory and Executive Function Across 12 Years in Late Middle Age. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS. 2022 Feb 21. 1-12.
Mahoney E, Janve V, Hohman TJ, Dumitrescu L. Evaluation of Sex-Aware PrediXcan Models for Predicting Gene Expression. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. 27(27). 361-372.
Seto M, Mahoney ER, Dumitrescu L, Ramanan VK, Engelman CD, Deming Y, Albert M, Johnson SC, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Vemuri P, Jefferson AL, Hohman TJ. Exploring common genetic contributors to neuroprotection from amyloid pathology. Brain communications. 4(4). fcac066.
ArrayWells LF, Risacher SL, McDonald BC, Farlow MR, Brosch J, Gao S, Apostolova LG, Saykin AJ. Measuring Subjective Cognitive Decline in Older Adults: Harmonization Between the Cognitive Change Index and the Measurement of Everyday Cognition Instruments. Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD. 87(87). 761-769. NIHMSID: NIHMS1807378.
Seto M, Weiner RL, Dumitrescu L, Hohman TJ. Protective genes and pathways in Alzheimer's disease: moving towards precision interventions. Molecular neurodegeneration. 2021 Dec 29;16(16). 29 p.
Moore EE, Liu D, Li J, Schimmel SJ, Cambronero FE, Terry JG, Nair S, Pechman KR, Moore ME, Bell SP, Beckman JA, Gifford KA, Hohman TJ, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Carr JJ, Jefferson AL. Association of Aortic Stiffness With Biomarkers of Neuroinflammation, Synaptic Dysfunction, and Neurodegeneration. Neurology. 2021 Dec 27;97(97). e329-e340.
Deters KD, Napolioni V, Sperling RA, Greicius MD, Mayeux R, Hohman T, Mormino EC. Amyloid PET Imaging in Self-Identified Non-Hispanic Black Participants of the Anti-Amyloid in Asymptomatic Alzheimer's Disease (A4) Study. Neurology. 2021 Dec 16;96(96). e1491-e1500.
Dugan AJ, Nelson PT, Katsumata Y, Shade LMP, Boehme KL, Teylan MA, Cykowski MD, Mukherjee S, Kauwe JSK, Hohman TJ, Schneider JA, Fardo DW. Analysis of genes (TMEM106B, GRN, ABCC9, KCNMB2, and APOE) implicated in risk for LATE-NC and hippocampal sclerosis provides pathogenetic insights: a retrospective genetic association study. Acta Neuropathologica Communications. 2021 Dec 15;9(9). 152 p.
Fletcher E, Gavett B, Crane P, Soldan A, Hohman T, Farias S, Widaman K, Groot C, Renteria MA, Zahodne L, DeCarli C, Mungas D. A robust brain signature region approach for episodic memory performance in older adults. Brain : a journal of neurology. 2021 Dec 7;144(144). 1089-1102.
Zhao Z, Yi Y, Song J, Wu Y, Zhong X, Lin Y, Hohman TJ, Fletcher J, Lu Q. PUMAS: fine-tuning polygenic risk scores with GWAS summary statistics. Genome biology. 2021 Dec 6;22(22). 257 p.
Bown CW, Khan OA, Moore EE, Liu D, Pechman KR, Cambronero FE, Terry JG, Nair S, Davis LT, Gifford KA, Landman BA, Hohman TJ, Carr JJ, Jefferson AL. Elevated Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity Relates to Longitudinal Gray and White Matter Changes. Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology. 2021 Dec;41(41). 3015-3024.
Mungas D, Fletcher E, Gavett BE, Widaman K, Zahodne LB, Hohman TJ, Mayeda ER, Dowling NM, Johnson DK, Tomaszewski Farias S. Comparison of Education and Episodic Memory as Modifiers of Brain Atrophy Effects on Cognitive Decline: Implications for Measuring Cognitive Reserve. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS. 2021 Dec;27(27). 401-411. NIHMSID: NIHMS1700851.
Nackenoff AG, Hohman TJ, Neuner SM, Akers CS, Weitzel NC, Shostak A, Ferguson SM, Mobley B, Bennett DA, Schneider JA, Jefferson AL, Kaczorowski CC, Schrag MS. PLD3 is a neuronal lysosomal phospholipase D associated with β-amyloid plaques and cognitive function in Alzheimer's disease. PLoS genetics. 2021 Dec;17(17). e1009406.
Shaw C, Hayes-Larson E, Glymour MM, Dufouil C, Hohman TJ, Whitmer RA, Kobayashi LC, Brookmeyer R, Mayeda ER. Evaluation of Selective Survival and Sex/Gender Differences in Dementia Incidence Using a Simulation Model. JAMA network open. 2021 Dec 1;4(4). e211001.
Archer DB, Moore EE, Pamidimukkala U, Shashikumar N, Pechman KR, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Landman BA, Hohman TJ, Jefferson AL, Gifford KA. The relationship between white matter microstructure and self-perceived cognitive decline. NeuroImage. Clinical. 2021 Aug 28;32(32). 102794 p.
Franzmeier N, Suárez-Calvet M, Frontzkowski L, Moore A, Hohman TJ, Morenas-Rodriguez E, Nuscher B, Shaw L, Trojanowski JQ, Dichgans M, Kleinberger G, Haass C, Ewers M. Higher CSF sTREM2 attenuates ApoE4-related risk for cognitive decline and neurodegeneration. Molecular neurodegeneration. 2020 Dec 8;15(15). 57 p.
Brenowitz WD, Manly JJ, Murchland AR, Nguyen TT, Liu SY, Glymour MM, Levine DA, Crowe M, Hohman TJ, Dufouil C, Launer LJ, Hedden T, Eng CW, Wadley VG, Howard VJ. State School Policies as Predictors of Physical and Mental Health: A Natural Experiment in the REGARDS Cohort. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2020 Dec 5;189(189). 384-393.
Dumitrescu L, Hohman TJ. Reply: rs34331204 regulates TSPAN13 expression and contributes to Alzheimer's disease with sex differences. Brain : a journal of neurology. 2020 Dec 5;143(143). e96.
Buckley RF, Scott MR, Jacobs HIL, Schultz AP, Properzi MJ, Amariglio RE, Hohman TJ, Mayblyum DV, Rubinstein ZB, Manning L, Hanseeuw BJ, Mormino EC, Rentz DM, Johnson KA, Sperling RA. Sex Mediates Relationships Between Regional Tau Pathology and Cognitive Decline. Annals of Neurology. 2020 Dec;88(88). 921-932.
Armstrong NM, Dumitrescu L, Huang CW, An Y, Tanaka T, Hernandez D, Doshi J, Erus G, Davatzikos C, Ferrucci L, Resnick SM, Hohman TJ. Association of hippocampal volume polygenic predictor score with baseline and change in brain volumes and cognition among cognitively healthy older adults. Neurobiology of Aging. 2020 Dec;94(94). 81-88.
Moore EE, Gifford KA, Khan OA, Liu D, Pechman KR, Acosta LMY, Bell SP, Turchan M, Landman BA, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Hohman TJ, Jefferson AL. Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of neurodegeneration, synaptic dysfunction, and axonal injury relate to atrophy in structural brain regions specific to Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 2020 Dec;16(16). 883-895.
Moore AM, Mahoney E, Dumitrescu L, De Jager P, Koran MEI, Petyuk VA, Robinson RA, Ruderfer DM, Cox NJ, Schneider JA, Bennett DA, Jefferson AL, Hohman TJ. APOE ε4-specific associations of VEGF gene family expression with cognitive aging and Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging. 2020 Dec;87(87). 18-25.
Dumitrescu L, Mahoney ER, Mukherjee S, Lee ML, Bush WS, Engelman CD, Lu Q, Fardo DW, Trittschuh EH, Mez J, Kaczorowski C, Hernandez Saucedo H, Widaman KF, Buckley R, Properzi M, Mormino E, Yang HS, Harrison T, Hedden T, Nho K, Andrews SJ, Tommet D, Hadad N, Sanders RE, Ruderfer DM, Gifford KA, Moore AM, Cambronero F, Zhong X, Raghavan NS, Vardarajan B, Pericak-Vance MA, Farrer LA, Wang LS, Cruchaga C, Schellenberg G, Cox NJ, Haines JL, Dirk Keene C, Saykin AJ, Larson EB, Sperling RA, Mayeux R, Bennett DA, Schneider JA, Crane PK, Jefferson AL, Hohman TJ. Genetic variants and functional pathways associated with resilience to Alzheimer's disease. Brain: A Journal of Neurology. 2020 Dec 1;143(143). 2561-2575.
Archer DB, Moore EE, Shashikumar N, Dumitrescu L, Pechman KR, Landman BA, Gifford KA, Jefferson AL, Hohman TJ. Free-water metrics in medial temporal lobe white matter tract projections relate to longitudinal cognitive decline. Neurobiology of Aging. 2020 Dec;94(94). 15-23.
Gifford KA, Liu D, Neal JE, Acosta LMY, Bell SP, Wiggins ME, Wisniewski KM, Godfrey M, Logan LA, Hohman TJ, Pechman KR, Libon DJ, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Jefferson AL. Validity and Normative Data for the Biber Figure Learning Test: A Visual Supraspan Memory Measure. Assessment. 2020 Dec;27(27). 1320-1334.
Ouellette AR, Neuner SM, Dumitrescu L, Anderson LC, Gatti DM, Mahoney ER, Bubier JA, Churchill G, Peters L, Huentelman MJ, Herskowitz JH, Yang HS, Smith AN, Reitz C, Kunkle BW, White CC, De Jager PL, Schneider JA, Bennett DA, Seyfried NT, Chesler EJ, Hadad N, Hohman TJ, Kaczorowski CC. Cross-Species Analyses Identify Dlgap2 as a Regulator of Age-Related Cognitive Decline and Alzheimer's Dementia. Cell Reports. 2020 Dec 1;32(32).
Mahajan UV, Varma VR, Griswold ME, Blackshear CT, An Y, Oommen AM, Varma S, Troncoso JC, Pletnikova O, O'Brien R, Hohman TJ, Legido-Quigley C, Thambisetty M. Dysregulation of multiple metabolic networks related to brain transmethylation and polyamine pathways in Alzheimer disease: A targeted metabolomic and transcriptomic study. PLoS medicine. 2020 Dec;17(17). e1003012.
Stepler KE, Mahoney ER, Kofler J, Hohman TJ, Lopez OL, Robinson RAS. Inclusion of African American/Black adults in a pilot brain proteomics study of Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Disease. 2020 Dec;146(146). 105129 p.
Moore EE, Liu D, Bown CW, Kresge HA, Gupta DK, Pechman KR, Mendes LA, Davis LT, Gifford KA, Anderson AW, Wang TJ, Landman BA, Hohman TJ, Jefferson AL. Lower cardiac output is associated with neurodegeneration among older adults with normal cognition but not mild cognitive impairment. Brain Imaging and Behavior. 2020 Oct 10.
Mahajan UV, Varma VR, Griswold ME, Blackshear CT, An Y, Oommen AM, Varma S, Troncoso JC, Pletnikova O, O'Brien R, Hohman TJ, Legido-Quigley C, Thambisetty M. Correction: Dysregulation of multiple metabolic networks related to brain transmethylation and polyamine pathways in Alzheimer disease: A targeted metabolomic and transcriptomic study. PLoS Medicine. 2020 Oct;17(17). e1003439.
Raghavan NS, Dumitrescu L, Mormino E, Mahoney ER, Lee AJ, Gao Y, Bilgel M, Goldstein D, Harrison T, Engelman CD, Saykin AJ, Whelan CD, Liu JZ, Jagust W, Albert M, Johnson SC, Yang HS, Johnson K, Aisen P, Resnick SM, Sperling R, De Jager PL, Schneider J, Bennett DA, Schrag M, Vardarajan B, Hohman TJ, Mayeux R. Association Between Common Variants in RBFOX1, an RNA-Binding Protein, and Brain Amyloidosis in Early and Preclinical Alzheimer Disease. JAMA Neurology. 2020 Jun 22.
Kresge HA, Liu D, Gupta DK, Moore EE, Osborn KE, Acosta LMY, Bell SP, Pechman KR, Gifford KA, Mendes LA, Wang TJ, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Hohman TJ, Jefferson AL. Lower Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Relates to Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarker Evidence of Neurodegeneration in Older Adults. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 74(74). 965-974.
Dunn AR, Hadad N, Neuner SM, Zhang JG, Philip VM, Dumitrescu L, Hohman TJ, Herskowitz JH, O'Connell KMS, Kaczorowski CC. Identifying Mechanisms of Normal Cognitive Aging Using a Novel Mouse Genetic Reference Panel. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology. 8(8). 562662 p.
Moore EE, Liu D, Pechman KR, Acosta LMY, Bell SP, Davis LT, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Landman BA, Schrag MS, Hohman TJ, Gifford KA, Jefferson AL. Mild Cognitive Impairment Staging Yields Genetic Susceptibility, Biomarker, and Neuroimaging Differences. Frontiers in aging neuroscience. 12(12). 139 p.
Bown CW, Do R, Khan OA, Liu D, Cambronero FE, Moore EE, Osborn KE, Gupta DK, Pechman KR, Mendes LA, Hohman TJ, Gifford KA, Jefferson AL. Lower Cardiac Output Relates to Longitudinal Cognitive Decline in Aging Adults. Frontiers in Psychology. 11(11). 569355 p.
Ramanan VK, Wang X, Przybelski SA, Raghavan S, Heckman MG, Batzler A, Kosel ML, Hohman TJ, Knopman DS, Graff-Radford J, Lowe VJ, Mielke MM, Jack CR, Petersen RC, Ross OA, Vemuri P. Variants in PPP2R2B and IGF2BP3 are associated with higher tau deposition. Brain Communications.
Passiak BS, Liu D, Kresge HA, Cambronero FE, Pechman KR, Osborn KE, Gifford KA, Hohman TJ, Schrag MS, Davis LT, Jefferson AL. Perivascular spaces contribute to cognition beyond other small vessel disease markers. Neurology. 2019 Dec 19;92(92). e1309-e1321.
Buckley RF, Mormino EC, Rabin JS, Hohman TJ, Landau S, Hanseeuw BJ, Jacobs HIL, Papp KV, Amariglio RE, Properzi MJ, Schultz AP, Kirn D, Scott MR, Hedden T, Farrell M, Price J, Chhatwal J, Rentz DM, Villemagne VL, Johnson KA, Sperling RA. Sex Differences in the Association of Global Amyloid and Regional Tau Deposition Measured by Positron Emission Tomography in Clinically Normal Older Adults. JAMA Neurology. 2019 Dec 1;76(76). 542-551.
Jansen IE, Savage JE, Watanabe K, Bryois J, Williams DM, Steinberg S, Sealock J, Karlsson IK, Hägg S, Athanasiu L, Voyle N, Proitsi P, Witoelar A, Stringer S, Aarsland D, Almdahl IS, Andersen F, Bergh S, Bettella F, Bjornsson S, Brækhus A, Bråthen G, De Leeuw C, Desikan RS, Djurovic S, Dumitrescu L, Fladby T, Hohman TJ, Jonsson PV, Kiddle SJ, Rongve A, Saltvedt I, Sando SB, Selbæk G, Shoai M, Skene NG, Snaedal J, Stordal E, Ulstein ID, Wang Y, White LR, Hardy J, Hjerling-Leffler J, Sullivan PF, Van der Flier WM, Dobson R, Davis LK, Stefansson H, Stefansson K, Pedersen NL, Ripke S, Andreassen OA, Posthuma D. Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies new loci and functional pathways influencing Alzheimer's disease risk. Nature Genetics. 2019 Dec;51(51). 404-413.
Bettcher BM, Gross AL, Gavett BE, Widaman KF, Fletcher E, Dowling NM, Buckley RF, Arenaza-Urquijo EM, Zahodne LB, Hohman TJ, Vonk JMJ, Rentz DM, Mungas D. Dynamic change of cognitive reserve: associations with changes in brain, cognition, and diagnosis. Neurobiology of Aging. 2019 Dec;83(83). 95-104.
Zahodne LB, Mayeda ER, Hohman TJ, Fletcher E, Racine AM, Gavett B, Manly JJ, Schupf N, Mayeux R, Brickman AM, Mungas D. The role of education in a vascular pathway to episodic memory: brain maintenance or cognitive reserve? Neurobiology of Aging. 2019 Dec;84(84). 109-118.
Dumitrescu L, Barnes LL, Thambisetty M, Beecham G, Kunkle B, Bush WS, Gifford KA, Chibnik LB, Mukherjee S, De Jager PL, Kukull W, Crane PK, Resnick SM, Keene CD, Montine TJ, Schellenberg GD, Deming Y, Chao MJ, Huentelman M, Martin ER, Hamilton-Nelson K, Shaw LM, Trojanowski JQ, Peskind ER, Cruchaga C, Pericak-Vance MA, Goate AM, Cox NJ, Haines JL, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Larson EB, Johnson SC, Albert M, Bennett DA, Schneider JA, Jefferson AL, Hohman TJ. Sex differences in the genetic predictors of Alzheimer's pathology. Brain: A Journal of Neurology. 2019 Dec 1;142(142). 2581-2589.
Filshtein TJ, Brenowitz WD, Mayeda ER, Hohman TJ, Walter S, Jones RN, Elahi FM, Glymour MM. Reserve and Alzheimer's disease genetic risk: Effects on hospitalization and mortality. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 2019 Dec;15(15). 907-916.
Osborn KE, Khan OA, Kresge HA, Bown CW, Liu D, Moore EE, Gifford KA, Acosta LMY, Bell SP, Hohman TJ, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Jefferson AL. Cerebrospinal fluid and plasma neurofilament light relate to abnormal cognition. Alzheimer's & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 2019 Dec;11(11). 700-709.
Mahoney ER, Dumitrescu L, Moore AM, Cambronero FE, De Jager PL, Koran MEI, Petyuk VA, Robinson RAS, Goyal S, Schneider JA, Bennett DA, Jefferson AL, Hohman TJ. Brain expression of the vascular endothelial growth factor gene family in cognitive aging and alzheimer's disease. Molecular Psychiatry. 2019 Jul 22.
Wasserman V, Emrani S, Matusz EF, Miller D, Garrett KD, Gifford KA, Hohman TJ, Jefferson AL, Au R, Swenson R, Libon DJ. Visual and Verbal Serial List Learning in Patients with Statistically-Determined Mild Cognitive Impairment. Innovation in aging. 2019 May;3(3). igz009.
Dumitrescu L, Mayeda ER, Sharman K, Moore AM, Hohman TJ. Sex Differences in the Genetic Architecture of Alzheimer's Disease. Current Genetic Medicine Reports. 2019 Mar;7(7). 13-21.
Mahoney ER, Dumitrescu L, Seto M, Nudelman KNH, Buckley RF, Gifford KA, Saykin AJ, Jefferson AJ, Hohman TJ. Telomere length associations with cognition depend on Alzheimer's disease biomarkers. Alzheimer's & dementia (New York, N. Y.). 5(5). 883-890.
Osborn KE, Alverio JM, Dumitrescu L, Pechman KR, Gifford KA, Hohman TJ, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Jefferson AL. Adverse Vascular Risk Relates to Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarker Evidence of Axonal Injury in the Presence of Alzheimer's Disease Pathology. Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD. 71(71). 281-290.
Jefferson AL, Cambronero FE, Liu D, Moore EE, Neal JE, Terry JG, Nair S, Pechman KR, Rane S, Davis LT, Gifford KA, Hohman TJ, Bell SP, Wang TJ, Beckman JA, Carr JJ. Higher Aortic Stiffness Is Related to Lower Cerebral Blood Flow and Preserved Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Older Adults. Circulation. 2018 Dec 30;138(138). 1951-1962.
Moore EE, Liu D, Pechman KR, Terry JG, Nair S, Cambronero FE, Bell SP, Gifford KA, Anderson AW, Hohman TJ, Carr JJ, Jefferson AL. Increased Left Ventricular Mass Index Is Associated With Compromised White Matter Microstructure Among Older Adults. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2018 Dec 26;7(7).
Kresge HA, Khan OA, Wagener MA, Liu D, Terry JG, Nair S, Cambronero FE, Gifford KA, Osborn KE, Hohman TJ, Pechman KR, Bell SP, Wang TJ, Carr JJ, Jefferson AL. Subclinical Compromise in Cardiac Strain Relates to Lower Cognitive Performances in Older Adults. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2018 Dec 13;7(7).
Deming Y, Dumitrescu L, Barnes LL, Thambisetty M, Kunkle B, Gifford KA, Bush WS, Chibnik LB, Mukherjee S, De Jager PL, Kukull W, Huentelman M, Crane PK, Resnick SM, Keene CD, Montine TJ, Schellenberg GD, Haines JL, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Larson EB, Johnson SC, Albert M, Moghekar A, Del Aguila JL, Fernandez MV, Budde J, Hassenstab J, Fagan AM, Riemenschneider M, Petersen RC, Minthon L, Chao MJ, Van Deerlin VM, Lee VM, Shaw LM, Trojanowski JQ, Peskind ER, Li G, Davis LK, Sealock JM, Cox NJ, Goate AM, Bennett DA, Schneider JA, Jefferson AL, Cruchaga C, Hohman TJ. Sex-specific genetic predictors of Alzheimer's disease biomarkers. Acta neuropathologica. 2018 Dec;136(136). 857-872.
Moore EE, Hohman TJ, Badami FS, Pechman KR, Osborn KE, Acosta LMY, Bell SP, Babicz MA, Gifford KA, Anderson AW, Goldstein LE, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Jefferson AL. Neurofilament relates to white matter microstructure in older adults. Neurobiology of Aging. 2018 Dec;70(70). 233-241.
Hohman TJ, Dumitrescu L, Barnes LL, Thambisetty M, Beecham G, Kunkle B, Gifford KA, Bush WS, Chibnik LB, Mukherjee S, De Jager PL, Kukull W, Crane PK, Resnick SM, Keene CD, Montine TJ, Schellenberg GD, Haines JL, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Larson EB, Johnson SC, Albert M, Bennett DA, Schneider JA, Jefferson AL. Sex-Specific Association of Apolipoprotein E With Cerebrospinal Fluid Levels of Tau. JAMA Neurology. 2018 Dec 1;75(75). 989-998.
Osborn KE, Liu D, Samuels LR, Moore EE, Cambronero FE, Acosta LMY, Bell SP, Babicz MA, Gordon EA, Pechman KR, Davis LT, Gifford KA, Hohman TJ, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Jefferson AL. Cerebrospinal fluid β-amyloid and neurofilament light relate to white matter hyperintensities. Neurobiology of aging. 2018 Dec;68(68). 18-25.
Cambronero FE, Liu D, Neal JE, Moore EE, Gifford KA, Terry JG, Nair S, Pechman KR, Osborn KE, Hohman TJ, Bell SP, Sweatt JD, Wang TJ, Beckman JA, Carr JJ, Jefferson AL. APOE genotype modifies the association between central arterial stiffening and cognition in older adults. Neurobiology of Aging. 2018 Dec;67(67). 120-127.
Gifford KA, Liu D, Neal JE, Babicz MA, Thompson JL, Walljasper LE, Wiggins ME, Turchan M, Pechman KR, Osborn KE, Acosta LMY, Bell SP, Hohman TJ, Libon DJ, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Jefferson AL. The 12-Word Philadelphia Verbal Learning Test Performances in Older Adults: Brain MRI and Cerebrospinal Fluid Correlates and Regression-Based Normative Data. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders extra. 8(8). 476-491.
Emrani S, Libon DJ, Lamar M, Price CC, Jefferson AL, Gifford KA, Hohman TJ, Nation DA, Delano-Wood L, Jak A, Bangen KJ, Bondi MW, Brickman AM, Manly J, Swenson R, Au R. Assessing Working Memory in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Serial Order Recall. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 61(61). 917-928.
Jefferson AL, Liu D, Gupta DK, Pechman KR, Watchmaker JM, Gordon EA, Rane S, Bell SP, Mendes LA, Davis LT, Gifford KA, Hohman TJ, Wang TJ, Donahue MJ. Lower cardiac index levels relate to lower cerebral blood flow in older adults. Neurology. 2017 Dec 5;89(89). 2327-2334.
Hohman TJ, Tommet D, Marks S, Contreras J, Jones R, Mungas D. Evaluating Alzheimer's disease biomarkers as mediators of age-related cognitive decline. Neurobiology of Aging. 2017 Dec;58(58). 120-128.
Varma VR, Varma S, An Y, Hohman TJ, Seddighi S, Casanova R, Beri A, Dammer EB, Seyfried NT, Pletnikova O, Moghekar A, Wilson MR, Lah JJ, O'Brien RJ, Levey AI, Troncoso JC, Albert MS, Thambisetty M. Alpha-2 macroglobulin in Alzheimer's disease: a marker of neuronal injury through the RCAN1 pathway. Molecular Psychiatry. 2017 Dec;22(22). 13-23.
Lane EM, Hohman TJ, Jefferson AL. Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-2 interactions with Alzheimer's disease biomarkers. Brain Imaging and Behavior. 2017 Dec;11(11). 1779-1786.
Hohman TJ, Dumitrescu L, Cox NJ, Jefferson AL. Genetic resilience to amyloid related cognitive decline. Brain Imaging and Behavior. 2017 Dec;11(11). 401-409.
Koran MEI, Wagener M, Hohman TJ. Sex differences in the association between AD biomarkers and cognitive decline. Brain Imaging and Behavior. 2017 Dec;11(11). 205-213.
Beason-Held LL, Hohman TJ, Venkatraman V, An Y, Resnick SM. Brain network changes and memory decline in aging. Brain Imaging and Behavior. 2017 Jun;11(11). 859-873.
Bell SP, Liu D, Samuels LR, Shah AS, Gifford KA, Hohman TJ, Jefferson AL. Late-Life Body Mass Index, Rapid Weight Loss, Apolipoprotein E ε4 and the Risk of Cognitive Decline and Incident Dementia. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging. 21(21). 1259-1267.
Hohman TJ, Dumitrescu L, Oksol A, Wagener M, Gifford KA, Jefferson AL. APOE allele frequencies in suspected non-amyloid pathophysiology (SNAP) and the prodromal stages of Alzheimer's Disease. PLoS One. 12(12). e0188501.
Jefferson AL, Gifford KA, Acosta LM, Bell SP, Donahue MJ, Davis LT, Gottlieb J, Gupta DK, Hohman TJ, Lane EM, Libon DJ, Mendes LA, Niswender K, Pechman KR, Rane S, Ruberg FL, Su YR, Zetterberg H, Liu D. The Vanderbilt Memory & Aging Project: Study Design and Baseline Cohort Overview. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 2016 Dec 8;52(52). 539-59.
Hohman TJ, McLaren DG, Mormino EC, Gifford KA, Libon DJ, Jefferson AL. Asymptomatic Alzheimer disease: Defining resilience. Neurology. 2016 Dec 6;87(87). 2443-2450.
Hohman TJ, Cooke-Bailey JN, Reitz C, Jun G, Naj A, Beecham GW, Liu Z, Carney RM, Vance JM, Cuccaro ML, Rajbhandary R, Vardarajan BN, Wang LS, Valladares O, Lin CF, Larson EB, Graff-Radford NR, Evans D, De Jager PL, Crane PK, Buxbaum JD, Murrell JR, Raj T, Ertekin-Taner N, Logue MW, Baldwin CT, Green RC, Barnes LL, Cantwell LB, Fallin MD, Go RC, Griffith P, Obisesan TO, Manly JJ, Lunetta KL, Kamboh MI, Lopez OL, Bennett DA, Hardy J, Hendrie HC, Hall KS, Goate AM, Lang R, Byrd GS, Kukull WA, Foroud TM, Farrer LA, Martin ER, Pericak-Vance MA, Schellenberg GD, Mayeux R, Haines JL, Thornton-Wells TA. Global and local ancestry in African-Americans: Implications for Alzheimer's disease risk. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 2016 Mar;12(12). 233-43.
Hohman TJ, Bush WS, Jiang L, Brown-Gentry KD, Torstenson ES, Dudek SM, Mukherjee S, Naj A, Kunkle BW, Ritchie MD, Martin ER, Schellenberg GD, Mayeux R, Farrer LA, Pericak-Vance MA, Haines JL, Thornton-Wells TA. Discovery of gene-gene interactions across multiple independent data sets of late onset Alzheimer disease from the Alzheimer Disease Genetics Consortium. Neurobiology of Aging. 2016 Feb;38(38). 141-150.
ArrayVega JN, Hohman TJ, Pryweller JR, Dykens EM, Thornton-Wells TA. Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Individuals with Down Syndrome and Williams Syndrome Compared with Typically Developing Controls. Brain connectivity. 2015 Oct;5(5). 461-75.
ArrayHohman TJ, Chibnik L, Bush WS, Jefferson AL, De Jaeger PL, Thornton-Wells TA, Bennett DA, Schneider JA. GSK3β Interactions with Amyloid Genes: An Autopsy Verification and Extension. Neurotoxicity Research. 2015 Oct;28(28). 232-8.
ArrayHohman TJ, Samuels LR, Liu D, Gifford KA, Mukherjee S, Benson EM, Abel T, Ruberg FL, Jefferson AL. Stroke risk interacts with Alzheimer's disease biomarkers on brain aging outcomes. Neurobiology of Aging. 2015 Sep;36(36). 2501-8.
ArrayGifford KA, Phillips JS, Samuels LR, Lane EM, Bell SP, Liu D, Hohman TJ, Romano RR, Fritzsche LR, Lu Z, Jefferson AL. Associations between Verbal Learning Slope and Neuroimaging Markers across the Cognitive Aging Spectrum. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2015 Jul;21(21). 455-67.
ArrayHohman TJ, Bell SP, Jefferson AL. The role of vascular endothelial growth factor in neurodegeneration and cognitive decline: exploring interactions with biomarkers of Alzheimer disease. JAMA neurology. 2015 May;72(72). 520-9. NIHMSID: NIHMS657158.
ArrayJefferson AL, Hohman TJ, Liu D, Haj-Hassan S, Gifford KA, Benson EM, Skinner JS, Lu Z, Sparling J, Sumner EC, Bell S, Ruberg FL. Adverse vascular risk is related to cognitive decline in older adults. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 44(44). 1361-73.
ArrayGifford KA, Liu D, Hohman TJ, Xu M, Han X, Romano RR, Fritzsche LR, Abel T, Jefferson AL. A Mutual Self- and Informant-Report of Cognitive Complaint Correlates with Neuropathological Outcomes in Mild Cognitive Impairment. PloS one. 10(10). e0141831.
ArrayHohman TJ, Koran ME, Thornton-Wells TA. Genetic modification of the relationship between phosphorylated tau and neurodegeneration. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 2014 Nov;10(10). 637-645.e1.
ArrayHohman TJ, Koran ME, Thornton-Wells TA. Interactions between GSK3β and amyloid genes explain variance in amyloid burden. Neurobiology of Aging. 2014 Mar;35(35). 460-5.