Incontinence References

If you wish to obtain a copy of any of the following references please contact us with your request and we will be happy to forward it to you!
  1. Schnelle J. Incontinence. In Comprehensive Clinical Psychology. Bellack AS, Hersen M. (Eds.) Pergamon, NY. 1998; 433-454.
  2. Ouslander JG, Schnelle JF. Incontinence in the nursing home. Ann Intern Med, 1995;122:438-449.
  3. Johnson TM, Ouslander JG, Uman GC, & Schnelle JF. Urinary incontinence treatment preferences in long-term care. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2001; 49:710-718.
  4. Schnelle JF. Treatment of urinary incontinence in nursing home patients by prompted voiding. J Am Geriatr Soc, 1990;38(3):356-360.
  5. Schnelle JF, Keeler E, Hays RD, Simmons SF, Ouslander JG, & Siu Al. A cost and value analysis of two interventions with incontinent nursing home residents. J Am Geriatr Soc, 1995;4(10):1112-1117.
  6. Schnelle JF, MacRae PG, Ouslander JG, Simmons SF, & Nitta M. Functional incidental training, mobility performance, and incontinence care with nursing home residents. J Am Geriatr Soc, 1995;43(12)1356-1362.
  7. Schnelle JF, Sowell VA, Hu TW et al. Reduction of urinary incontinence in nursing homes: Does it reduce or increase costs? J Am Geriatr So, 1993;36:34-39.
  8. Schnelle JF. Managing urinary incontinence in the elderly. New York: Springer, 1991.
  9. Schnelle JF, Ouslander JG. Management of incontinence in long-term care. Urinary Incontinence. St Louis: MO: Mosby-Year Book, 1996.
  10. Ouslander JG, Schnelle JF, Uman G, Fingold S, Nigam JG, Tuico E, & Bates-Jensen B. Predictors of successful prompted voiding among incontinent nursing home residents. J Am Med Assoc, 1995b;273(17):1366-1370.
  11. Schnelle JF, Cadogan MP, Yoshi J, Al-Samarrai NR, Osterweil D, Bates-Jensen BM, & Simmons SF. The Minimum Data Set urinary incontinence quality indicators: Do they reflect differences in care processes related to incontinence? Medical Care, 2003;41(8):909-922.
  12. Lekan-Rutledge, D., Palmer, M.H. & Belyea, M. (1998). In their own words: Nursing assistants’ perceptions of barriers to implementation of prompted voiding in long-term care. The Gerontologist; 38(3): 370-378.
  13. Johnson TM & Ouslander JG. The newly revised F-Tag 315 and surveyor guidance for urinary incontinence in long-term care. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 2006; Nov., 594-600.
  14. Hu T. The cost impact of urinary incontinence on health care services. Paper presented at the National Multi-Specialty Nursing Conference on Urinary Continence, Phoenix AZ, 1994.
  15. Lekan-Rutledge, D. The new F-Tag 315. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 2006; Nov., 607-610.

Step 1

  1. Schnelle JF, Cadogan MP, Yoshi J, Al-Samarrai NR, Osterweil D, Bates-Jensen BM, & Simmons SF. The Minimum Data Set urinary incontinence quality indicators: Do they reflect differences in care processes related to incontinence? Medical Care, 2003;41(8):909-922.
  2. Warren JW. Urine-collection devices for use in adults with urinary incontinence. J Am Geriatr Soc, 1990;38:364-367.
  3. Schnelle J. Incontinence. In Comprehensive Clinical Psychology. Bellack AS, Hersen M. (Eds.) Pergamon, NY. 1998; 433-454.
  4. Ouslander JG, Schnelle JF, Uman G, Fingold S, Nigam JG, Tuico E, & Bates-Jensen B. Predictors of successful prompted voiding among incontinent nursing home residents.  J Am Med Assoc, 1995b;273(17):1366-1370.

Step 2

  1. Ouslander JG, Schnelle JF, Uman G, Fingold S, Nigam JG, Tuico E, & Bates-Jensen B. Predictors of successful prompted voiding among incontinent nursing home residents. J Am Med Assoc, 1995b;273(17):1366-1370.
  2. Schnelle J. Incontinence. In Comprehensive Clinical Psychology. Bellack AS, Hersen M. (Eds.) Pergamon, NY. 1998; 433-454.
  3. Schnelle JF, Ouslander JG, & Simmons SF. Predicting nursing home residents’ responsiveness to a urinary incontinence treatment protocol. International Uro-Cynecology Journal, 1993;4:89-94.
  4. Schnelle JF. Treatment of urinary incontinence in nursing home patients by prompted voiding. J Am Geriatr Soc, 1990;38(3):356-360.
  5. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Draft Minimum Data Set, Version 3.0 (MDS 3.0). 2008. Washington, DC: CMS.

Step 3

  1. Schnelle JF, Keeler E, Hays RD, Simmons SF, Ouslander JG, & Siu Al. A cost and value analysis of two interventions with incontinent nursing home residents. J Am Geriatr Soc, 1995;4(10):1112-1117.
  2. Schnelle JF, Sowell VA, Hu TW et al. Reduction of urinary incontinence in nursing homes: Does it reduce or increase costs? J Am Geriatr So, 1993;36:34-39.
  3. Ouslander JG, Al-Samarrai N, & Schnelle JF. Prompted Voiding for Nighttime Incontinence in Nursing Homes: Is it Effective? J Am Geriatr Soc, 2001; 49:706-709.
  4. Simmon SF, Alessi C, & Schnelle JF. An intervention to increase fluid intake in nursing home residents: Prompting nad preference compliance. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2001;49:926-933.

Step 4

  1. Schnelle JF, McNees P, Crooks V, & Ouslander JG. The use of a computer-based model to implement an incontinence management program. The Gerontologist, 1995; 35(5):656-665.
  2. Morley JE, Flahaerty JH, & Thomas DR. Geriatricians, continuous quality improvement, and improved care for older persons. J Geron: Med Sci, 2003;58A(9):809-812.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Schnelle JF, Cadogan MP, Yoshi J, Al-Samarrai NR, Osterweil D, Bates-Jensen BM, & Simmons SF. The Minimum Data Set urinary incontinence quality indicators: Do they reflect differences in care processes related to incontinence? Medical Care, 2003;41(8):909-922.
  2. Ouslander JG, Al-Samarrai N, & Schnelle JF. Prompted voiding for nighttime incontinence in nursing homes: Is it effective? Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2001; 49:706-709.
  3. Schnelle JF, Cruise PA, Alessi CA, Al-Samarrai N, & Ouslander JG. Individualizing nighttime incontinence care in nursing home residents. Nursing Research, 1998;47(4):197-204.
  4. Johnson TM, Ouslander JG, Uman GC, & Schnelle JF. Urinary incontinence treatment preferences in long-term care. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2001; 49:710-718.
  5. Simmon SF, Alessi C, & Schnelle JF. An intervention to increase fluid intake in nursing home residents: Prompting and preference compliance. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2001;49:926-933.