Weight Loss Prevention


This training module presents instructions and protocols for accomplishing each of the four steps required to implement an effective weight loss prevention program for nursing home residents.

The next four sections describe intervention procedures for preventing unintentional weight loss among residents. Go to: 

Step 1: Assess resident risk for weight loss
Step 2: Individualize feeding assistance
Step 3: Implement new staffing strategies
Step 4: Monitor quality of feeding assistance

We’ve also included all the forms you need to implement the intervention.

Plan to spend about 30 minutes reading through this “how to” portion of the module.

Click here to print the module in full.


At the end of this training module, you will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of at least three problems common in the nursing home care setting that contribute to unintentional weight loss among residents.
  2. Describe and implement two methods for estimating mealtime food and fluid intake among nursing home residents.
  3. Assess a resident's risk for weight loss based on estimates of the individual's mealtime consumption and identify those who need further evaluation.
  4. Assess residents' food and fluid consumption between meals.
  5. Implement our prompted feeding assistance protocol at mealtimes with residents at risk of weight loss.
  6. Assess a resiedent's responsiveness to this mealtime feeding assistance protocol.
  7. Implement our between-meal snack protocol with residents at risk of weight loss.
  8. Assess a resident's responsiveness to this between-meal snack protocol.
  9. List at least four staffing and program management stratedies that can make our mealtime and snack protocols more feasible to implement.
  10. Describe and implement a mealtime observational tool as a means of evaluating feeding assistance care quality for at-risk residents.

All procedures presented in this module are in accordance with the federal regulations that govern nursing home care and best practice guidelines pertaining to nutritional care in nursing homes.

Elsewhere in the module--FAQs and Related Studies--we provide guidance and referrals to other resources that can help you prevent weight loss among your residents.

We've tried to be comprehensive, but if there is something you can't find, or if you have unanswered questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact us.