Matthew Weinger, MD

Founding Director
Center for Research and Innovation in Systems Safety (CRISS)
Norman Ty Smith Chair
Patient Safety and Medical Simulation
Anesthesiology, Biomedical Informatics, and Medical Education
Vice Chair for Faculty Affairs
Department of Anesthesiology
Director fo Simulation Research
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
(615) 936-6598
(615) 936-7373

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FOCUS: HIT and technology usability, event analysis

Dr. Weinger is an innovator, researcher, and educator who holds the Norman Ty Smith Chair in Patient Safety and Medical Simulation and is a Professor of Anesthesiology, Biomedical Informatics, and Medical Education at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. He is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Risk and Reliability) in the School of Engineering. At Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), he founded CRISS. He is the Director of Research, Outreach and Industry Relations at the Center for Experiential Learning and Assessment (CELA).

Dr. Weinger has been teaching and conducting research in human factors engineering, human-centered design, patient safety, medical technology development, healthcare simulation, and clinical decision making for nearly four decades. He has won many prestigious awards including from the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES), the Society for Technology in Anesthesia (STA) and the Association for the Advancement in Medical Instrumentation (AAMI). He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and of the HFES.

Poster for Fellows presentation at the 2017 Human Factors & Ergonomics Society annual conference

Dr. Weinger’s more than 200 publications have been cited more than 5,400 times with an H-index of 39 by Web of Science. He has been on 69 grants and contracts (including 15 federal projects as PI); he has received more than $10 million in research support on projects on which he was the PI and $33 million overall.

Dr. Weinger has consulted for nearly three dozen medical technology companies including both start-ups and major corporations. He is an expert in infusion therapy – he was the Medical Director for Alaris Corporation, Fluidsense, Fluidnet, and Ivenix (all infusion pump companies). He led the design and development of the Ivenix infusion system user experience and helped to bring this next-generation infusion pump through the FDA approval process and into the market. Ivenix was acquired by Fresenius-Kabi in 2022.

Dr. Weinger has mentored 23 post-doctoral fellows, 83 pre-doctoral students, and numerous faculty working across the country and in Europe and Asia. He has given 250 invited national and international presentations.

Dr. Weinger served for six years on the Board on Human Systems Integration (BOHSI) of the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM). He was a founding member of the editorial board of Simulation in Healthcare and of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Simulation Education Editorial Board. He has held leadership roles in the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (APSF), AAMI, the Anesthesia Quality Institute (AQI), and the STA. He was a Full Examiner for the American Board of Anesthesiologists (ABA) and currently serves on the ABA OSCE Committee overseeing the simulation-based test for primary board certification. Dr. Weinger has been a technical expert for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).

Dr. Weinger holds degrees in electrical engineering and biology from Stanford University. He received his MD degree from the University of California, San Diego, and anesthesiology training at the University of California, San Francisco.

Education & Training

BS – Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
MS – Biological Sciences, Stanford University
MD – University of California, San Diego
Internal Medicine Internship – Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Anesthesia Residency – University of California, San Francisco
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship – University of California, San Diego
Fellowship in Management of Perioperative Services – Stanford University

Research Information

Recent Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
  1. Tejani, N., Dresselhaus, T., Rutledge, T., Borrego, M, and Weinger, M.B.: Development of a hand-held computer platform for real-time behavioral assessment of physicians and nurses. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 43: 75-80, 2010. PMID: 19703586.
  2. Weinger, M. B. The pharmacology of simulation: A conceptual framework to inform progress in simulation research. Simulation in Healthcare. 5(1): 8-15, 2010. PMID: 20383084.
  3. Miller, A., Weinger, M. B., Buerhaus, P., and Dietrich, M. S.: Care coordination in Intensive Care Units: Communicating across information spaces. Human Factors. 52: 147-61, 2010. PMID 20942247.
  4. France, D. J., Greevy, R., Liu, X., Burgess, H., Dittus, R. S., Weinger, M. B., and Speroff, T. Measuring and comparing safety climate in intensive care units. Medical Care. 48(3): 279-84, 2010. PMID: 20125046.
  5. Karsh, B-T., Weinger, M. B., Abbott, P., and Wears, R. L.: Health Information Technology: Fallacies and sober realities. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 17(6): 617-23, 2010. PMID 20962121. [Faculty of 1000 recommended article]
  6. Speroff, T., Nwosu, S., Greevy, R., Weinger, M. B., Talbot, T. R., Wall, R. J., Deshpande, J. K., France, D. J., Ely, E. W., Burgess, H., Englebright, J., Williams, M. V., and Dittus, R. S. Organizational culture: Variation across hospitals and connection to patient safety climate. Quality and Safety in Healthcare. 19: 592-6, 2010. PMID: 21127115.
  7. Weinger, M. B. and Stoelting, R. K.: Dangers of postoperative opioids – Is there a cure? Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons. February 2010; 95(2): 21-23. PMID: 21456438.
  8. Weinger, M. B.: Electronic health records. New England Journal of Medicine. 363: 24, December 9, 2010. PMID: 21142551.
  9. Hyman, S. A., Michaels, D., Berry, J. M., Schildcrout, J. S., Mercaldo, N. D., and Weinger, M. B.: Risk of burnout in perioperative clinicians: A survey and literature review. Anesthesiology. 114(1): 194-204, 2011. PMID: 21178675.
  10. Shively, M., Rutledge, T., Rose, B., Graham, P., Long, R., Stucky, E., Weinger, M. B., and Dresselhaus, T.: Real-time assessment of nurse work environment and stress. Journal of Healthcare Quality. 33(1): 39-48, 2011. PMID: 21199072.
  11. Levin, S., Dittus, R., Aronsky, D., Weinger, M. B., and France, D. Evaluating the effects of increasing surgical volume on emergency department patient access. Quality and Safety in Healthcare. 20(2): 146-52, 2011. PMID: 21209127.
  12. Speroff, T., Ely, E. W., Greevy, R., Weinger, M. B., Talbot, T. R., Wall, R. J., Deshpande, J. K., France, D. J., Nwosu S., Burgess, H., Englebright, J., Williams, M. V., and Dittus, R. S.: Quality improvement projects targeting healthcare-associated infections: Comparing virtual collaborative and toolkit approaches. Journal of Hospital Medicine. 6(5):271-78, 2011. PMID: 21312329.
  13. LeBlanc, V. R., Manser, T., Weinger, M. B., Musson, D., Kutzin, J., Howard, S. K., The study of factors affecting human and system performance in healthcare using simulation. Simulation in Healthcare. 6(3): S24-29, 2011. PMID: 21817860.
  14. Anders, S., Miller, A., Joseph, P., Fortenberry, T., Woods, M., Booker, R., Slaughter, J., Weinger, M. B., and France, D.: Blood product positive patient identification: Comparative simulation-based usability test of two commercial products. Transfusion. 51(11): 2311-8, 2011. PMID: 21599676.
  15. Lee, L. and Weinger, M. B.: Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation consensus conference report: Essential monitoring strategies to detected clinically significant drug-induced respiratory depression in the post-operative period. Anesthesia and Analgesia Apr 114: 918-919, 2012.
  16. Minnick, A. F., Donaghey, B., Slagle, J., and Weinger, M. B.: Operating room team members’ views of workload, case difficulty and Non-Routine Events. Journal of Healthcare Quality. May-Jun;34(3):16-24, 2012. PMID: 22059640.
  17. Walia A., Mandell S. M., Mercaldo, N., Michaels, D., Robertson, A., Banerjee, A., Pai, R., Klinck, J., Weinger, M., Pandharipande, P., Schildcrout, J., and Schumann, R.: Anesthesia for liver transplantation in U.S. Academic centers: Institutional structure and perioperative care. Liver Transplantation. Jun 18(6): 737-43, 2012. PMID: 22407934.
  18. McIvor, W., Burden, A., Weinger, M. B., Steadman, R.: Simulation for maintenance of certification in Anesthesiology: The first two years. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. Sep 32(4): 236-42, 2012. PMID: 23280526.
  19. Saied N., Booker, R., Weinger, M. B.: Misassembled bellows housing leading to failure of mechanical ventilation during general anesthesia. Simulation in Healthcare. Dec 7(6):380-389, 2012. PMID: 22228283.
  20. Fletcher, K. E., Visotcky, A. M., Slagle, J. M., Tarima, S., Weinger, M. B., Schapira, M. M.: The composition of intern work on call. Journal of General Internal Medicine. Nov 27(11):1432-7, 2012. PMID: 22865015.
  21. Anders, S., Albert, R., Miller, A., Weinger, M. B., Doig, A. K., Behrens, M., and Agutter, J.: Evaluation of an integrated graphical display to promote acute change detection in ICU patients. International Journal of Medical Informatics. Dec 81(12):842-51, 2012. PMID: 22534099.
  22. Douglas, S., Cartmill, R., Brown, R., Hoonakker, P., Slagle, J., Schultz Van Roy, K., Walker, J. M., Weinger, M., Wetterneck, T., Carayon, P. The work of adult and pediatric intensive care unit nurses. Nursing Research. Jan 62(1): 50-58, 2013. PMID: 23222843.
  23. Fletcher, K. E., Visotcky, A. M., Slagle, J. M., Tarima, S., Whittle, J., Weinger, M. B., Schapira, M. M.: Self-reported subjective workload of on-call interns. Journal of Graduate Medical Education 5(3): 427-32, 2013. PMID: 24404306.
  24. Xie, M., Weinger, M. B., Gregg, W. M., Johnson, K. B.: Presenting multiple drug alerts in an ambulatory electronic prescribing system: A usability study of novel prototypes. Applied Clinical Informatics 5(20): 334-48, 2014. PMID: 25024753.
  25. Wallston KA, Slagle, JM, Speroff T, Nowosu S, Crimin K, Feurer ID, Boettcher B, Weinger MB. Operating room clinicians’ ratings of workload: a vignette simulation study. J Patient Saf. 2014 Jun;10(2):95-100. doi: 10.1097/PTS.0000000000000046. PMID: 24522226.
  26. Miller, A., Wagner, C. E., Song, Y., Burns, K., Ahmad, R., Parmley, C. L., Weinger, M. B.: Implementing goal-directed protocols reduces length-of-stay after cardiac surgery. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia (JCVA) 28(3): 441-7, June 2014. PMID: 24746336.
  27. Dollarhide, A., Stucky, E. R., Shively, M., Maynard, G., Jain, S., Wolfson, T., Weinger, M. B., Rutledge, T., Dresselhaus, T. R.: A real-time assessment of factors influencing medication events. Journal of Healthcare Quality. 2014 Sep-Oct;36(5):5-12. doi: 10.1111/jhq.12012. PMID: 23551380.
  28. Slagle, J. M., Anders, S., Porterfield, E., Arnold, A., Calderwood, C., and Weinger, M. B.: Significant physiological disturbances associated with non-routine event containing and routine anesthesia cases. Journal of Patient Safety, Mar 2014. PMID: 24618643.
  29. Weinger, M. B., Slagle, J. M., Kuntz, A., Schildcrout, J., Banerjee, A., Mercaldo, N., Bills, J., Walston, K., Patterson, E., Speroff, T. A., France, D. A Multimodal Intervention Improves Postanesthesia Care Unit Handovers. Anesthesia and Analgesia. 2015 Oct;121(4):957-71. PMID: 25806398.
  30. McIvor WR, Bannerjee A, Boulet JR, Bekhuis T, Tseytlin E, Torsher L, DeMaria S Jr, Rask JP, Shotwell MS, Burden A, Cooper JB, Gaba DM, Levine A, Parc C, Sinz E, Steadman RH, Weinger MB. A Taxonomy of Delivery and Documentation Deviations During Delivery of High-Fidelity Simulations. Simulated Healthcare. 2017 Feb;12(1):1-8. PMID: 28146449.
  31. Weinger MB, Bannerjee A, Burden AR, McIvor WR, Boulet J, Cooper JB, Steadman R, Shotwell MS, Slagle JM, DeMaria S Jr, Torsher L, Sinz E, Levine AI, Rask J, Davis F, Park C, Gaba DM. Simulation-based Assessment of the Management of Critical Events by Board-certified Anesthesiologists. Anesthesiology. 2017 Sep;127(3):475-489. PMID: 28671903.
  32. Watkins SC, Roberts DA, Boulet JR, McEvoy MD, Weinger MB. Evaluation of a Simpler Tool to Assess Nontechnical Skills During Simulated Critical Events. Simulated Healthcare. 2017 Apr;12(2):69-75. PMID: 28704284.
  33. Xu J, Reale C, Slagle JM, Anders S, Shotwell MS, Dresselhaus T, Weinger MB. Facilitated Nurse Medication-related Event Reporting to Improve Medication Management Quality and Safety in Intensive Care Units. Nursing Research. 2017 Sep/Oct;66(5):337-349. PMID: 28858143.
  1. Weinger, M. B., Wiklund, M., and Gardner-Bonneau, D. (editors): Handbook of Human Factors in Medical Device Design. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2011, 850 pp.
Peer-reviewed Book Chapters
  1. Banerjee, A., Easdown, L. J., Weinger, M. B.: Anesthesiology equipment and patient safety. (Chapter 1). Sandberg, W. S., Urman R. D., and Ehrenfeld, J. M. (editors): Clinical Essentials of Anesthesiology Equipment. Amsterdam: Elsevier Press. pp. 1-9, 2010.
  2. Weinger, M. B. and Wiklund, M.: General principles. Weinger, M. B., Wiklund, M., and Gardner-Bonneau, D. (editors): Handbook of Human Factors in Medical Device Design. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, pp. 1-22, 2011.
  3. Carayon, P., Karsh, B. T., Alvarado, C. J., Weinger, M. B., and Wiklund, M.: Environment of use. Weinger, M. B., Wiklund, M., and Gardner-Bonneau, D. (editors): Handbook of Human Factors in Medical Device Design. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, pp. 63-96, 2011.
  4. Weinger, M. B., Human factors in anesthesiology. Carayon, P., Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care and Patient Safety (2nd Edition). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press/Taylor and Francis, pp. 803-824, 2011.
  5. Banerjee, A., Easdown, L. J., and Weinger, M. B.: Simulation for assessing human responses to critical events. Lee, J. D. and Kirlik, A.: The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Engineering. (Oxford Library of Psychology). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 336-51, 2013. ISBN 0199757186.
  6. Anders, S., France, D., and Weinger, M. B.: Anesthesia and OR teamwork. Salas, E. and Frush, K.: Improving Patient Safety Through Teamwork and Team Training. New York City: Oxford University Press, pp. 119-28, 2012. ISBN 0195399099.
  7. Weinger, M. B. and Berry, J.: Vigilance, alarms, and integrated monitoring systems. In: Ehrenwerth, J., Eisenkraft, J. B., and Berry, J., editors: Anesthesia Equipment: Principles and Applications. (2nd Edition). Mosby Year Book, Malvern, PA, pp. 448-484, 2013, ISBN 0323112374.
  8. Loeb, R., Weinger, M. B., and Berry, J.: Ergonomics of the anesthesia workspace. In: Ehrenwerth, J., Eisenkraft, J. B., and Berry, J., editors: Anesthesia Equipment: Principles and Applications. (2nd Edition). Mosby Year Book, Malvern, PA, pp. 485-509, 2013, ISBN 0323112374.
Peer-reviewed Proceedings Papers
  1. Weinger, M. B., Slagle, J. M., Kuntz, A., Banerjee, A., Schildcrout, J., Mercaldo, N., France, D., Speroff, T., Bills, J., Walston, K., and the PACU Handover Improvement Team. Improving actual handover behavior with a simulation-based training intervention. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. 54, 2010.
  2. Anders, S., Porterfield, E., Slagle, M., Weinger, M. B.: Under the radar: Technology related events during anesthesia care. American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium Proceedings. November 15, 2010.
Older Papers of Note
  1. Weinger, M. B. and Englund, C. E.: Ergonomic and human factors affecting anesthetic vigilance and monitoring performance in the operating room environment. Anesthesiology 73: 995-1021, 1990.
  2. Weinger, M. B., Herndon, O. W., Paulus, M. P., Gaba, D., Zornow, M. H., and Dallen, L. D.: Objective task analysis and workload assessment of anesthesia providers. Anesthesiology 80: 77-92, 1994.
  3. Gurushanthaiah, K., Weinger, M. B., and Englund, C. E.: Visual display format affects the ability of anesthesiologists to detect acute physiological changes. Anesthesiology 83:1184-93, 1995.
  4. Weinger, M. B.: Cardiovascular reactivity among surgeons: not music to everyone’s ears. Journal of the American Medical Association 273: 1090-91, 1995.
  5. Weinger, M. B., Pantiskas, C., Wiklund, M. E., and Carstensen, P.: Incorporating human factors in the design of medical devices. Journal of the American Medical Association 280: 1484, 1998.
  6. Macario, A., Weinger, M.B., Truong, P., and Lee, M.: Which clinical anesthesia outcomes are both common and important to avoid? The perspective of a panel of expert anesthesiologists. Anesthesia and Analgesia 88: 1085-91, 1999.
  7. Macario, A., Weinger, M. B., Carney, S., and Kim, A.: Which clinical anesthesia outcomes are both common and important to avoid? The perspective of patients. Anesthesia and Analgesia 89:652-58, 1999.
  8. Gaba, D. M, Howard, S., Smith, B., and Weinger, M. B.: Simulators in anesthesiology education. Anesthesia and Analgesia 89:805-806, 1999.
  9. Weinger, M. B., Vrendenburgh, A. G., Schumann, C. M., Macario A., Williams, K. J., Kalsher, M. J., Smith, B., Troung, P., and Kim, A.: Quantitative description of the workload associated with airway management procedures. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 12: 273-82, 2000.
  10. Vrendenburgh, A. G., Weinger, M. B., Williams, K. J., Kalsher, M. J., and Macario, A.: Developing a technique to measure anesthesiologists’ real-time workload. Proceedings of the IEA 2000/HFES 2000 Congress 44: 4241-44, 2000.
  11. Macario, A., Chung, A., Weinger, M. B.: Variation in practice patterns of anesthesiologists in California for prophylaxis of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia. 13: 353-60, 2001.
  12. Knab, J. H., Wallace, M. S., Wagner, R. L., Tsoukatos, J., and Weinger, M. B.: Use of a PC-based expert system facilitates primary care physicians’ management of chronic pain. Anesthesia and Analgesia 93: 712-20, 2001.
  13. Weinger, M. B.: Drug wastage contributes significantly to the cost of routine anesthesia care. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 13: 491-97, 2001.
  14. Weinger, M. B. and Ancoli-Israel, S.: Sleep deprivation and clinical performance. Journal of the American Medical Association 287(8): 955-57, 2002.
  15. Syroid, N. D., Agutter, J., Drews, F. A, Westenskow, D. R., Albert, R. W., Bermudez, J. C., Strayer, D. L., Prenzel, H, Loeb, R. G., Weinger, M. B.: Development and evaluation of a graphical drug display. Anesthesiology 96:565-75, 2002.
  16. Slagle, J., Weinger, M. B., Dinh, M.-T.T., Wertheim, V. V., and Williams, K.: Assessment of the intrarater and interrater reliability of a clinical task analysis methodology. Anesthesiology 96: 1129-39, 2002.
  17. Fraind, D. B., Slagle, J. S., Tubbesing, V., Hughes, S., Weinger, M. B.: Reengineering intravenous drug and fluid administration processes in the operating room: Step one: Task analysis of existing processes. Anesthesiology 97: 139-47, 2002.
  18. Weinger, M. B. and Slagle, J.: Human factors research in anesthesia patient safety: Techniques to elucidate factors affecting clinical task performance and decision-making. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 9(6 Suppl): S58-63, 2002.
  19. Howard, S. K., Gaba, D. M., Smith, B. E., Weinger, M. B., Herndon, C., Keshavacharya, S., and Rosekind, M. R.: Simulation study of rested versus sleep-deprived anesthesiologists. Anesthesiology 98:1345-55, 2003.
  20. Delson, N. J., Koussa, N., Hastings, R. H., Weinger, M. B. Quantifying expert vs. novice skill in vivo for development of a laryngoscopy simulator. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 94: 45-51, 2003.
  21. Wachter, S. B., Agutter, J., Syroid, N., Drews, F., Weinger, M. B., Westenskow, D.: The employment of an iterative design process to develop a pulmonary graphical display. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) 10: 363-72, 2003.
  22. Weinger, M. B., Slagle, J., Jain, S., and Ordonez, N.: Retrospective data collection and analytical techniques for patient safety studies. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 36:106-19, 2003.
  23. Wong, D. H., Gallegos, Y., Weinger, M. B., Clack, S., Slagle, J., and Anderson, C. T.: Changes in intensive care unit nurse task activity after installation of a third-generation intensive care unit information system. Critical Care Medicine 31:2488-94, 2003.
  24. Agutter, J., Drews, F., Syroid, M., Westenskow, D., Albert, R., Strayer, D., Bermudez, J., Weinger, M. B.: Evaluation of a graphic cardiovascular display in a high fidelity simulator. Anesthesia and Analgesia 97: 1403-13, 2003.
  25. Weinger, M. B., Gonzales, D. C., Slagle, J., and Syeed, M.: Video capture of clinical care to enhance patient safety: The nuts and bolts. Quality and Safety in Healthcare 13: 136-44, 2004.
  26. Weinger, M. B., Reddy, S., and Slagle, J.: Multiple measures of anesthesia workload during teaching and nonteaching cases. Anesthesia and Analgesia 98(5): 1419-25, 2004.
  27. Vrendenburgh, A. and Weinger, M. B. Communication of drug hazard information: A critical analysis of how the relationship between the pharmaceutical companies, the FDA, clinicians and patients impacts patient safety. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 48: 2004-44, 2004.
  28. Connor, O., Cooke, N., Weinger, M. B., and Slagle. J.: Using psychological scaling techniques to assess clinical expertise in anesthesiology. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 48: 1746-50, 2004.
  29. Liang, B. A., Weinger, M. B. and Suydam, S.: Learning from others: Legal aspects of sharing patient safety data using provider consortiums. Journal of Patient Safety 1(2): 83-89, 2005.
  30. Oken, A., Rasmussen, M. D., Slagle, J., Jain, S., Kuykendall, T., Ordonez, N., and Weinger, M. B.: A facilitated survey instrument captures significantly more anesthesia patient safety events than does traditional event reporting. Anesthesiology 107: 909-922, 2007.
  31. Talbot, T. R., Tejedor, S. C., Greevey, R. A., Burgess, H., Williams, M. V., Deshpande, J. K., McFadden, P., Weinger, M. B., Englebright, J., Dittus, R. S., and Speroff, T.: A survey of infection control programs in a large national healthcare system. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 28(12), 1401-3, 2007.
  32. Weinger, M. B.: Experience != Expertise: Can simulation be used to tell the difference? Anesthesiology 107(5): 691-4, 2007.
  33. Slagle, J. M, Kuntz, A., France, D., Speroff, T., Madbouly, A., and Weinger, M.B.: Simulation Training for Rapid Assessment and Improved Teamwork: Lessons learned from a project evaluating clinical handoffs. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 51: 668-71, 2007.
  34. Rayo, M., Smith, P., Weinger, M. B., Slagle, J. S.: Assessing Medication Safety Technology in the Intensive Care Unit. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 51: 692-96, 2007.
  35. Bayley, R., Weinger, M., Meador, S., and Slovis, C.: Impact of ambulance crew configuration on simulated cardiac arrest resuscitation. Prehospital Emergency Care 12: 62-68, 2008.
  36. Cao, C. G. L., Weinger, M. B., Slagle, J., Zhou, C., Ou, J., Vora, S., Sheh, B., and Mazzei, W.: Differences in day and night shift clinical performance in Anesthesiology. Human Factors 50: 276-90, 2008.
  37. Dollarhide, A. W., Rutledge, T., Weinger, M. B., and Dresselhaus, T.: Use of a handheld computer application improves voluntary medication event reporting by inpatient nurses and physicians. Journal of General Internal Medicine 23(4): 418–22, 2008.
  38. Wall, R. J., Ely, E. W., Talbot, T. R., Weinger, M. B., Williams, M.V., Reischel, J., Burgess, L. H., Dittus, R. S., Speroff, T., and Deshpande, J. K.: Evidence-based algorithms for diagnosing and treating ventilator-associated pneumonia. Journal of Hospital Medicine 3(5): 409-22, 2008.
  39. Levin, S., Dittus, R., Aronsky, D., Weinger, M. B., Han, J., Boord, J., and France, D. Optimizing cardiology capacity to reduce Emergency Department boarding: A systems engineering approach. American Heart Journal 156(6): 1202-9, 2008.
  40. Slagle, J. and Weinger, M. B.: Effects of intraoperative reading on vigilance and workload during anesthesia care in an academic medical center. Anesthesiology 110(2): 275-83, 2009.
  41. Stucky, E. R., Dresselhaus, T. R., Dollarhide, A., Shively, M., Maynard, G., Jain, S., Wolfson, T., Weinger, M. B., Rutledge, T.: Intern to attending: assessing stress among physicians. Academic Medicine 84(2): 251-7, 2009.
  42. Rutledge, T., Stucky, E., Dollarhide, A., Shively, M., Jain, S., Wolfson, T., Weinger, M. B., Dresselhaus, T.: A real-time assessment of work stress in physicians and nurses. Health Psychology 28(2): 194-200, 2009.
  43. Unertl, K. M., Weinger, M. B., Johnson, K. B., Lorenzi, N. M.: Describing and modeling workflow and information flow in chronic disease care. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) 16(6): 826-36, 2009.
Selected Recent Presentations
  1. Arnold S. Small Safety Lecture. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (9/29/10). If not by you, then by who? Human factors contributions to perioperative patient safety.
  2. Post-Graduate Assembly, New York Society of Anesthesiologists. Panel presentation, New York City, NY (12/13/10). Performance shaping factors in anesthesiology.
  3. Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation. Presenter at the Consensus Conference on Essential Monitoring Strategies to Detect Clinically Significant Drug-Induced Respiratory Depression in the Postoperative Period. Scottsdale, AZ (6/8/11).
  4. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Technical Expert Panel on Computer-Based Decision Support (CDS), special session on CDS usability. Rockville, MD (8/4/11). What will it take to make CDS more usable and used?
  5. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 54st Annual Meeting, Panel on: “Integrating Human Factors into Everyday Healthcare Work.” Las Vegas, NV (9/22/11). Talk title: CRISS – An internal consulting model.
  6. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 54st Annual Meeting, Panel on: “Simulation in Healthcare – One Size Fits All.” Las Vegas, NV (9/23/11). Talk Title: Simulation in Healthcare: Having an Impact.
  7. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 54st Annual Meeting, Panel on: “Human Factors Training in Aviation and Healthcare – What We Know Works Best and How to put it into Practice.” Las Vegas, NV (9/20/11). Talk Title: Perioperative teamwork: Issues and interventions.
  8. American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting, APSF Board of Directors Workshop on: “Current Anesthesia Patient Safety Issues: Help Set the Priorities for Immediate Short-Term Resolution”. Chicago, IL (10/15/11). Physician hand-offs: A role for a checklist?
  9. Keynote Speaker. Baptist Hospital High-Reliability Organization Leadership Summit, Nashville, TN (12/2/11). Human factors in patient safety.
  10. Visiting Professor and Pediatric Grand Rounds Speaker. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati, OH (4/10/12). Human factors to advance patient safety. (also conducted their patient safety research seminar).
  11. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC): “Creating Usable EHRs: A UCD Best-Practices Workshop” Gaithersburg, MD (5/22/12). Developing a framework for enhancing health IT usability: Lessons learned from the medical device industry.
  12. Keynote Speaker. The Barbara Barnes Plenary session. CME Congress 2012, Toronto, Canada (5/30/12). Human factors, patient safety, and a systems approach to continuous clinician learning.
  13. Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) and the Idaho National Laboratories (INL). San Diego, CA (7/20-21/12). Human Factors and Human Reliability in Healthcare and Nuclear Power: Learning from Each Other. Organizer and Facilitator of this invitation only two-day interdisciplinary workshop.
  14. Keynote Speaker. American Nuclear Society 8th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control and Human Machine Interface Technologies. San Diego, CA (7/23/12). Can nuclear power learn anything from healthcare … and vice versa?
  15. Professor. Department of Anesthesiology, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, PA (9/5-6/12). Cognitive biases in personal and professional decision making. Templeton Lecture. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA (9/6/12). Human factors to advance patient safety.
  16. Visiting Professor. Department of Anesthesiology, Washington University, St. Louis School of Medicine (12/18-19/12). Human factors research in healthcare: Making a difference. and Patient Safety: What do anesthesia professionals need to know?
  17. American Society of Anesthesiologists Practice Management Conference. Las Vegas, NV (1/26/13). Fatigue and sleep deprivation.
  18. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2nd Annual Healthcare Symposium. Baltimore, MD (3/11-13/13). The role of clinical simulation in medical device design and evaluation and Clinician workload and non-routine events in perioperative care and Technology related Non-Routine Events.
  19. Society for Pediatric Anesthesiology Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, NV (3/16-18/13). Invited plenary talk entitled Technology and safety in healthcare and Leader and presenter, Event Analysis workshop.
  20. Minnesota Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN (4/19-20/13). Anesthesia Provider Cognition and Fitness for Duty and Medical technology and patient safety.
  21. Visiting Professor. Department of Anesthesiology, Columbia University School of Medicine. New York, NY (5/22-24/13). What every anesthesiologist needs to know about patient safety but is afraid to ask (Sydney Winchell Memorial Lecture) and Understanding perioperative work (Research seminar).
  22. Euroanaesthesia 2013 Congress. Barcelona, Spain (6/3/13). Non-routine events.
  23. Georgia Society of Anesthesiologists 2013 Summer Meeting, Hilton Head, SC (7/19-21, 2013). Fitness for duty and Meaningful use of Health Information Technology for anesthesiology.
  24. Keynote Speaker, Xiangya International Forum on Simulation and Patient Safety. Changsha, Hunan, China (9/13/13). Simulation research to advance medical education and patient care.