Scientific Disciplines We Cover
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Topics of Interest to Our Team
| Representative Research Techniques We Employ
Current CRISS Research Funding
For information on our current projects, refer to our Research page.
Representative Publications (Projects) Involving Our Trainees
- Xu, J. [Post-doc], Slagle, J. M., Banerjee, A., Bracken, B., and Weinger, M. B.: Use of a portable functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) system to examine team experience during crisis event management in clinical simulations. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:85, Mar 2019. PMID: 30890926
- Militello LG, Anders S, Downs SM, Dilulio J, Danielson EC [Student], Hurley RW & Harle CA. Understanding How Primary Care Clinicians Make Sense of Chronic Pain. Cognition, Technology & Work. 2018 Nov, 20:4, 575-584.
- Robinson JR [Student], Anders S, Novak LL, Simpson CL, Holroyd LE, Bennett KA, & Jackson GP. Consumer health-related needs of pregnant women and their caregivers. JAMIA Open. 2018 July; 1(1): 57-66. ooy018.
- Anders S, Aaron H [Student], Jackson GP, & Novak LL. Supporting caregivers in pregnancy: A qualitative study of their activities and roles. Journal of Patient Experience. 2018 July. doi:10.1177/2374373518785570.
- Shroder M [Med Student], Anders S, Dorst M, & Jackson GP. Technology use and preferences for pregnant women and their caregivers. Proceedings of the AMIA 2018 Annual Symposium. Nov 4-8, 2018. (Best student paper award)
- Anders S, Militello, LG, Downs SM, Cook RL, Hurley RW, Danielson EC [Student], & Harle CA. Information technology gaps in primary care management of chronic pain. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare. Boston, MA, Mar 26-28, 2018.
- Anders S, Arron H [Student], Jackson GP, & Novak LL. Designing technologies for caregivers in pregnancy. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare. Boston, MA, Mar 26-28, 2018.
- Reale C, Ariosto D, Weinger MB, & Anders S. Simulation-based usability testing methods support nurses’ safe transition between bar-code medication administration systems. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare. Boston, MA, Mar 26-28, 2018.
- Xu J [Post-doc], Anders S, Pruttianan A, France DJ, Lau N, Adams JA, Weinger MB. Human Performance Measures for the Evaluation of Process Control Human-System Interfaces in High-Fidelity Simulations. Applied Cognition, June 27, 2018.
- Xu, J. [Post-doc], Anders, S., Pruttianan, A., France, D., Lau, N., Adams, J. A., and Weinger, M. B.: Human performance measures for the evaluation of process control human-system interfaces in high-fidelity simulations. Applied Ergonomics 73:151-65. Nov 2018. PMID: 30098630
- Xu, J. [Post-doc], Reale, C., Slagle, J. M., Anders, S., Shotwell, M. S., Dresselhaus, T., Weinger, M. B.: Facilitated nurse medication-related event reporting to improve medication management quality and safety in intensive care units. Nursing Research 66(5): 337-49, Sep/Oct 2017. PMID: 28858143
- Jackson GP, Robinson JR, Ingram E [Med student], Masterman M [Med student], Ivory C, Holloway D, Anders S, Cronin RM. A technology-based patient and family engagement consult service for the pediatric hospital setting. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2017 Jul 22. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocx067.
- Dexheimer JW, Kurowski B [Student], Anders S, McClanahan N, Wade SL & Babcock L. Usability Evaluation of the SMART application for youth with mTBI. Int J Med Inform, 97, 163-170. 2017.
- Xu J [Post doc], Anders S, Pruttianan A [Student], France DJ, Weinger MB. Human Performance Measures for the Evaluation of Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Interfaces: A Systematic Review. 10th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control and Human-Machine Interface Technology, San Francisco, Jun 11-15, 2017.
- France DJ, Hashim NW [Student], Salomon R, Meggs J, Wilkes DM. Acoustic measures of speech as predictors of depression severity. Journal of Voice. 2017 Mar;31(2):256.e1-256.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2016.06.006. Epub 2016 Jul 26.
- Hanks, C. A. [MBA student], Weinger, M. B.: Know yourself, know the system: Developing a successful career and being promoted as an academic anesthesiologist. International Anesthesiology Clinics 54(3):155-69, 2016. PMID: 27285078.
- Whitney GM, Woods MC, France DJ, Austin TM, Deegan RJ, Paroskie A, Baker C [Student], Booth GS, Young PP, Dmochowski RR, Sandberg WV, Pilla MA. Reducing intraoperative red blood cell unit wastage in a large academic medical center. Transfusion. 2015 May; 2015 Nov; 11(55):2752-8. PMID: 26202213.
- Xie, M. [Masters student], Weinger, M. B., Gregg, W. M., Johnson, K. B.: Presenting multiple drug alerts in an ambulatory electronic prescribing system: A usability study of novel prototypes. Applied Clinical Informatics 5(20): 334-48, 2014.
- Zuckerman S [Student], Poon S [Student], Anders S, Bennett M, France DJ. Methodology and bias in assessing compliance with a surgical safety checklist. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. 2013 February. Vol 39; No. 2. PMID: 23427479.
- Mainthia R [Student], Lockney T [Student], Zotov A [Student], France DJ, Bennett M, St. Jacques P, Furman W, Randa S, Feistritzer N, Eavey R, Leming-Lee S, Anders S. Novel use of electronic whiteboard in the operating room increases surgical team compliance with pre-incision safety practices. Surgery. 2012 May;151(5):660-6. Epub 2012 Jan 11.
- Zuckerman SL [Student], France DJ, Green C, Leming-Lee S, Anders S, Mocco, J. Surgical debriefing: A reliable roadmap to completing the patient safety cycle. Neurosurgery Focus. 2012 Nov; Vol. 5(33):E4. PMID: 23116099.
- Levin S [Student], Dittus R, Aronsky D, Weinger M, France DJ. Evaluating the effects of increasing surgical volume on emergency department patient access. BMJ Quality and Safety. 20:146-152, 2011.
- Anders S, Miller A, Zotov A [Student], Weinger MB, Booker R, France DJ. Blood product positive patient identification: Comparative simulation-based usability test of two commercial products. Transfusion. 2011 Nov. 11(51):2311-8.
- Han JH, France DJ, Levin SR [Student], Jones I, Storrow A, Aronsky D. The effect of physician triage on emergency department length of stay. Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2010 August; 39(2)227-33.
- France DJ, Throop P, Joers B, Allen L, Parekh AD, Rickard D [Student], Deshpande JK. Health Environments. Research and Design Journal. 2009 Fall;3(1):79-96.
- Dale C [Student], Dezube R [Student], Levin S [Student], Weinger MB, France DJ, Registered nurse work patterns as a function of emergency department occupancy and boarding burden. Annals of Emergency Medicine. September 2008 Volume 50, Issue 3, Pages S46.
- France DJ, Leming-Lee S, Jackson T [Student], Feistritzer N, Higgins MS. An observational analysis of surgical team compliance with perioperative safety practices after crew resource management training. American Journal of Surgery. 01-APR-2008; 195(4): 546-53.
- Levin SR [Student], Dittus RS, Aronsky D, Weinger WB, Han JH, Boord J, France DJ. Optimizing cardiology capacity to reduce emergency department boarding: A systems engineering approach. American Heart Journal. 2008 Dec;156(6):1202-9. Epub 2008 Aug 29.
- Bayley R [Medical student], Weinger MB, Meador S, Slovis C: Impact of ambulance crew configuration on simulation cardiac arrest resuscitation. Prehospital Emerg Care 12: 62-8, 2008.
- Levin S [Student], Hemphill R, Han J, Slagle J, Aronsky D, France DJ. Shifting toward balance: Measuring the distribution of workload among emergency physician teams. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2007 Oct; 50(4):419-23. Epub 2007 June 7.
- Levin S [Student], Aronsky D, Han JH, Zhou C, France DJ. Modeling competition for inpatient cardiac care: Impact on emergency department boarding times. Annals of Emergency Medicine. September 2007 Volume 50, Issue 3, Pages S89.
- Levin S [Student], Han J, Aronsky D, Zhou C, Hoot N, Kelly L, France DJ. Stranded on emergency isle: Modeling competition for cardiac services using survival analysis. Proceedings of the Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. pp.1772-1776, 2-4 Dec. 2007, Singapore.
- Dale C [Medical student] Dezube R [Medical student], Levin S [Graduate student], France D, Weinger M. Impact of Emergency Department occupancy and patient boarding on registered nurse work patterns and subjective ratings of workload and quality (abstract). Ann Emerg Med. 50(3): S46, 2007.
- Rayo M [Graduate student], Smith P, Weinger MB, Slagle JS: Assessing medication safety technology in the Intensive Care Unit. Proc Human Factors Ergon Society 51: 692-6, 2007.
- Oken A, Rasmussen MD [Anesthesiology fellow], Slagle J, Jain S, Kuykendall T, Ordonez N [Postdoctoral fellow], Weinger MB: A facilitated survey instrument captures significantly more anesthesia patient safety events than does traditional event reporting. Anesthesiology 107: 909-22, 2007.
- St. Jacques P, France DJ, Pilla M, Lai E [Student], Higgins MS. Evaluation of a hands-free wireless communication device in the perioperative environment. Telemedicine Journal and E-Health. Vol. 12, No 1: 42-49, Feb 2006.
- Levin SR [Student], France DJ, Hemphill R, Chen K, Rickard D [Student], Makowski R [Student], Aronsky D. Tracking workload in emergency physicians. Human Factors. 2006 Fall;48(3):526-39.
- Levin S [Student], France DJ, Mayberry RS, Stonemetz S, Jones I, Aronsky D. The effects of computerized nurse triage on nurse work behavior. American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium Proceedings. November 2006.
- Unertl KM [Masters student], Weinger MB, Johnson KB: Applying direct observation to model workflow and assess adoption. AMIA Annual Symp Proc 794-8, 2006.
- Harris B [Anesthesia resident], Weinger MB. An insidious failure of an oxygen analyzer (case report). Anesth Analg 102(5): 1468-72, 2006.
- Liang BA, Weinger MB, Suydam S [Medical student]. Learning from others: Legal aspects of sharing patient safety data using provider consortiums, J Patient Safety 1(2):83-9, 2005.
- France DJ, Levin SR [Student], Hemphill R, Chen K, Rickard D [Student], Makowski R [Student], Jones I, Aronsky D. Emergency physicians’ behaviors and workload in the presence of an electronic whiteboard. International Journal of Medical Informatics. October 2005, 74, 827-37.
- France DJ, Throop P, Walczyk B, Allen L, Parekh AD, Parsons A, Rickard D [Student], Deshpande JK. Does patient-centered design guarantee patient safety? Using human factors engineering to find a balance between provider and patient needs. Journal of Patient Safety. 1(3), September 2005, 145-153.