Education Newsletter January 2023

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Competency for FY 2023 Will be assigned on January 16th 
From January 16th- June 15th, you will be completing the required competencies for VUMC in addition to CVICU Specific Competencies.
Every employee has yearly competencies that must be completed each fiscal year.
Competencies are assigned in LMS under 2023 FY Competency Curricula. Once each competency is ompleted, it will appear in green (some may take a few weeks to show approval after completion). 

** This is different from your individual annual expiration items (ex: TB Skin Test, N-95 fit test, POC Glucose testing)**

For resources on vaccinations through the Health & Wellness portal visit: 
CVICU Specific Competencies for 2023: 

Nurses and Care Partners each have 2 focused competencies this year. They will be laid out below, as well as the methods of completion.
** IF you are still on orientation as of January 1st,  you do not have to complete competencies for this year, your initial orientation package is going to be your completion package ** 

Standard communication will be initiated via the competency team from January 16- June 15th. If you have any questions regarding competencies please reach out to
Registered Nurses:

1. 2023 FY VUH ICU Quality and Safety: This covers CVICU Quality Metrics including CLABSI, CAUTI, Falls, PI, safety equipment and general room cleanliness. 
By logging into LMS you can see a comprehensive list of the competency requirements 
Two Methods of Validation include:
  • Observation of Daily Work: If your patient meets all of the competency requirements, a validator can check you off on the competency while you are at work.
    • Validators include: Educator, CSL, Charge Nurse, Manager, Program Coordinator 
  • Exemplar: An essay for each competency requirement is required to demonstrate knowledge of ICU Quality and Safety.
2. 2023 FY VUH IABP: As one of our most frequently used devices, the competency will be based around safe management and troubleshooting.
By logging into LMS you can see a comprehensive list of the competency requirements 
Two Methods of Validation Include: 
  • Event: By Your request, we will be hosting 6 skills days this spring! (see below for more information) you have the chance to perform an in person return demonstration of the competency requirements for balloon pumps. Estimated time for completion is 10 minutes 
  • Exempar: Write a minimum 500 word essay on the components of assuming care of an IABP patient, safety checks, room requirements and charting requirements.
Care Partners: 

1. 2023 FY VUH Pressure Injury Prevention: pressure injury prevention is of paramount importance for our patients this competency breaks into the prevention of pressure injuries 
Two methods of validation Include:
  • Return Demonstration: Complete a return demonstration that discusses the following competency requirements. List of validators can be found on LMS
  • Case Study: Complete a case study on pressure inury prevention within LMS
2. 2023 FY ICU Safety: This competency covers the quality metrics important to the CVICU including oral care, foley care, pressure injury prevention, AM checklist of standard daily work 
Two methods of validation include:
  • Return Demonstration: complete required competencies in observation of a validator including: Educator, CSL, Charge Nurse, Manager or Program Coordinator 
  • Case Study: Complete a case study online discussing the components of the ICU Safety Competency 
What's this about a Skills day?? 
Each skills day will have 4 topics, a comprehensive list of skills day topics will be sent out the month of the skills day, or on the CVICU Website in the 'blog' 

An additional review of competency information can be found on the CVICU website, link below.
CVICU Website Link
  • Competencies are opened January 16th. You have until June 15th to get them completed
  • Care Partners and Nurses have two focused competencies each, information can be found on LMS after January 16th.
  • In conjunction with competencies we will be hosting 6 skills days with topics requested by staff, you can find the information for skills day topics on the flier above, or the CVICU Website. EACH SKILLS DAY will have varying topics, so make sure you are coming to the one that has your topic of interest
CVICU INQUIRER | December 2022

Email JoAnna

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