Education Newsletter March 2023

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Patient Education: Krames 
Patient education for ECMO can be difficult... Krames makes it easy! 

If you type 'VUMC Krames' in your browsing window, you can narrow down to ECMO in the search bar and it provides straight forward education that you can print off and give our patients or their family members regarding ECMO. This is a great tool that provides info on 
- What ECMO is
- What to expect if your family member is on ECMO
- Risks of ECMO for the patient 

Click the link below to get more info! 
VUMC Krames
Next Skills Day is March 23rd rom 1500-1700!! 
Remember its Competency season and the earlier you get these completed, less stress come June!! Stop by anytime between 1 PM and 5 PM!
Info Including
- Impella (Including our updated Impella 5.5 pump!!) 
- Calcium Citrate
- Lumbar Drains
- Temporary Pacemakers
Nasal Decolonization is on the MAR!!
As a part of our CLABSI prevention tactics, nasal decolonization is a method implemented to reduce Staph infections in hospitalized patients.
By decolonizing our patients nares, we are reducing the risk of Staph infections thus decreasing their risk of spreading staph to their central line causing a CLABSI. Previously completed with Iodine swabs, Mupirocin is taking its place and will be documented via the MAR. This tactic is already used in our cardiac surgery patient population pre and post cardiac surgery for surgical site infection prevention.

This will be ordered on ALL patients admitted to the ICU. They will have Mupirocin BID at 10/10 for 5 days (10 doses)

There is a module in LMS for Nasal Decolonization, it is required and due Today if you haven't looked at it yet. Reach out to me if you have any questions!
Starting in April, VUMC is transition from our current supply system to a new Tecsys (phonetically: teck-sis) system. This system will standardize our supplies, improve tracking so you have ready access to the things your patient needs! 

You are assigned a comprehensive training in LMS that is assigned for training that is due by 3/31.

Some Quick Points on Tecsys
- Nursing Kiosk will still be in the supply room where you can record patient related supply usage. Supplies that require scanning will then be deducted from inventory, and new product will be ordered. **This is for items that are charged per patient**
- New bins will be implemented with ID tags (Two-Bin Kanban). You open the bin and grab the supply. When the bin is empty, you will place the tag on the re-stocking panel to notify service center to replenish the item's stock 
**These are items that are charged to the unit or for supply**
- These bins are stacked two deep. You grab supplies from the front bin until empty then continue onto the secondary bin

*More info to come!*
Upcoming Educational Opportunities!!! 

CVICU Procedure and Emergency Management Course: May 30th
CVICU IABP Super User Course: March 22nd 
**Sign up in LMS**
CCRN Review Course: May 24-25th (This will come up via nurse alerts STAY VIGILENT, spots fill up fast!) 
CVICU Website Link
  • If you need help educating ECMO patients and family members, Krames is a great option.
  • The next Skills day is March 23rd stop in from 1PM-5PM, remember this is a competency requirement! 
  • Nasal Decolonization is now on the MAR as Mupirocin, module is assigned in LMS and due.
  • Tecsys is coming! Complete your LMS package 
  • Next course dates are listed as above 

Email JoAnna

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