See here to view all current clinical references on current CVICU Content and Devices. For Nursing Clinical references please visit Elsevier Skills
Category | Device | Description |
Angiotensin II | Angiotensin II | Angiotensin II Provider and Nursing Tip Sheet |
Art Lines | Art Line Tip Sheet | Tip sheet on art line maintainance |
Bariatric | First 4 Weeks | Bariatric New Patient and 1st Four Weeks Guideline |
Bariatric | Nutrition Guide Presentation | Bariatric Nutrition Guidelines |
Bariatric | Post Op Complications | Bariatric Post Op Care |
Bariatric Bed | Bariatric bed matress surface settings | Reminders on use of the bariatric bed inflation system and quick tip sheet |
Bariatric Bed | Bariatric Dolphin Bed Update | Information update on the new Umano bariatraic bed, includes quick tips and troubleshooting |
BIS | BIS Reference Card | BIS brain monitoring reference card for use when chemically paralyzing patients |
Bladder Pressure | Intra-Abdominal Pressure Monitoring Step by step | Abdominal pressure monitoring reference |
Bladder Pressure | Quick Links for Bladder Pressure | Abdominal Pressure links to videos |
Blanketrol | Blanketrol III Quick Reference Guide | A quick reference guide on how to use the the Blanketrol III |
Blood Cultures | Blood Culture Collection Protocol | Infographic describing blood culture collection protocol within the CVICU and VUAH |
Blood Culture Tips | Tips on how collecting and drawing blood cultes | Helpful tips for collecting blood cultures and simple reminders |
Charting Requirements | CVICU Charting Requirements | CV Specific charting requirements |
C-Collar | ASPEN Collar Placement Instructoins | A guide on how to properly place an ASPEN C-Collar |
C-Collar | ASPEN Collar Sizing Guide | A guide on how to properly fit an ASPEN C-Collar |
Calcium Channel or Beta Blocker Overdose | CCB or BB Ovedose | Current Protocol on beta blocker or calcium channel blocker overdose |
Cangrelor | Cangrelor Dosing and Administration | Information on how to run cangrelor in the ICU and guidelines |
CAM-ICU | CAM-ICU Flowsheet | CAM-ICU delierum flowsheet |
CentriMag | CentriMag Alarm & Alert Guide | CentriMag alert guide |
CentriMag | CentriMag Powerpoint | CentriMag PowerPoint presentation |
CentriMag | CentriMag Circuit Checklist | Use this CentriMag circuit checklist for ongoing assessments and during handoff. |
Coagulopathy | Factor-VII Administration | How to administer Factor VII |
CORTRAK | CORTRAK Advanced Placement Techniques | CORTRAK dobhoff post pyloric feeding tube placement techniques |
CORTRAK 2 | New Cortrak Guide | Updated information on the Cortrak 2 guide, usage and troubleshooting |
CRRT | CRRT Blood Warmer | A guide to the Prismaflo IIS blood warmer for the Prismaflex CRRT machines |
CRRT | CRRT Calcium Citrate Setup | CRRT calcium citrate and heparin anticoagulation checklist and graphic |
ECMO | ECMO Dressing Change | ECMO Dressing Change |
ECMO-When to Call Perfusion and Updated Checklist | ECMO-When to Call Perfusion and Updated Checklist | ECMO-When to Call Perfusion and Updated Checklist |
ECMO vs. MCS | ECMO vs. MCS | ECMO vs Mechanical Circulatory Support with CentriMag or Spectrum |
EntraFlo | Entraflo | Entraflo Video Guide |
ECMO-Free Trial | ECMO Free | Educational resource on the ECMO Free trial, safety screening and participation within the CVICU |
ECMO | ECMOÂ Circuit Checklist | Use this ECMO circuit checklist for ongoing assessments and during handoff. |
EKG | 12-lead Diagnostic Criteria for Conduction Defects | A table that details 12-lead Diagnostic Criteria for Conduction Defects such as right and left bundle branch blocks |
EKG | 12-Lead EKG Placement | A pictorial representation of where to place EKG leads |
EKG | MI Heart Leads | A pictorial representation of EKG lead views |
EKG | 12 Lead Table | A table of EKG lead views |
EKOS | EKOS Inservice | EKOS Inservice Power Point Presentation of set up managing and common alarms |
EKOS | EKOS Tips | EKOS One Page Tip Sheet for set up and new buttons |
Esophagectomy | Esophagectomy | Esophagectomy Tip Sheet |
External Resources | AACN Clinical Resources | AACN Critical Care resources |
Hemodynamics | PAC Hemodynamic Parameters | Hemodynamic Parameters Handout with CVP, PAP, PCWP and other parameters |
Hemodynamics | Summary of RA, PCWP, and LA Waveforms | A table describing the various pulmonary artery waveforms |
Hemodynamics | LiDCOrapid Brochure | LiDCOrapid hemodynamic monitoring device |
Hemodynamics | PAC Computational Constants | Swan-Ganz pulmonary artery catheter computational constants |
Hemodynamics | Dr. Montgomery's Pressorgram | A pictorial representation of pressor functions |
Hemodynamics | NEJM User of Pressure Transducers | Video overview of pressure transducers |
IABP | ARROW to DATASCOPE/MAQUET IABP Tubing Adaptors | A guide to connect an ARROW IABP to a Datascope/Maquet console |
IABP | IABP Timing Guide | Maquet IABP timing hints |
IABP | IABP safety screening tool | Updated IABP Safety screening tool to be completed at any care handover |
IABP | a href=""> New Optimus IABP | Brochure for new Optimus IABP |
IABP | Maquet IABP Online Training | Online IABP Training provided by Maquet |
Impella | Impella Key Points | Impella key maintenance points |
Impella | Impella Basics | Basics of 5.0, 5.5 and Impella RP Flex |
Impella | ABC of Impella | ABC Impella Education Resource. Impella Reference |
Lab | Lab Test Directory | Link to lab testing directory for tube color, collection and helpful information |
Landing a Case | tasks for landing a case | Infographic describing key tasks that the RN must do when landing a case |
Latex Free Swan | Latex Free Swan | Helpful Guide for latex free swan insertion |
CVICU Liver Transplant Guidance | CVICU Liver Transplant Guidance | CVICU Liver Transplant Guidance |
Liver Transplant Tip Sheet | Liver Transplant Tip Sheet | Liver Transplant Tip Sheet |
Liver Transplant Pathway | Liver Transplant Pathway | Liver Transplant Pathway |
Lumbar Drain | Temporary Lumbar Drain Inservice | Temporary lumbar drain virtual inservicing |
Lumbar Drain | Lumbar Drain One Pager | Temporary lumbar drain one pager |
Lumbar Drain | Lumbar Drain Setup | How to position stop-cocks and pop-off for the Codman lumbar drain setup |
Medication | Clevidipine Facts | Facts on Clevidipine intravenous dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker |
Medication | CVICU Drip Guid | A guide to the various continuous medication infusions used in the CVICU and their impact on hemodynamics |
Medication | Insulin Actions & Peak Times | Information on the use of different types of insulin including onset and peak times |
Medications | Perioperative Transplant Medication Orders | Preop Transplant Medication Orders |
Mentorship | Mentorship Guidance References | Goals for mentorship and guided topics |
INVOS NIRS | NIRS Tips | NIRS Buttonogrophy tip sheet |
INVOS NIRS | NIRS Manual | NIRS Operational Manual |
Onboarding Quick Sheet | Onboarding Resource for Travelers or staffing colla | Onbarding Resource, Traveler resource, Staffing Collaborative |
Orientation Manual | CVICU Orientation Manual | A copy of the CVICU Orientation Manual |
PCA | Documenting PCA Infusions | 2023 Update on documenting continuous narcotic infusions |
Peritoneal Dialysis | Baxter Central Supply PPM Numbers | Peritoneal dialysis Baxter supply re-order numbers |
Peritoneal Dialysis | PD Education Overview | Peritoneal Dialysis Education Overview |
Peritoneal Dialysis | Baxter Peritoneal Dialysis Delivery Instructions | How to utilize the Baxter peritoneal dialysis delivery system |
Physician Resources | NEJM Ultrasound-Guided Cannulation of the Subclavian Vein | Video overview of central line insertion using ultrasound-guided cannulation of subclavian vein |
Pressure Injury | Pressure Injury Treatment Algorithm | An algorithm providing nurses with pressure injury prevention and treatment guidelines |
Pressure Injury | Pressure Injury Prevention Products | A tip sheet about the various products available to nurses to aid in pressure injury prevention and treatment |
Room Setup | Stryker InTouch ICU Bed Guide | Information on Stryker InTouch ICU beds |
Room Setup | Open Heart Room Set Up | How to set up a typical room for landing a surgery |
TAH | AHA CPR Algorithm for TAH | American Heart Association Total Artificial Heart arrest algorithm |
TAH | TAH Manual | Total Artificial Heart Operator Manual |
TAH | TAH Alarm Guide | Total Artificial Heart Alarm Guide and Quick Reference |
TSAM | TSAM Chart | Preceptor and Orientee Chart for TSAM Orientation |
Tandem | Tandem Heart Quick Guide | Tandem Heart Quick Guide |
Trach | Bivona Fome-Cuf Trach | Bivona Trach User Guidelines |
Code Dose TPA | Code Dose TPA | Code dose TPA administration for patients in cardiac arrest secondary to pulmonary emoblism. |
VAD | Heart Ware Alarms Pocket Guide | HeartWare alarm pocket guide reference |
VAD | HeartWare Quick Reference | HeartWare quick reference guide |
VAD | HeartMate II Alarms Pocket Guide | HeartMate II alarm pocket guide reference |
VAD | HMIII Alarms Pocket Guide | HeartMate III alarm pocket guide reference |
VAD | HeartMate Touch Reference | Guide to new HeartMate touch IPAD console for HM3 Vad |
VAD | HeartMate Touch Troubleshooting | Quick Troubleshooting Guide for HeartMate Touch Consoles |
VAD | HeartMate II Manual | HeartMate II LVAD operations manual |
VAD | Gauze Dressing Change | How to coplete a gauze dressing change on a fresh VAD patient |
VAD | Centurion Dressing Change | Completing a Centurion dressing change |
VAD | CVICU Post-Op VAD Care | CVICU Post Operatiev VAD Care |
Vasoactive Drugs Hemodynamic Consequences | Vasoactive Drugs | CVICU Vasoactive Drug Actions |
Wound Vac | KCI Wound Vac Trouble Shooting Guide | Troubleshooting guide for the KCI wound vac machines |
Wound Care | Wound Care Orders Update 2022 | 2022 Guidelines for Wound care and nursing orders |